which of these refers to the ability to gather and use information to solve problems? course hero

by Colleen Paucek I 3 min read

Which ability refers to the ability to sense problems?

Problem sensitivity is the ability to sense that there is a problem right now or likely to be one in the near future. Which ability refers to the use of general rules to solve problems?

Which refers to the relatively stable capabilities people have to perform?

Which of the following refers to the relatively stable capabilities people have to perform a particular range of different but related activities? Ability refers to the relatively stable capabilities people have to perform a particular range of different but related activities.

When is a mental set especially helpful when solving a problem?

b. mental set is especially helpful when you are trying to solve a problem creatively. c. people may produce inferior problem solutions if they are shown examples of possible solutions before they try to solve the problem.

What are the types of physical abilities identified in the text?

D. None of these. E. Spatial orientation. Strength, stamina, flexibility & coordination, psychomotor abilities, and sensory abilities, are the types of physical abilities identified in the text.

Which approach to problem solving would be most likely to emphasize?

Psychologists who support the situated-cognition approach to problem solving would be most likely to emphasize. a. that people often learn to solve a problem in a specific context, and then they cannot transfer it to other situations. b. how people reach creative solutions, rather than obvious solutions.

Why is working memory important?

Working memory is important when people are trying to solve an algebra "word problem" because. a. you need to keep the important parts of the problem in your mind while working on the problem . b. these problems usually involve objects that have different shapes and sizes, so it's naturally a difficult task.

What is the section on creativity in Chapter 11?

The section on creativity in Chapter 11 examined research about intrinsic motivation and creativity in writing poetry. According to this research, people were especially likely to be creative. a. when they had high intrinsic motivation for working on the task.

What is the reasoning ability?

Reasoning ability is a diverse set of abilities associated with sensing and solving problems using insight, rules, and logic. There are four types of reasoning ability—problem sensitivity, deductive reasoning, inductive reasoning, and originality.

What is the human ability that affects social functioning called?

The human ability that affects social functioning, called emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence is defined in terms of four sets of distinct but related abilities, i.e. self-awareness, other awareness, emotion regulation, and use of emotions. Self-awareness is a (n) _____ ability. A. cognitive.

What is cognitive ability?

Cognitive ability refers to capabilities related to the acquisition and application of knowledge in problem solving. Cognitive abilities are very relevant in jobs involving decision making and problem-solving. SAT is an evaluation of literacy and writing skills that are required for academic success in college.

What is Teddy's inductive reasoning?

Inductive reasoning involves combining specific information to form general conclusions. Teddy has the ability to consider several specific pieces of information and then reach a more general conclusion regarding how those pieces are related reflecting his high degree of inductive reasoning ability.

What is mathematical reasoning?

Mathematical reasoning is the ability to select the right method or formula to solve a problem. A group of friends decided to start their own venture capital firm with the resources and abilities they have. Jessie is really good at applying formulas to solve complex problems that involve numbers.

What is Teddy's analytical skills?

Teddy has good analytical skills which is the ability to consider several specific pieces of information and then reach a more general conclusion regarding their relativity. Ralf tends to be good at studying the past stock market data and predicting how the market fluctuations will affect the industry.

Is the GMAT a measure of cognitive ability?

The testing of general cognitive ability in academic contexts, through tests like SAT and GMAT, is a valid measure of predicted success. D. Assessment of general cognitive ability also reveals the higher levels of organizational commitment and citizenship behavior seen in individuals with high cognitive ability. E.