which of the following survey flows is an example of the funnel approach? course hero

by Miss Stephania Ferry Sr. 3 min read

What is the funnel approach in research?

The funnel approach is an approach to question sequencing that gets its name from its shape, starting with broad questions and progressively narrowing down the scope. The goal is to avoid question order bias, which is the tendency for earlier questions on a questionnaire to influence respondents' answers to later questions.

What is a survey funnel and how does it work?

A survey funnel has two main purposes. The first is to help your visitors engage with you more because they are required to answer questions and make micro commitments. The second is it allows you to figure out who your visitors are, and then you can show them a different sales message based on who they are.

How many pages are in the funnel approach?

This preview shows page 2 - 3 out of 3 pages. The funnel approach is an approach to question sequencing that gets its name from its shape, starting with broad questions and progressively narrowing down the scope.

What are the advanced elements of the survey flow?

Grouping Elements in the Survey Flow Passing Information via Query Strings Randomizer End of Survey Element Advanced Elements Web Service Authenticator Authenticators SSO Authenticator Reference Surveys Table of Contents Text iQ-Powered Survey Flows Autocomplete Questions & Supplemental Data Screen-Out Management Look & Feel Look & Feel