which will not increase the average productivity of labor? course hero

by Prof. Albert Parisian 6 min read

What is the largest factor that raised labor productivity in the U.S. economy since the 1950's?

Sep 09, 2019 · 13) Which would not increase the productivity of labor? A) An increase in the size of the labor force B) An increase in the quality of capital C) An increase in the quantity of capital D) An increase in technology E) An increase in the efficiency of energy Answer: A Section: 6.2. A ) An increase in the size of the labor force.

Is there a positive correlation between productivity growth and economic growth?

Which would not increase the productivity of labor? A) An increase in the size of the labor force Bi An increase in the quality of capital ... Answer & Explanation. Unlock full access to Course Hero. Explore over 16 million step-by-step answers from our library. Get answer. Our verified expert tutors typically answer within 15-30 minutes. Get ...

Is there a positive correlation between real wages and productivity?

23. Which of the following will NOT increase the productivity of labor? A) technological improvements B) an increase in the capital stock C) improvements in education D) an increase in the size of the labor force. Productivity gauges the amount of output produced by the labor in a given time period.

How long does it take for GDP to double?

Based on the "rule of 70" the approximate number of years that it would take for this nation's real GDP to double is: 28 years. In the U.S. in the past six decades or so.

What was the average annual rate of economic growth in the US in 1953?

In the periods 1953-73 and 1973-95 U.S. real GDP grew at the average annual rates of about: 3.6% and 2.8%, respectively.

What are the sources of increasing returns that help increase productivity growth?

Steam engine. Sources of increasing returns that help raise productivity growth include the following except: Low unemployment. Increasing returns would be a situation where a firm increases its workforce and other inputs by: 5 percent and its output increase by 8 percent.

What was the GDP of Nation A in 2013?

5 percent and its output increase by 8 percent. Nation A's real GDP was $520 billion in 2013 and $550 billion in 2014. Its population was 150 million in 2013 and 155 million in 2014.

Does capital increase faster than labor?

Capital increases faster than labor. The rate of growth of labor productivity in the U.S. has declined from the period 1973-1995 to the period 1995-2012. False. The largest factor that raised labor productivity in the U.S. economy since the 1950's has been the increased amount of capital available.
