which of the following refers to the whorf-sapir hypothesis? course hero

by Mack Pouros 7 min read

What does "thinking" mean in Hopi?

Do Hopi think about past tense?

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What does "thinking" mean in Hopi?

Thinking (Cognition) refers to all mental activities associated w/processing, understanding, remembering, and communicating. Concepts (schemas) -mental groupings of similar objects, events, and people.

Do Hopi think about past tense?

-they have no past tense for their verbs. So, a Hopi could not so readily think about the past -if you didn't have a word for it, you won't think about it

What does "thinking" mean in Hopi?

Thinking (Cognition) refers to all mental activities associated w/processing, understanding, remembering, and communicating. Concepts (schemas) -mental groupings of similar objects, events, and people.

Do Hopi think about past tense?

-they have no past tense for their verbs. So, a Hopi could not so readily think about the past -if you didn't have a word for it, you won't think about it
