which should i choose a part time celta course

by Miss Glenda Tremblay Sr. 8 min read

You can work towards your goal of becoming a CELTA-certified English teacher from anywhere and on your own time. Right now, you can choose from a completely online, intensive 4-week course, or, if part-time is more your pace, a completely online part-time 14-week course.

Full Answer

How does the part-time online CELTA course work?

The part-time online CELTA course is delivered via the Cambridge learning platform, and you will work through the content week-by-week. You will receive a total of 90 hours of contact time with your tutor, completing your teaching practice or observing other teachers.

How do I find a CELTA course?

Find a CELTA: Online or face-face, part-time, or intensive courses via centres in locations across all time zones. Cambridge Assessment has granted that students can now take the CELTA 100% online. Applications for taking the CELTA entirely online are currently available.

How long does it take to get a Celta qualification?

Take your CELTA course online over 14 weeks. If you are looking for a flexible way to gain your CELTA qualification, you could consider our part-time online CELTA course and study over 14 weeks. If you can dedicate 15–20 hours per week and you would like to gain the most-recognised TEFL certification worldwide, this course is for you.

Does it matter where you get your CELTA?

From researching online, you will find that certain CELTA centres have a better reputation than others. Now this is fairly common perception, but bear in mind that it's hard for a CELTA centre to get accredited by Cambridge, but some have better reputations than others.

How many hours do you need for CELTA?

120 hoursAll CELTA courses consist of a minimum of 120 hours. On the intensive 4-week course, this equates to 30 hours a week at the ELTC. Depending on the length of the part-time courses, you would be expected to be at the ELTC between 6 and 10 hours a week.

Which is better CELTA or Delta?

DELTA is a brand qualification awarded by the same organization that awards CELTA. However, DELTA is for people who already have at least one year of experience teaching English as a foreign language to non-native speakers. In other words, you'll likely need a TEFL Certification before you decide to obtain a DELTA.

Is CELTA equivalent to a degree?

The CELTA certificate is officially a Level 5 qualification, meaning it is directly equivalent to a Foundation degree or HND, making the CELTA one level below a Bachelor's or Honours degree. The Cambridge CELTA replaced the CTEFLA in 1996, which in turn replaced the RSA in 1985.

Can you fail CELTA course?

Yes, you can fail the CELTA, although you will be given a lot of help and support from the tutors and will have chances to individually retake assignments. You also will be given feedback after each teaching practice session, from your tutors and peers on areas to improve.

How much do CELTA teachers get paid?

Expected salary A CELTA salary can range anywhere from 40,000 USD per year to 60,000 USD per year, depending on the country, school, and position. When considering the CELTA cost, it's important to remember that the certification does not expire.

Should I take CELTA before Delta?

Can I do the Delta without a CELTA qualification? It is not a requirement that you have the CELTA but you should at least have a similar initial teaching qualification.

Is CELTA equivalent to PGCE?

If you want to work in the UK, CELTA is a good initial qualification, but you will need to do further study to get Qualified Teacher Status. This may be a PGCE, a Cert Ed or a DET. It is possible to study for these whilst you are working in a teaching job.

Is CELTA better than TEFL?

TEFL refers to any certification program that trains an English speaker to teach their language to others. CELTA, on the other hand, is an intensive ESL teaching certificate, designed by Cambridge University. It is considered one of the most prestigious qualifications for teaching English abroad.

Is CELTA enough to teach English?

Yes, the CELTA (Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults) is a highly regarded type of TEFL qualification (teaching English as a foreign language). It will also equip you with all the experience and skills required to teach anywhere around the world.

What level certificate is CELTA?

Level 5CELTA is regulated at Level 5 of the Qualifications and Credit Framework for England, Wales and N. Ireland and is suitable for teachers at Foundation and Developing level on the Cambridge English Teaching Framework.

Is a CELTA course worth it?

"Is CELTA worth it?" is a question we often get asked by potential candidates thinking about enrolling on a CELTA programme and the answer is most certainly yes! CELTA is the most highly regarded English language teaching qualification available and is recognised by employers around the world.

How long is a CELTA course?

The typical full-time CELTA course involves 4 to 5 weeks, Monday to Friday, 9 am to 4 pm. This will include theoretical and practical training, as well as feedback and discussions with your tutor.

How long does it take to take a CELTA?

Taking full-time CELTA course will require 4 to 5 weeks of study and practice. It involves a mix of tutor input sessions, written assignments, hands-on teaching time, and lesson observations. It can be a very intense experience as it expects you to take in a lot of information and put it into practice straight away.

How long does it take to complete a CELTA online course?

A typical online course will take place over 3-4 months. It will normally involve 100+ hours of online learning as well as time at the CELTA centre for face-to-face time with your tutor and practical teaching practice for one or two days per week.

What is full time study?

Full-time study will suit those that have recently finished other courses of study, for instance, a degree course or college certificate. Most courses will take people over the age of 18 with qualifications equivalent to those to get into higher education. Others that may benefit from full-time study are people that are out ...

Is it possible to take the CELTA online?

The online route to taking the CELTA is becoming increasingly popular . It’s a convenient way of getting qualified as it involves blended learning. This means that the theoretical aspects of the training are covered online, but you still get the hands-on practical experience offline.

Is a part time course the same as a full time course?

The amount of work required is the same as the full-time course, meaning that there will still be lesson planning and large written assignments to complete outside of training hours. If you need to be at home for large parts of the study, then the part-time course is not for you.

Is the CELTA course part time?

Many training providers offer the CELTA course on a part-time basis. The content covered is exactly the same, it’s just spread out over a greater length of time making it a less intense experience.

How long is the CELTA course?

Right now, you can choose from a completely online, intensive 4-week course, or, if part-time is more your pace, a completely online part-time 14-week course.

What are the benefits of a CELTA certification?

Some of the greatest benefits of CELTA certification are the recognition that accompanies it and the comfort in knowing this will lend you a helping hand in your job search and future career. 3. High academic standards.

What is the difference between TEFL and CELTA?

Another crucial difference in CELTA vs. TEFL are the course standards. The CELTA is the most recognized TEFL certification, with around 75% of employer s requesting this particular certification. Sometimes high demand can translate to high cost.

Why is CELTA internationally renowned?

Why is CELTA internationally renowned? Namely, it gets the job done in preparing you! CELTA certification carries a rigid course structure and standard of instruction as there are guidelines set forth by the Cambridge English Language Assessment to ensure the quality of the course.

What to consider when considering teaching abroad?

Considering any teaching opportunity abroad packs a lot of factors to consider: where should you go, what will everyday life look like there, who will you be teaching, what are the benefits, and, wait a minute, am I even qualified for this adventure I’m daydreaming of?

How many hours of instruction is required for a teacher's certificate?

This benefits you and your future employer. Your course will always include 120 hours of instruction, practical teaching experience, supervised lesson planning and delivery, and valuable feedback on your teaching.

Do you have to leave a course with your certification?

You are sure to exit the course with your certification as well as new, lifelong friends. 7. A new and vital network. Yes, this includes your new besties, but it also extends to your instructors, students, and the professionals that you meet throughout your course.

How many hours of teaching is required for a CELTA?

You’ll also need to meet the in-person teaching requirement, which includes six hours of teaching spread throughout approximately eight different sessions at a CELTA center. These sessions are done in practice groups and observed by your peers. They contain a range of lesson types that you’ll teach to practice students.

What is a celta?

For starters, the CELTA is a well-known qualification and widely accepted internationally. That means that many employers will recognize your certification. Furthermore, the course includes mandatory teaching practice, which will help you become more comfortable with teaching real students in the future.

What does "celta" mean in English?

CELTA currently stands for Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (it originally stood for “Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults”).

How much is the Idelt online?

At $1,495, the IDELT Online is more affordable than the CELTA and can even be paid in installments. (Keep an eye out for sale pricing to pay even less for the course!)

Is CELTA online 100%?

The other major con is that it’s not 100% online, so it requires travel to certain locations to complete part of the online course in-person.

Is Idelt online accredited?

You’ll join other trainees to complete the interactive, standardized course and will receive job placement assistance upon certification. The IDELT Online is also a university-affiliated program, meaning you’ ll have the option to earn up to 9 college credits or even to take the course for direct credit toward a master’s in TESOL program with one of our pathway partner universities.

Is there a CELTA certification online?

While there are many pros to obtaining online CELTA certification, there are also cons, such as the certification’s cost and location requirements. Other alternatives, such as Bridge’s IDELT Online ™, course provide an equivalent option for earning a distinguished TEFL certification online. Let’s take a closer look.

The CELTA Interview Process

So, you’ve decided to do a CELTA course. This means that you’ll be paying between $2,000 – $4,000 for a course that will hopefully end in a certificate. This certificate can open doors to teaching jobs around the world.

My interview experience

My interview began with a conversation about my application. I’d already had 5 years of experience teaching English to children in Spain and am a certified Spanish teacher. My interviewer said that I needed to be aware that if accepted into the course, I would have to be open to changing my teaching methods.

Part-time CELTA course schedule

My part-time CELTA course ran for 10 weeks. We met every Saturday from 9 am-4:30 pm as a whole group. On Mondays and Wednesdays, from 5:15 pm-9:15 pm, we met in small groups with our tutor. We worked with one tutor for the first 5 weeks and a second tutor for the last 5 weeks.


CELTA is a lot of work. The tutors expect you to prepare and teach very thoroughly planned and documented lessons each week. You also need to fill out peer review forms, take in a lot of material during input sessions, and work on four long assignments.

My advice for taking a CELTA course

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Final thoughts

If you are seriously considering teaching adults, I highly recommend taking a CELTA course. It’s a fantastic credential to have. Before signing up for a CELTA course, make sure you have a solid understanding of English grammar. Additionally, look at your schedule and decide if a part-time or full-time course is a better fit.

New CELTA fully online

Cambridge Assessment has granted that students can now take the CELTA 100% online. Applications for taking the CELTA entirely online are currently available. CELTA trainees can take the course from the safety of their homes. Find a CELTA course and start your TEFL journey!

How will the CELTA course online work?

The course will have exactly the same content as the CELTA face to face full time and part time options. The only difference is that classes will be live-streamed through a video sharing platform. Likewise, just like the face to face CELTA course there will still be "hands-on" teaching practice.

Why Cambridge CELTA?

Perhaps you’ve already decided that a CELTA qualification is what you need, but before we start analysing whether the online or face to face CELTA would be best for you, it’s worth saying a few words about what makes this course stand out from other TEFL qualifications you may have encountered.

Your Schedule and Other Commitments

The first question you need to ask yourself is whether or not you are willing and able to clear your schedule for four weeks. The full-time intensive schedule is just that – an intensive programme of focused study which will use a majority of your time.

Is the application process the same?

All CELTA course providers will interview you as part of the application process. The process is the same, whether you take an online or face to face CELTA course. This includes completing an online application form, pre-interview task, and an online interview.

Your Employment Goals

It’s important to keep in mind that whether you take the online or face to face CELTA, you will be qualified to teach either face-to-face or online. However, you may wish to take into consideration the type of work you intend to look for after graduation.

Financial Considerations

Let’s face it – the financial cost of taking the CELTA course is something most potential trainees will consider carefully. Here, the online format has advantages for many. Firstly, it will not be necessary to pay for travel expenses or accommodation during your course.

Travel Arrangements

In some parts of the world, even local travel is still quite severely restricted and if this is true of your area, it’s wise to think about the more future-proof online choice. Going for this option means you can be assured that whatever happens, you’ll be able to go ahead with your CELTA course as planned.


You’ll also have to think about your hardware and software: you’ll need a computer or laptop with a good quality webcam and microphone. Perhaps this seems obvious, but it’s definitely worth a mention.
