which of the following statement is true of gastric secretion course hero model 6

by Roy Crona 3 min read

How is gastric secretion enhanced by low pH?

Gastric secretion is enhanced by very low pH (below a pH of 2). Gastric secretion can be stimulated before food has entered the mouth. Select the correct statement about digestive processes. Chyme entering the duodenum can decrease gastric motility via the enterogastric reflex.

What happens during the gastric phase?

The gastric phase begins when food enters the small intestine 3. Once activated, stretch receptors and chemoreceptors in the stomach trigger the flow of gastric juices and peristalsis.

What triggers the gastric phase of digestion?

The sight, smell, taste or thought of food can initiate the cephalic phase of gastric activity 2. The gastric phase begins when food enters the small intestine 3. Once activated, stretch receptors and chemoreceptors in the stomach trigger the flow of gastric juices and peristalsis. 4. The intestinal phase reflexes inhibit gastric activity. 5.

How are triglycerides digested in the small intestine?

Secreted by glands in the tongue; begins breakdown of triglycerides in the stomach Lingual lipase Microvilli of th small intestine that increase surface area for absorption; also contain some digestive enzymes Brush border Finger-like projections of the mucosa of the small intestine that increase surface area for digestion and absorption

What is chemical digestion?

Chemical digestion: splitting food molecules into simple substances by hydrolysis with the assistance of digestive enzymes. b. motility: mechanical processes that break apart ingested food into small molecules. c. ingestion: taking foods and liquids into the mouth.

What is the purpose of segmentation in the small intestine?

1. Segmentation in the small intestine help propel chyme through the intestinal tract. 2. The migrating motility complex is a type of peristalsis in the small intestine. 3. The large surface area for absorption in the small intestine is due to the presence of circular folds, villi, and microvilli. 4.

Which cells are mucous producing?

The mucous-producing cells of the small intestine are paneth cells. 5. Most long-chain fatty acid in monoglyceride absorption in the small intestine requires the presence of bile salts. 2, 3, 5. 2. The migrating motility complex is a type of peristalsis in the small intestine. 3.