which picture is newborn luke most likely to look at? course hero

by Prof. Rudy Krajcik 6 min read

How does Cara know her mother will pick her up from preschool?

Three-year-old Cara knows that her mother will pick her up from preschool after snack and seeks her comfort whenever she is in an unfamiliar or stressful situation. These examples show that Cara has developed an internal working model.

What does Professor Rellinger believe babies are born with?

Professor Rellinger believes that babies are born with a set of innate knowledge systems. Professor Rellinger's beliefs are consistent with the __________ perspective. According to the core knowledge perspective, each of an infant's __________ permits a ready grasp of new, related information.

What does Dr friendly notice about baby Abdullah's physical?

d.​complementary a ​Dr. Friendly is giving baby Abdullah his six-month physical. The doctor notices that Abdullah has fewer reflexive actions than he did as a newborn. Dr. Friendly says to Abdullah's mother and father, "Your child

Does the fetus respond to light?

All of the fetus's organs have developed and are functional, but they are immature. The fetus can also respond to light and touch. What month of pregnancy is Lilianna in? a.​2 b.​4 c.​6 d.​8 d ​Tosha is going to have a baby, but she smokes, takes cough syrup, and drinks wine with dinner each night.

Why is imitation harder to induce in newborns than in babies 2 to 3 months old?

A) Imitation is harder to induce in newborns than in babies 2 to 3 months old because newborns cannot learn by observing others.

Which part of the body grows first during the prenatal period?

A) During the prenatal period, the trunk grows first, followed by the chest and the head.

Why do babies not imitate adults?

B) Babies several months old often do not imitate an adult's behavior right away because they first try to play familiar social games. C) Unlike newborn chimpanzees, newborn humans cannot imitate certain gestures, such as head and index-finger movements.

When does experience-dependent brain growth occur?

A) Experience-dependent brain growth occurs early and naturally, as caregivers interact with babies and preschoolers.

Which part of the body grows ahead of the hands and feet?

D) During childhood, the arms and legs grow somewhat ahead of the hands and feet.

Do babies come into the world with built-in learning capacities?

A) Babies do not come into the world with built-in learning capacities.