which strategies might be combined in general case programming? course hero

by Diamond Kuvalis 4 min read

What is budgetary framework?

A budgetary framework is a document that guides how money is spent on running a community services program. Two types of resources that are needed to run a program are funding and community workers (Aspire Training and Consulting 2017, p.73). 26.

What is a work plan?

A work plan can be used to document a program plan, it consist s of priorities, time lines and responsibilities and can be used to monitor and review programs (Aspire Training and Consulting 2017, p.55). 20.


General case programming is an instructional process with the ultimate goal of increasing the likelihood that a learner will generalize a skill set (i.e., target behavior) learned during structured teaching situations to relevant real-world settings and situations in which the target behavior should be demonstrated.

References and Readings

Horner, R. H., & Albin, R. W. (1988). Research on general-case procedures for learners with severe disabilities. Education and Treatment of Children, 11, 375–388. Google Scholar

What is generalization in psychology?

Generalization is defined as the cocurrence of the behavior in the presence of stimuli that are similar in some way to the discriminative stimulus (Sd) that was present during training.

What is self instruction?

Self-instruction is another mediator of generalization. When a person recites a self-instruction, it acts as a cue to engage in the appropriate behavior at the appropriate time (i.e. reciting self-instructions to use the child management techniques they had learned in the lecture).