who can create an mcle course

by Nico Cummerata 3 min read

How do I become a CLE or MCLE provider?

To apply for CLE accreditation, providers must submit a Request for Recognition of a Certified Provider, available on the Colorado Supreme Court’s website. Connecticut does not administer a formal approval process for MCLE courses.

What are the required credits for the MCLE?

Here is a breakdown of the required credits: Half of the 25 MCLE hours must be in activities approved for what are called "participatory" MCLE credit. No more than 12.5 hours can be for self-study Other special requirements: At least four hours of legal ethics. At least one hour on competence issues.

What is an MCLE multiple activity provider?

A "multiple activity provider" is approved to grant credit for any MCLE activity that complies with the terms of the multiple activity provider agreement. These providers should have a history of providing more than four activities before applying.

Where can I take MCLE classes in Los Angeles?

Attorneys and Paralegals: Complete Your Minimum Continuing Legal Education (MCLE) requirements at LA Law Library with our practical and timely, live and pre-recorded classes!

How do I become a MCLE provider?

To be a Legal Specialist Single Activity Provider (LS-SAP), a provider must first apply for MCLE credit and, on the same application, select the applicable legal specialization areas. The application fee to obtain an LS-SAP status is a $90 processing fee plus an additional $22 for each specialty area.

What qualifies as MCLE in California?

Activities that qualify for credit include education in the recognition and elimination of impermissible bias in the courtroom, law office, attorney-client relationships and relationships with other attorneys, legal and nonlegal employment, the workplace, hiring, managing, and terminating employees, and in housing, ...

Is MCLE the same as CLE?

Continuing legal education (CLE), also known as mandatory or minimum continuing legal education (MCLE) or, in some jurisdictions outside the United States, as continuing professional development, consists of professional education for attorneys that takes place after their initial admission to the bar.

What is MCLE training?

With a few exceptions, all attorneys who are actively practicing law in California must complete ongoing legal training referred to as Minimum Continuing Legal Education (MCLE). The State Bar establishes and monitors compliance with the MCLE requirements for California licensees.

How many hours of MCLE are required in California?

25 hoursWith a few exceptions, all attorneys who are actively practicing law in California must complete 25 hours of Minimum Continuing Legal Education (MCLE) every three years and file a report with the State Bar.

What is the MCLE compliance period?

MCLE Compliance Periods The initial compliance period for members newly admitted or readmitted to the IBP shall begin on the first day of the month of admission or readmission and shall end on the same day as that of all other members.

What is self study MCLE?

The MCLE rules specify that some types of activities qualify for self-study credit. They include: Studying online materials and taking an assessment test. Preparing written materials for a law book or legal course.

How do I submit my CLE to California?

The last day to complete your mandatory California bar association CLE requirements is January 31 and the reporting deadline is February 1. Because California is a self-reporting CLE state, CA attorneys must self-report CA CLE compliance through "My State Bar Profile" on the State Bar of California website.

How do I report a CLE in NY?

A] Please e-mail your questions or comments to [email protected]. You may also contact us at (212) 428-2105, or toll free from outside of New York City at 1 (877) NYS-4CLE (697-4253).

What is MCLE noncompliance?

Rule 2.90 defines “noncompliance” as the failure to: (A) complete the required education during the compliance period; (B) report compliance or claim exemption from the requirements; (C) keep a record of MCLE compliance; or (D) pay fees for noncompliance.

What is the purpose of a CLE?

CLE reinforces lawyers' legal knowledge in two main ways: The first is by filling any gaps in a lawyer's legal education and the second is by broadening a lawyer's legal knowledge both in areas lawyers should know and areas they don't know as well.

What is CLE credit?

Continuing legal education (CLE), also known as mandatory or minimum continuing legal education (MCLE) or continuing professional development, consists of professional education for attorneys that takes place after their initial admission to the bar.

Self-study credit

The MCLE rules specify that some types of activities qualify for self-study credit. They include:

Approval for credit

Attorneys are responsible for making sure the MCLE hours they report are approved for credit by the State Bar or by another U.S. state or country that the bar has designated as an “approved jurisdiction.” See the list of approved jurisdictions .

How to become a CLE provider in Tennessee?

To obtain instructions on how to become an accredited CLE provider in Tennessee, providers must call the Tennessee Commission on Continuing Legal Education at 615-741-3096 ext. 3 or email [email protected]. To learn more, check out the Tennessee Commission on Continuing Legal Education’s website.

What is CLE accreditation?

Introduction to CLE Accreditation. Becoming an accredited continuing legal education (CLE) provider requires strict adherence to a state bar’s accreditation process. If you’re seeking to get your CLE course accredited, ensure that you follow the steps necessary in your specific jurisdiction. Each state’s bar association follows its own protocols ...

What is the Oregon State Bar MCLE?

The Oregon State Bar MCLE Department is responsible for accrediting MCLE programs in Oregon. Providers must submit a description of the presentation or a schedule, in addition to the appropriate form. Providers must create a sponsor account on the Oregon State Bar’s website, where they can find the application form. For more information, visit the Oregon State Bar’s website.

How much does it cost to get CLE accreditation?

The application fee for CLE accreditation is $20 for programs shorter than two hours in length and $50 for programs longer than two hours. Providers are also required to submit an agenda of the program, biographies of the presenters, and a brief description of the material that attendees of the program will receive.

How much does it cost to get CLE in Iowa?

Online applications are subject to a $50 application fee, while paper applications are subject to a $65 application fee.

What is CLE form 2?

Providers seeking CLE accreditation must complete CLE Form 2 (Request for Approval of Continuing Legal Education Activity Form) for every course they would like to be considered for CLE approval. Additionally, applications must include:

How long does it take to get a continuing legal education license in Indiana?

For an application to be considered timely, the state must receive the application at least 30 days prior to the course. For more information, visit the Indiana Judiciary’s website.


Important Terms to Know

Types of Providers

  • Single Activity Provider
    A Single Activity Provider (SAP) is approved to grant credit for a single MCLE activity. To be considered for SAP status, the provider must first have an approved application in accordance with State Bar procedures. The application fee for SAP status is $90. When approved, the provid…
  • Multiple Activity Provider
    A Multiple Activity Provider (MAP) is approved to grant credit for any MCLE activity that complies with the terms of the MAP agreement. To be considered for MAP status, a provider must within a two-year period receive State Bar approval for four different single-activity programs. The four M…
See more on calbar.ca.gov

Related Links

Contact Information

  • Provider Certification Program
    The State Bar of California MCLE Providers 180 Howard Street San Francisco, CA 94105 Email: [email protected]
  • Legal Specialist Certification Program
    The State Bar of California Department of Legal Specialization 180 Howard Street San Francisco, CA 94105 Email: [email protected]
See more on calbar.ca.gov