The construction phase may include the excavation of a swimming pool. The Green Scene in Northridge, CA Hear the plans for this incredible backyard, including the process for step-by-step installation. A residential landscaping project doesn't have to be overwhelming.
Designing Your Landscape 1 Get ideas for purpose, desired features and style (internet, books, magazines) 2 Complete a design questionnaire 3 Set a budget 4 Meet with possible designers/contractors 5 Choose a pro 6 Planning meeting and site evaluation 7 Plan review meeting 8 Final plan approval More ...
The process of landscaping your yard can be broken down into two phases: design and construction. The designing phase consists of research, idea gathering, and planning. During this phase you, the homeowner, will work closely with a landscape designer or architect that specializes in residential design.
With an eye to the five basic elements of landscape design (color, scale, line, form and texture), a landscape designer skillfully arranges each bedding plant in relation to the accompanying annuals, perennials, shrubs and trees.
The process of landscaping your yard can be broken down into two phases: design and construction .
The construction phase consists of the actual building process. Most designers will sub out the work to a contracting company that specializes in residential landscaping. Sometimes, one contractor will complete all of the construction, other times multiple companies will be involved. During this phase the designer and contractor will work closely together to bring to life the design plan created in the previous phase. At the end of construction, after testing and cleaning, your yard will have been transformed into a space that's ready for you to enjoy with friends and family.
The designing phase consists of research, idea gathering, and planning. During this phase you, the homeowner, will work closely with a landscape designer or architect that specializes in residential design.
Trainees or students wishing to gain entry into this course should possess the following requirements:
This units of competency comprising this qualification include Basic, Common, Elective and Core Competencies.
This section gives the details of the contents of the core units of competency required in LANDSCAPE INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE (SOFTSCAPE) NC II
Acidic soils – are commonly referred to as “sour.” Acidity is the characteristic of soils that have a pH level of less than 7. Such a low pH is suited to plants that thrive in acidic soil (as opposed to alkaline or “sweet” soil), including the delightful ‘Minuet’ laurel shrubs.