The Army Safety Program (AR 385-10): States that the Army will follow OSHA standards and provides policy to protect and preserve Army personnel and property against accidental loss. The type and composition of the investigation board is determined by the accident class and the appointing authority.
APD authenticates, publishes and provides the official Army index of all departmental publications and forms. The Army Publishing Directorate (APD) is accepting nominations for the 2021 Secretary of the Army Awards for Improving Publications.
To enable the Army to identify lessons learned, Army-wide problems, and problematic trends Your primary resources for guidance on workplace safety include everything EXCEPT: Department of Public Works The first priority at every accident site is the safety of victims/personnel involved.
Army regulations are the vehicle for most Armywide policy. Army regulation definition excerpt from AR 25-30 (Army. Publishing Program): Army regulations (ARs) set forth the mission, establish...
Army Doctrine Publications (ADPs) are the backbone of the Army's intellectual body of knowledge. According to ADP 1-01 Doctrine Primer, they address “fundamental principles”.
Which publication establishes the basic requirement for Army managers to have a safety program in place? AR 385-10: The Army Safety Program, provides (....) for the safety and health of Soldiers, DA Civilian employees, and general public.
Record Details for AR 385-10Pub/Form NumberAR 385-10Pub/Form TitleTHE ARMY SAFETY PROGRAMUnit Of Issue(s)PDFAssociated ARAR 11-42Associated DA PAMPAM 385-1, PAM 385-10, PAM 385-11, PAM 385-16, PAM 385-24, PAM 385-25, PAM 385-26, PAM 385-30, PAM 385-61, PAM 385-64, PAM 385-65, PAM 385-69, PAM 385-90, PAM 40-2113 more rows
The ASA(I&E) is the Army's designated safety and occupational health official and will— (1) Approve policies, issue directives, make recommendations, and issue guidance on Army safety and OH plans, programs, and risk management integration within Army Safety and Occupational Health Program areas.
I t provides guidance and direction to imple- m e n t t h e s a f e t y r e q u i r e m e n t s o f A R 385–10 and other Federal regulations and laws. It provides guidance and direction to implement DODI 6055.08, DODI 6055.
Investigation and accident reporting will be performed in accordance with AR 385-10, DA Pam 385-40, and this regulation.
This pamphlet prescribes Army policy on ammunition and explosives (also referred to as military munitions) safety standards. It implements the safety requirements of DOD M6055 .
Summary. This regulation implements requirements of the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 as implemented in Executive Order 12196; Title 29, Code of Federal Regulation 1960; and Department of Defense Instructions 6055.1, 6055.04, and 6055.07.
OSHA does not cover the health and safety of uniformed personnel working on uniquely military operations and activities; however, OSHA's regulations do apply when military activities are not uniquely military.
Administrative risk management (RM) guidance and techniques are in DA Pam 385-30. These two documents are designed to be complimentary, and in tandem, they provide guidance on the implementation of RM throughout the Army.
Where can I find the regulatory requirements for my unit's safety SOP, and how do I subdivide tasks? AR 385-10 and DA Pam 385-10 list the regulatory requirements.
The ANSI Z136. 9 - Hardcopy Version provides reasonable and adequate guidance for the safe use of lasers and laser systems that operate at wavelengths between 180 nm and 1 mm.