which scenario exemplifies negative punishments course hero

by Aliza Ferry III 9 min read

What is the main concept behind negative punishment?

Nobody ever wants their stuff taken away. That is the main concept behind negative punishment. Using negative punishment example scenarios, gain an understanding of the concept and its effectiveness.

What is an example of negative punishment in employment?

The employer is taking away the job (a desirable thing) for being caught stealing (behavior that needs modification). This is an example of negative punishment, because the worker will no longer have money to live and must find a new job.

What is negative punishment in operant conditioning?

Negative punishment, an operant conditioning technique, reduces a behavior or response by taking away a favorable stimulus following that action. Because negative punishment procedures decreases the likelihood of the behavior occurring again by removing a stimulus, the stimulus must be pleasant or essential.

What makes a good punishment strategy?

Being consistent is especially important for the strategy to be effective. When it comes to punishment, it is a numbers game. During negative punishment, the “negative” part refers to removing or taking away something good. But when it comes to positive punishment, the “positive” part describes the fact that you are adding something bad.

What is an example of negative punishment?

Losing access to a toy, being grounded, and losing reward tokens are all examples of negative punishment. In each case, something good is being taken away as a result of the individual's undesirable behavior.

Which of the following is an example of a negative punishment quizlet?

Time outs and grounding are examples of negative punishment.

Which of the following is an example of positive punishment?

Positive punishment is when you add a consequence to unwanted behavior. You do this to make it less appealing. An example of positive punishment is adding more chores to the list when your child neglects their responsibilities.

What is an example of positive punishment and negative punishment?

An example of positive punishment is scolding a student to get the student to stop texting in class. In this case, a stimulus (the reprimand) is added in order to decrease the behavior (texting in class). In negative punishment , you remove a pleasant stimulus to decrease a behavior.

Which of the following would be the best example of negative reinforcement?

The correct answer is: d) elimination of pain after taking an aspirin. A negative reinforcement increases the likelihood of a desired behavior by...

What are examples of positive and negative reinforcement and punishment?

For example, spanking a child when he throws a tantrum is an example of positive punishment. Something is added to the mix (spanking) to discourage a bad behavior (throwing a tantrum). On the other hand, removing restrictions from a child when she follows the rules is an example of negative reinforcement.

Is timeout a negative punishment?

In Applied Behavior Analysis verbiage (ABA), time out is considered a negative punishment procedure. The “negative” means something is removed and the “punishment” refers to decreasing a behavior.

Is detention negative punishment?

However, while “positive” punishment involves the addition of an undesirable consequence in response to an action — think detention after school — “negative” punishment involves the removal of something the child enjoys, such as a cherished toy or a scheduled playdate.

What is the difference between positive and negative punishment?

When it comes to punishment, it is a numbers game. During negative punishment, the “negative” part refers to removing or taking away something good. But when it comes to positive punishment, the “positive” part describes the fact that you are adding something bad.

How effective is negative punishment?

Negative punishment can be very effective in reducing bad or unwanted behaviors. This is because it makes a person (or animal) start to associate the loss of something positive (like their car or video game) with the negative behavior (swearing or missing curfew).

What is the purpose of punishment?

The use of punishment is one way to deter or eliminate undesired behavior. In the case of negative punishment, it is where you take away something positive to decrease an undesirable or bad behavior. Basically, to punish bad behavior, something you like is taken away. This could be your car, job, toy or even your freedom.

Why does the teacher take away the phone?

This is because they do not want the repeat punishment of losing their phone.

How is swearing punished in school?

The poor choice of swearing in school is punished through revoking the teen’s independence by taking his car keys. This will make the young man think about swearing in school again and hopefully curb the behavior.

What happens if you break the law?

Breaking the Law. A drunk driver is pulled over by the police. After several sobriety tests, the police officers arrest the man and impound his car for breaking the law against drinking and driving. Governments provide negative punishments when you break the laws.

Why do two sisters fight over a video game?

Two sisters are fighting over playing a video game. Because they are fighting over the game , their mother takes the game away for the rest of the week. To curb the undesirable behavior of fighting, the mother is taking away the video game.

What are some examples of negative punishment?

There are many examples of negative punishment in everyday life. Losing privileges, being fined for violating the law, being grounded and losing access to the tablet are all common negative punishment examples.

Why is negative punishment a conditioning?

Because negative punishment procedures decreases the likelihood of the behavior occurring again by removing a stimulus, the stimulus must be pleasant or essential. The person or animal learns to associate the negative consequence with the behavior. This type of conditioning is also known as “punishment by removal.”

What is the difference between classical and operant conditioning?

The difference between classical conditioning and operant conditioning is that classical affects unconscious behavior, while operant affects conscious behavior. Within operant, punishment aims to reduce a behavior while reinforcement increase a behavior. Punishment or reinforcement can be positive or negative.

What is contagion in psychology?

Contiguity is the immediacy of the behavior and stimulus removal. If punishment is delayed, the suppression of behavior will not be as effective ​1​. When there is a significant gap between the behavior and stimulus removal, the association is weakened. In addition, other actions may appear in the meanwhile, and this behavior then mistakenly becomes the one being suppressed.

What is operant conditioning?

Skinner developed the theory of operant conditioning, which stated that a person or animal’s behavior could be increased or decreased by adding or removing appropriate stimuli after the behavior is exhibited. The difference between classical conditioning and operant conditioning is that classical affects unconscious ...

When is stimulus removal less likely to work?

If the punishment is applied whenever the target behavior appears, then the punishment depends on the appearance of the undesired behavior. If the stimulus removal happens whether the act appears or not, or before the behavior occurs, then it is less likely to work.

Is reinforcement positive or negative?

Punishment or reinforcement can be positive or negative. Positive and negative indicates whether it’s adding something (positive) or taking away something (negative). The two types of punishment are positive punishment and negative punishment.

Who found that the children exposed to the aggressive model were more likely to act in the bobo doll?

bobo doll. Bandura found that the children exposed to the aggressive model were more likely to act in

What happens when a child yells out in class?

A child yells out in class (behavior), loses a token for good behavior on his/her token board (reinforcing stimulus removed) that could have later be cashed in for a prize.

What is classical conditioning?

discovered classical conditioning, by teaching dogs to salivate with a neutral stimuli, with another stimuli, that produces a reflexive response.

Did Piaget believe that children's learning depends on reinforcers?

Piaget did not believe that children's learning depends on reinforcers, such as rewards from adults. According to his Cognitive-Developmental theory, children actively learn as they manipulate and explore the world .

Who has developed several alternative plans to increase the number of online practice quizzes his students complete?

84. Dr. Arceneaux has developed several alternative plans to increase the number of online practice quizzes his students complete. Which plan below is INCORRECTLY matched with the reinforcement schedule?

Is direct reinforcement necessary for learning?

a. The results suggest that direct reinforcement is not necessary for learning to occur.
