which of the following represents a blind study course hero

by Pascale Cruickshank 7 min read

Do researchers know if a test group is receiving a placebo?

Do test groups know if they are receiving placebos?

About this website

Do researchers know if a test group is receiving a placebo?

Neither the test group nor the researchers know whether the test group is receiving a placebo or the actual treatment until all the data are collected.

Do test groups know if they are receiving placebos?

The test group does not know whether they are receiving a placebo or the actual treatment, but the researchers do.

About this Quiz & Worksheet

This quiz and corresponding worksheet gauge your understanding of what blind studies are and the types of blind studies a researcher can use when conducting an experiment. Topics you'll need to know to pass the quiz include control groups, experimental groups, and blind studies.

Skills Practiced

The following quiz and worksheet allows students to test the following skills:

Additional Learning

To learn more about the specifics of blind studies, review the accompanying lesson on Characteristics of a Blind Study. This lesson covers the following objectives:

Do researchers know if a test group is receiving a placebo?

Neither the test group nor the researchers know whether the test group is receiving a placebo or the actual treatment until all the data are collected.

Do test groups know if they are receiving placebos?

The test group does not know whether they are receiving a placebo or the actual treatment, but the researchers do.
