which statements are true about addiction? drug course

by Fay Marks 10 min read

What is an addiction?

Question 24 0 / 2.5 points Which of the following statements is true about drug addiction? Question options: The environment in which the drug is being used influences its
physiological effects. Drug addiction is always a chronic disease. All drug addicts require addiction programs to help them quit drugs. All drug addicts show withdrawal symptoms.

What are the most radical statements made about addiction?

Aug 18, 2019 · Which of the following statements is true about drug addiction? Question options: nment in which the drug is being used influences its
physiological effects. tion is always a chronic disease. dicts require addiction programs to help them quit drugs. dicts show withdrawal symptoms. 2.5/2.5 Points Which of the following is a leading ...

What makes a “good addict”?

Apr 04, 2020 · Drug addiction is always a chronic disease. All drug addicts require addiction programs to help them quit drugs. All drug addicts show withdrawal symptoms. Question 26 2.5 / 2.5 points Which of the following statements regarding the biological model of …

Which statement about the benefit of pain management is true?

Which of the following are signs of addiction?

Signs someone else is addicted:Changes in personality and behavior like a lack of motivation, irritability, and agitation.Bloodshot eyes and frequent bloody noses.Shakes, tremors, or slurred speech.Change in their daily routines.Lack of concern for personal hygiene.Unusual need for money; financial problems.More items...

Which of the following are characteristics of drug addiction?

Substance (drug) dependence Tolerance to or need for increased amounts of the drug to get an effect. Withdrawal symptoms that happen if you decrease or stop using the drug that you find difficult to cut down or quit. Spending a lot of time to get, use, and recover from the effects of using drugs.

Which statement is true regarding intravenous drug use?

Which statement is true regarding intravenous drug use? Intravenous drug use is the most dangerous method because it bypasses the body's natural defenses. Psychoactive drugs have which of the following effects on the nervous system?

What are the characteristics of drug addiction Class 9?

Some of the most common characteristics of addiction include:The individual cannot stop taking the substance. ... Health problems do not stop their addiction. ... Giving up recreational and/or social activities. ... Keeping a steady supply. ... Saving stashes. ... Risky behaviour. ... Excessive consumption. ... Dealing with issues.More items...

What are the importance of drug education to us?

Effective drug education is important because young people are faced with many influences to use both licit and illicit drugs. Education can play a counterbalancing role in shaping a normative culture of safety, moderation, and informed decision making.Dec 29, 2021

What are the 5 characteristics of addictive behavior?

The 5 Characteristics of Addiction#1. Tolerance.#2. Withdrawal.#3. Denial/Rationalization.#4. Loss of Will Power.#5. Preoccupation.

Which neurotransmitter is involved in addictive illnesses quizlet?

Every substance has slightly different effects on the brain, but all addictive drugs, including alcohol, opioids, and cocaine, produce a pleasurable surge of the neurotransmitter dopamine in a region of the brain called the basal ganglia; neurotransmitters are chemicals that transmit messages between nerve cells.

Which of the following is an example of behavior addiction?

Although these are the most common types of behavioral addictions, compulsive stealing (kleptomania), love and relationship addiction, overworking, compulsive skin and hair picking, and excessive television use and exercise are also listed as behavioral addictions.Jan 11, 2022

What is the meaning of intravenous drug use?

Intraveneous Drug Abuse - Physiopedia Definition/Description Intraveneous (IV) drug use is the injection of chemicals into the body via a hypodermic needle into a vein. Drugs can also be injected under the skin (also called "skin popping") or directly into the muscle (intramuscular injection).

What is the true meaning of addiction?

Addiction is an inability to stop using a substance or engaging in a behavior even though it is causing psychological and physical harm. The term addiction does not only refer to dependence on substances such as heroin or cocaine.

What are the characteristics of a drug?

It is known as “drug”, a substance that acts on the central nervous system and produces a series of physical or psychological changes, or a different perception of reality. From a medical perspective, drugs would be considered as medicines or drugs, this being those substances that are able to cure or prevent disease.

What are the characteristics of substance dependent?

It is characterized by compulsive drug craving, seeking, and use that persists even if the user is aware of severe adverse consequences. For some people, addiction becomes chronic, with periodic relapses even after long periods of abstinence.

What is moral psychology?

The term "moral psychology" was associated with famous philosophers and famous psychologists, in the 1920s-30s. They were willing to grapple with some forms of inclusion or exclusion of "god" in their philosophical theories. This was not some stupid made-up crap or just blind belief.

What did Bruce Alexander discover about rats?

What he discovered was surprising. According to his findings, isolated rats kept in bare cages were quickly addicted to the substances while rats that were in stimulating environments with other fellow rats rejected the drugs and had a significant physical resistance to developing addiction. Alexander then concluded that addiction is not merely a chemical reaction in the brain to a particular substance but an adaptation due to the indisputable human need to bond and form connections.

Who is David Linden?

David Linden, PhD is a neuroscience professor at Johns Hopkins’ School of Medicine and author of The Compass of Pleasure: How Our Brains Make Fatty Goods, Orgasm, Exercise, Marijuana, Generosity, Vodka, Learning, and Gambling Feel So Good. He also holds the unusual perspective on addiction that the same set of traits that make highly prosperous people also make “ good addicts .”

Is it true that an addict has to hit rock bottom to be treated?

However, there are several experts who say the idea isn’t true. In a 2012 research-based guide Principles of Drug Addiction Treatment: A Research-Based Guide (Third Edition) published by The National Institute on Drug Abuse, it states that “penalties from family, employment settings, and/or the criminal justice system can significantly increase treatment entry, retention rates and the ultimate success of drug treatment interventions .”

Does drug abuse affect the brain?

Evidence, including information provided by The National Institute on Drug Abuse, has identified that drug abuse actually alters the brain’s structure and function, resulting in changes that persists long after exposure to the substance has stopped. This may explain why drug abusers are at risk for relapse even after long periods of abstinence and despite the potentially devastating consequences. Alan Leshner, the former director of NIDA, even wrote in a 1997 Science article: “That addiction is tied to changes in brain structure and function is what makes it, fundamentally, a brain disease.”

Is addiction a complex issue?

Addiction is a complex issue that grows with every new research or discovery. Many people have jumped in on the conversation and as experts and onlookers throughout the years try to make sense of this condition, differing theories and viewpoints have cropped up—some more extreme than others.
