which of the following statements was not suggested by proponents of state course

by Prof. Winston Renner 10 min read

What do neoliberal proponents think of development?

Neoliberalism insists that developing countries remove obstacles to free market capitalism and allow capitalism to generate development. The argument is that, if allowed to work freely, capitalism will generate wealth which will trickle down to everyone.

What are the 3 solutions to scarcity?

Since human wants are unlimited, and resources used to satisfy those wants are limited - there is scarcity....Those three options are:economic growth.reduce our wants, and.use our existing resources wisely (Don't waste the few resources that we do have.)

Which of the following is not an indicator of economic development?

Decreased women participation in job market is not an indicator of economic development. It is not an indicator of economic development as the decreasing percentage of women will generate lower level of national income, in turn national output of an economy will also get decreased.

What is the most typically used measure of a country's level of development Mcq?

The most common method is the GDP.

What are the 3 types of scarcity?

Scarcity falls into three distinctive categories: demand-induced, supply-induced, and structural.

What are the 5 basic economic problems?

The 5 basic problems of an economy are as follows:What to produce and what quantity to produce?How to produce?For whom to produce the goods?How efficient are the resources being utilised?Is the economy growing?

Which of the following is not an indicator of an economically developed nation Mcq?

The correct answer is Low proportion of labour force in the primary sector.

Which of the following is not an indicator of an underdeveloped economy Mcq?

Low proportion of labour force in the primary sector is not an indicator of economically underdeveloped countries.

Which is the best measure of economic growth of a country Mcq?

"Gross Domestic Product (GDP)."

Which of the following is not considered as the indicator of human development Mcq?

National income is not an indicator of Human Development Index.

Which of the following is are considered as the indicator S of human development Mcq?

5. Which of the following is/are considered as the indicator (s) of Human Development? Explanation: Out of all the indicators of Human development, HDI, HPI-1 and GDI are calculated by three common dimensions - a long and healthy life, knowledge and a decent standard of living.

Which one of the following is a part of human development index Mcq?

The Human Development Index (HDI) is a statistic composite index of life expectancy, education, and per capita income indicators, which are used to rank countries into four tiers of human development.

What are solutions to scarcity?

Societies can deal with scarcity by increasing supply. The more goods and services available to all, the less scarcity there will be. Of course, increasing supply comes with limitations, such as production capacity, land available for use, time, and so on. Another way to deal with scarcity is by reducing wants.

How can we stop scarcity?

How to Snap Out of ScarcityFocus on what you have. Scarcity often scares people from making career changes because they think there aren't enough opportunities. ... Surround yourself with positive people. The people around you will influence you. ... Practice gratitude. ... Recognize the possibilities.

What are three common causes of scarcity?

Key Points. In economics, scarcity refers to resources that a limited in quantity. There are three causes of scarcity – demand-induced, supply-induced, and structural.

How can we overcome scarcity of natural resources?

10 Solutions for Natural Resource DepletionMake Electricity Use More Efficient. ... Use More Renewable Energy. ... Promote Sustainable Fishing Rules. ... Avoid Single-Use Plastics. ... Drive Less. ... Recycle More and Improve Recycling Systems. ... Use Sustainable Agriculture Practices. ... Reduce Food Waste.More items...•