which of the following processes is involved in muscle contraction course hero

by Miss Glenda Homenick PhD 5 min read

When a muscle is stimulated the contraction cycle occurs?

Question 22 3.2 / 3.2 pts Which of the following processes is involved in muscle contraction? Myosin filaments use protein heads to attach sequentially to sites on actin filaments. Microtubules attach to centromeres pulling them closer together.

What are the three stages of the contraction cycle?

The Skeletal Muscle Contraction Cycle. When a muscle is stimulated, the contraction cycle occurs in three stages: excitation−contraction coupling, contraction, and relaxation. Muscle stimulation turns into muscle contraction through a process called excitation−contraction coupling. Basically, the muscle is stimulated (excitation) and it reacts (contraction).

What is an isotonic contraction of a muscle?

A) produce smooth, continuous muscle contraction B) increase muscle tension C) prevent muscle relaxation D) prevent muscle fatigue C ) produce smooth , continuous muscle contraction The wave (temporal) summation increases the frequency of muscle fiber stimulation and generates the smooth and continuous contraction of the muscles.

What is the role of calcium ions in skeletal muscle contraction?

Unformatted text preview: Muscle Contraction Case Study PART I 1. d- Thin contractile protein involved in cross-bridge formation, comes in filamentous or globular forms.2. i- Store neurotransmitters, and following a Ca2+driven signal, dump neurotransmitters into the synapse. 3. n- The structure at the end of the axon that contains neurotransmitters and vesicles.

Which of the following processes is involved in muscle contraction?

The process of muscular contraction occurs over a number of key steps, including: Depolarisation and calcium ion release. Actin and myosin cross-bridge formation. Sliding mechanism of actin and myosin filaments.

What are the steps of the contraction cycle?

the 4 steps of the contraction cycle:
  • ATP Hydrolysis.
  • Cross bridge attachment.
  • Power stroke.
  • Cross bridge detachment.

What is the muscle contraction cycle?

The muscle contraction cycle is triggered by calcium ions binding to the protein complex troponin, exposing the active-binding sites on the actin. As soon as the actin-binding sites are uncovered, the high-energy myosin head bridges the gap, forming a cross-bridge.Aug 14, 2020

Which of the following happens during a skeletal muscle contraction?

Muscle contraction occurs when sarcomeres shorten, as thick and thin filaments slide past each other, which is called the sliding filament model of muscle contraction. ATP provides the energy for cross-bridge formation and filament sliding.

What are the 6 steps of muscle contraction?

Terms in this set (6)
  • Ca2+ release from SR terminal Cisterinae binding site exposure.
  • Myosin head binding to actin binding sites.
  • Release of ADP & Pi Causes power stoke.
  • ATP causes Myosin head to be released.
  • ATP is hydrolyzed, re-energizes the Myosin head.
  • Ca2+ pumped back into SR terminal cisterine.

Which occurs during muscle contraction quizlet?

When muscle contraction occurs. The actin and myosin filaments temporary form cross-bridge attachments and slide over each other, shortening the overall length of the sarcomeres.

What are the 8 steps of muscle contraction?

Terms in this set (8)
  • action potential to muscle.
  • ACETYLCHOLINE released from neuron.
  • acetylcholine binds to muscle cell membrane.
  • sodium diffuse into muscle, action potential started.
  • calcium ions bond to actin.
  • myosin attaches to actin, cross-bridges form.
  • myosin pulls on actin causing to slide over myosin.

Which steps in muscle contraction require ATP?

ATP is required for the process of cross-bridge cycling which enables the sarcomere to shorten. The steps of cross-bridge cycling are as follows: When ADP** is bound to myosin heads, they are able to bind to actin filaments of the adjacent myofibril to form a cross-bridge.

Which is the first step of a contraction cycle quizlet?

Which is the first step of a contraction cycle? ATP is hydrolyzed by the myosin head.

What are the 4 steps of muscle contraction?

Terms in this set (4)
  • Excitation. The process which the nerve fiber stimulates the muscle fiber (leading to generation of action potentials in the muscle cell membrane)
  • Excitation-contraction coupling. ...
  • Contraction. ...
  • Relaxation.

What causes contraction of skeletal muscles?

A Muscle Contraction Is Triggered When an Action Potential Travels Along the Nerves to the Muscles. Muscle contraction begins when the nervous system generates a signal. The signal, an impulse called an action potential, travels through a type of nerve cell called a motor neuron.

What happens during the contraction relaxation cycle of skeletal muscle?

4. Relaxation: Relaxation occurs when stimulation of the nerve stops. Calcium is then pumped back into the sarcoplasmic reticulum breaking the link between actin and myosin. Actin and myosin return to their unbound state causing the muscle to relax.

What is the process of muscle contraction?

Muscle stimulation turns into muscle contraction through a process called excitation−contraction coupling. Basically, the muscle is stimulated (excitation) and it reacts (contraction).

What are the stages of the contraction cycle?

The contraction cycle occurs in three stages: excitation−contraction coupling, contraction, and relaxation. Muscle fibers are stimulated by motor neuron axons, which end at muscle fiber end plates or neuromuscular junctions. At an end plate, the axon branches and forms many synaptic boutons. Each synaptic bouton is closely located over a region ...

What happens to the muscle fiber after a stimulus?

This stimulates the acetylcholine receptors in the junctional folds of the muscle fiber end plate. The muscle fiber membrane becomes depolarized, meaning the electrical change inside the cell changes.

What happens when the muscle fiber membrane becomes depolarized?

The muscle fiber membrane becomes depolarized, meaning the electrical change inside the cell changes. Depolarization sets off voltage-gated sodium channels and begins a signal across the muscle fiber. This signal spreads down the transverse tubules of the muscle fiber. This releases the calcium stored in the cell, which begins a muscle contraction.

Where is calcium stored in muscle fibers?

This signal spreads down the transverse tubules of the muscle fiber. This releases the calcium stored in the cell, which begins a muscle contraction. For the muscle to relax, calcium is actively pumped back into the sarcoplasmic reticulum, where calcium within the cell is stored.

What is the protein that blocks the cross-bridge sites of myosin?

Myosin heads have a binding site that forms a cross-bridge with actin molecules; however, in a muscle at rest a protein called tropomyosin blocks these cross-bridge sites on the actin molecule.

What is the primary molecule used in cells throughout the body to transfer energy?

Myosin heads also have a site that binds ATP (adenosine triphosphate)⎯the primary molecule used in cells throughout the body to transfer energy. Energy from ATP moves myosin heads into a cocked position so that, in muscles at rest, the myosin heads are ready to release energy.