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Apr 01, 2017 · It’s no surprise that Professor Robert Greenberg is one of the Great Course’s top lecturers. He is brilliant. Pick any one of his courses and you are in for a treat. Greenberg is a showman, a comedian, a poet, and a great teacher of music. I am only a few lectures in and I have already learned – and laughed – so much.
Best Professors Paul Christesen — Classics. One of the most popular in the department and a Dartmouth alumnus to boot, Professor... Barbara Will — English. Professor Will provides a savvy, critical analysis of postmodern literature without getting... Marlene Heck — …
Watch any course anytime, anyplace! Learn from award-winning experts and professors from the most respected institutions in the world The Great Courses customers are a special community, passionate about learning, and always challenging us to deliver “the best of the best.”
Jul 04, 2020 · As of June 2020, The Great Courses Plus offered a free 14-day trial, after which you can choose to pay on either a monthly (billed $20 per month) or quarterly basis (billed $45 per three months). Another way of accessing The Great Courses is through Amazon Prime. If you have Prime, you can purchase individual lessons or an entire course, or you ...
They have spent years perfecting and innovating their subjects. You may not be lucky enough to be directly taught by these professors, but in many instances, you can benefit from them in other ways. For example, you can read their books, look up their talks and compare your professors’ approaches to theirs.
Both colleges and students alike rely on professors to ensure that their degrees are the best they can be. This means that being a college professor can be daunting. It certainly is a time consuming and unforgiving profession. But many rise above the pressures of the job and deliver something of incredible value.
About: Another famous college professor, Temple Grandin has a lot for which to be proud. Throughout her career, she’s been able to use her condition, being on the autism spectrum, as a force for good. This includes creating revolutionary inventions, such as the “hug box,” and raising awareness for autism-related issues. Therefore, she’s been featured on Time’s list of the 100 most influential people in the world. These distinctions are in line with her strong ranking on Rate My Professors, where she has a 4.3 out of 5 rating.
About: John Bartlet is a multi-award winning grief counselor and support group facilitator. He’s brought the skills he picked up doing this work into the classroom, which is significantly paying off for his students. He has the much sought after perfect 5.0 score on Rate My Professors, where students rate him as inspirational, caring and many other great things. In an interview with Her Campus, which involved Bartlet and his wife, Linda, he stated, “We love the interaction we have with the students and the knowledge that what they will take with them will make a positive difference in the lives of their students in the future.”
Jack Epps, Jr, University of Southern California. Subject: Film. About: Very few college professors can boast that they made a number one box office hit, but Jack Epps, Jr can. He wrote the screenplay for Top Gun, which was the most successful movie in the world in 1986.
About: Yes, we mean the former secretary of state and national security adviser Condoleezza Rice. This incredibly famous politician is now a professor, and in many ways, her experience gives her students a unique advantage. And Rice has managed to condense her extensive knowledge into something that her students are able to use in a highly effective manner. She has a perfect 5.0 score on Rate my Professors. However, what ranks her at the middle in the list is the fact that she only has three ratings.
About: Craig Kapp is a professor who has consistently ranked highly on Rate My Professors. In addition to these high rankings, Kapp also earned the NYU College of Arts & Sciences, Teach/Tech Award; the Samuel L. Marateck Award for Outstanding Teaching in Computer Science; and the NYU College of Arts & Sciences, Outstanding Teaching Award. Additionally, he’s also highly active in building up the job prospects of the NYC community. He was a faculty advisor for NYU CASEA: College of Arts & Sciences Entrepreneurship Association and is currently a board member of the Bronx Academy for Software Engineering.
Coursera. Coursera is probably the most similar alternative to The Great Courses. It offers college-level education online in a variety of subject areas, from the Social Sciences to the Humanities to the Natural Sciences.
As of June 2020, The Great Courses Plus offered a free 14-day trial, after which you can choose to pay on either a monthly (billed $20 per month) or quarterly basis (billed $45 per three months). Another way of accessing The Great Courses is through Amazon Prime. If you have Prime, you can purchase individual lessons or an entire course, ...
Worshiped around the globe by more than a billion people today, Jesus is undoubtedly the single most important figure in the story of Western civilization and one of the most significant in world history altogether. Yet, Jesus of Nazareth presents unique challenges to the historian, as Professor Bar...
"Dr. Ehrman does his usual outstanding job of verbally illustrating his topic. Very few have the expertise of this man. I have read all of his books and they truly show his depth of knowledge with anything to do with the Bible."
Cook's and Herzman's content in the lectures. The transcript is available for $25 and can be purchased in conjunction with the course or as a standalone item if you call our customer service representatives at 1-800-832-2412 (9am-12am mon-fri, 9am-5pm sat-sun).
Paradiso 6 is the only canto that has but one speaker, the Roman emperor Justinian. His fascinating discourse on law and the virtues of the true ruler continues the discussion of politics begun in Inferno 6 and extended in Purgatorio 6. 20 The Circle of the Sun—Saints and Sages.
The souls on the terrace of the proud learn from both positive and negative examples of pride and its opposite, the virtue of humility. Classical and biblical cases are placed side by side as parts of a profound Dantean meditation on the power of art to shape the soul. 15 The Vision to Freedom.
Plus members signing up now will have streaming access to over 8,000 lectures including most series that are available on digital video, and 100% of the newest releases.
The Great Courses Plus contains a rapidly growing subset of The Great Courses library, but not 100%. I can't quote an exact number because it's growing almost weekly. Many of the older courses contain intellectual property restrictions that must be cleared up before being made available for subscription streaming.