which type of annuity gives more income per dollar of outlay than any other type? course hero

by Cydney Terry 6 min read

What is the difference between annuities and annuitants?

Sep 29, 2019 · Bloom's: Knowledge Difficulty: HardA Learning Objective: 18-5 142. (p. 596) Which type of annuity gives more income per dollar of outlay than any other type? A. installment refund annuity B. life annuity with installment certain C. straight life annuity D. impure annuity

What are annuities with payout guarantees?

Mar 04, 2007 · 16. Which type of annuity gives more income per dollar of outlay than any other type? P596 1. Installment refund annuity 2. Life annuity with installment certain 3. Straight life annuity 4. Impure annuity

Are immediate annuities a good source of income?

Jun 21, 2013 · Investing too much money. Annuities are a great source of lifetime income, but they can also be inflexible. Immediate annuities can pay …

How do annuities work?

An income annuity is an annuity contract that converts all or part of a consumer’s savings into a guaranteed stream of income rather than providing a lump sum amount. These payments, beginning right away or at a later time, can last the consumer’s lifetime or …

What is fixed annuity?

In a fixed annuity, the insurance company guarantees the principal and a minimum rate of interest. In other words, as long as the insurance company is financially sound, the money you have in a fixed annuity will grow and will not drop in value.

How long can an annuity be deferred?

The payout might be a very long time; deferred annuities for retirement can remain in the deferred stage for decades.

Is an annuity taxable income?

Investment earnings of all annuities, qualified and non-qualified, are tax-deferred until they are withdrawn; at that point they are treated as taxable income (regardless of whether they came from selling capital at a gain or from dividends).

What is variable annuity?

Money in a variable annuity is invested in a fund—like a mutual fund but one open only to investors in the insurance company’s variable life insurance and variable annuities. The fund has a particular investment objective, and the value of your money in a variable annuity—and the amount of money to be paid out to you—is determined by ...

How long does an immediate annuity last?

An immediate annuity is designed to pay an income one time-period after the immediate annuity is bought. The time period depends on how often the income is to be paid. For example, if the income is monthly, the first payment comes one month after the immediate annuity is bought.

What is equity index annuity?

An equity-indexed annuity is a type of fixed annuity, but looks like a hybrid. It credits a minimum rate of interest, just as a fixed annuity does, but its value is also based on the performance of a specified stock index—usually computed as a fraction of that index’s total return. A market-value-adjusted annuity is one ...

How long does an annuity pay?

A fixed period annuity pays an income for a specified period of time, such as ten years. The amount that is paid doesn’t depend on the age (or continued life) of the person who buys the annuity; the payments depend instead on the amount paid into the annuity, the length of the payout period, and ...

Why are annuities tax deferred?

An annuity grows tax-deferred. It also provides a steady stream of income for a set period of time and takes away the worry and anxiety around managing a large sum of money. Deferred Annuities.

What is an annuity?

Annuities: The Basics. An annuityis a contract between an investor and an insurance company. The investor buys an annuity with a lump sum of money and the insurance company promises regular disbursements for a specific period of time in return. These payments begin when the investor, also called the annuitant, chooses to annuitize their investment.

How does a deferred annuity work?

Deferred annuities have an investment phase and an income phase. The first phase begins when an investor buys the annuity and ends when the last contribution is made. You can contribute one lump sum or pay into the annuity over time. You start the income phase once you’re done making your contributions.

Do annuities earn interest?

Annuities may also earn interest, but the amount depends on the type of annuity and market conditions. These financial instruments also enjoy tax-free growth, which can be another attractive aspect for investors. Keep in mind though that you will pay income tax on all or part of the annuity disbursements.

What is fixed annuity?

As the name suggests, a fixed annuity provides an investor with a guaranteed interest rate for a set number of years. Fixed annuities are one of the most common forms of annuities and are fairly straightforward. Basically, the purchaser invests a sum of money with an insurance company. The company then agrees to pay a set amount ...

What is variable annuity?

Variable Annuities. With a variable annuity, a purchaser pays into an annuity, but does not receive a guaranteed interest rate for a set period of time. Instead, an investor would receive returns based on the performance of the investments within the annuity.

What is an immediate annuity?

Immediate annuitiesmay be ideal for those who have a large amount of money on hand. An investor buys an immediate annuity with a large lump sum payment and then receives regular payments over a set period of time or as long as they live.

What is income annuity?

An income annuity is an annuity contract that converts all or part of a consumer’s savings into a guaranteed stream of income, either for the consumer’s lifetime or for a specified number of years. These payments can begin right away or at a later time. Income annuities are uniquely designed to generate a stream of income in exchange ...

How does longevity insurance work?

Insurance companies can provide longevity insurance thanks to “mortality credits” — a unique characteristic of lifetime income annuities. Here’s how mortality credits work: When you buy an income annuity, the insurance company adds your premium to the pool of premiums it has collected from other annuity owners.

Do annuities provide guaranteed income?

One of the most attractive features of income annuities is their ability to provide guaranteed income at a time when retirees are increasingly required to live off their savings, the future of Social Security is in question and traditional pensions are practically nonexistent .

What is a DIA payout?

Deferred Income Annuity (DIA) Payout Annuity. You may also specify a payout period instead of opting for a lifetime income annuity. Doing so, however, negates the longevity insurance benefit of an income annuity.

Is an annuity a qualified annuity?

Income annuities can be qualified or nonqualified. If you purchase an income annuity with pre-tax dollars from a qualified retirement plan, the annuity is considered a qualified annuity. If you buy the annuity with after-tax dollars, it’s a nonqualified annuity.

What is a single premium immediate annuity?

Single premium immediate annuities (SPIAs) and deferred income annuities (DIAs) are the two types of income annuities and may also be referred to as longevity insurance or payout annuities.

What is annuity.org?

Annuity.org writers ad here to strict sourcing guidelines and use only credible sources of information, including authoritative financial publications, academic organizations, peer-reviewed journals, highly regarded nonprofit organizations, government reports, court records and interviews with qualified experts . You can read more about our commitment to accuracy, fairness and transparency in our editorial guidelines.