which of these is best example of brain drain? course hero

by Henry Corkery 7 min read

What is an example of brain drain?

The brain drain problem refers to the situation where a country loses its best workers. For example, skilled workers in developing countries such as India or Pakistan may be attracted by better rates of pay and working conditions in developed countries, such as the US and Western Europe.Jul 20, 2016

What are the 3 types of brain drain?

Three types of brain drain can be distinguished: between developed countries, from developing to developed countries, and between develop- ing countries.

What is a brain drain called?

Brain drain, also known as a human capital flight, can occur on several levels. Geographic brain drain happens when talented professionals flee one country or region within a country in favor of another.

What is brain drain group answer choices?

Brain drain is defined as the migration of health personnel in search of the better standard of living and quality of life, higher salaries, access to advanced technology and more stable political conditions in different places worldwide.

What is brain drain PDF?

The term "brain drain" designates the international transfer of human resources and mainly applies to the migration of relatively highly educated individuals from developing to developed countries.

What is brain drain in economics class 12?

Brain drain refers to the migration in which skilled people from an economically backward country move to developed countries in search of better opportunities. It is an economic consequence of migration.

What is brain drain in India?

“Brain drain” is a colloquial term used to describe large-scale migration of skilled human capital that causes a country to lose its innovative capabilities and limits its economic growth.Mar 18, 2022

What is brain drain Wikipedia?

Brain drain is a phenomenon where, relative to the remaining population, a substantial number of more educated (numerate, literate) persons emigrate.

What is brain drain in simple words?

Definition of brain drain

: the departure of educated or professional people from one country, economic sector, or field for another usually for better pay or living conditions.

What is brain drain in economics Brainly?

Expert-verified answer

A large-scale emigration or relocation of people is known as "brain drain." A brain drain may be caused by internal strife, the availability of better job prospects in other countries, or a desire to improve one's standard of living.
Mar 2, 2017

How does brain drain affect the progress of Nepal clarify with examples?

Loss of potential future entrepreneurs. A shortage of important, skilled workers. The exodus may lead to loss of confidence in the economy, which will cause persons to desire to leave rather than stay. ... Loss of the country's investment in education.Nov 24, 2020

What is brain drain in the Philippines?

Purgill 1 Jennifer Purgill TSEA, Period 6 1 December 2010 Brain Drain in the Philippines Draining of the Philippines Brain Drain is when the skilled workers and professionals of one country migrate to another place in search of a better life or simply for higher wages.