which of the following statements about extinction is false course hero

by Adell Reinger 9 min read

Is human activity affecting extinction rates?

Some people insist that human activity is not affecting extinction rates. As a scientist, what could you do to change their views? Many people point out that in the history of Earth there have been several periods of mass extinction before humans were around.

How do you prove a mass extinction event?

What you will need to do is note that those mass extinction events were due to catastrophic events such as asteroid impacts (K-T mass extinction). Next, you need to demonstrate that the current extinction rate is well above the natural background rate.

Is it possible for humans to go into mass extinction?

Many people point out that in the history of Earth there have been several periods of mass extinction before humans were around. What you will need to do is note that those mass extinction events were due to catastrophic events such as asteroid impacts (K-T mass extinction).

What are the main threats to biodiversity?

Habitat destruction is the primary threat to biodiversity. Other factors are pollution of the environment, overharvesting of organisms, introduction of invasive species, and anthropogenic climate change. Why is the sixth mass extinction event different from previous mass extinction events, and why is it so.

What is the genetic makeup of a population?

Individuals that are best adapted to their environment will survive and reproduce more than less adaptive individuals within the population. Individuals within a population are genetically diverse.

Why are there different genes on each side of the river?

Different genes/traits are selected for on each side of the river due to differing selection pressures (one side evolves to adapt to the predator while the group on the other side lacks that pressure).
