which strategy can be used for individuals who have processing delays? course hero

by Raegan Labadie PhD 6 min read

How to reduce conflict in teams?

Managers and teams need to prioritize their emotional intelligence and ground work to reduce the chances of potential conflict. Here’s how: 1. Build a set of team principles: Set up a group brainstorming session to define acceptable behaviours and determine the team’s values to live by.

What are the causes of conflict in the workplace?

What are common causes of employee conflict? 1 Unclear roles and expectations on the team: Does each employee understand what is expected of them and their peers? Giving visibility on how each employee is expected to develop and contribute to the team will foster a sense of clarity and harmony, rather than stepping on each other’s toes, repeating work, and working in silos. 2 Lack of trust and solid relationships: Where trust is lacking conflict is inevitable. Do employees know each other well enough to build trust? Carving out the time for the team to work on personal relationships, inclusion and team dynamics is essential in avoiding conflict. Don’t take for granted that this takes work and does not always happen naturally. 3 Unclear collaboration guidelines and work processes: Every team needs clear processes and a streamlined understanding of “how we work”. Whether this is regarding communication tools, working hours, project workflows, this alignment is key to keeping people moving in the same direction conflict-free. These guidelines are especially important in a remote context.

What is Officevibe?

Officevibe helps identify helpful data when it comes to Relationships with Peers. Notice if employees feel as though they can’t speak up or express their opinions and perspective. Where there’s conflict there’s a need for a safe space to be upfront about grievances.
