which of the following is our main study topic this week? course hero

by Cassandra Watsica 3 min read

How many students use Course Hero?

Discover why more than 20 million students and educators use Course Hero. The largest (and best) collection of online learning resources—guaranteed. Hundreds of expert tutors available 24/7.

What is the issue exploration for Week 2 of the AP Psychology?

WEEK 2 DISCUSSION 1: YOUR RESEARCH TOPIC AND QUESTION: The Issue Exploration assignment helps students to select a research topicand begin to moving toward a more specific research question. In this discussion, work with your classmates on identifying a research question that is neither too broad nor too narrow.

When should I post my TOPIC and possible research question(s)?

Initial post (by Wednesday): After reviewing “Your Research Question,” consider potential questions you may want to answer with your research. Post your topic and possible research question (s) here.

Is Course Hero cheating?

Course Hero does not tolerate copyright infringement, plagiarism, or cheating of any kind. Anyone who misuses Course Hero to gain an unfair advantage; submits another member's content as their own; or violates any law, regulation, ethics code, or school code will be permanently banned from the platform.

How do I use Course Hero without getting caught?

Students can use the content they get from Course Hero without cheating using the following ways:Paraphrasing the answer. Paraphrasing involves using formulating an answer of your own. ... Avoid similar copies. ... Use different view points. ... Use for Comparisons only.

Is Course Hero worth the money?

It is worth paying for Course Hero, because students will get more benefits worth the subscription paid. The answers they present are valuable to a student who wishes to use them as study tools to understand the topic better. Considering the subscription fee of $19.95 per month, the value gained is way higher.

How do I search in Course Hero?

Near the top of each page, you should see a search bar that says Find Study Resources. Type any keywords and then press Enter. You will then be able to divide the search results by Course, Questions & Answer (Q&A), or Study Document.

Is using Quizlet cheating?

No. Using Quizlet doesn't constitute cheating when Quizlet resources are used to supplement student learning and research. That said, copy-pasted solutions from Quizlet, submitted as assignments and academic deliverables constitute plagiarism.

Is Chegg considered cheating?

Using Chegg for homework is not generally not considered cheating as homework is generally open for discussions. Unless stated by your professor to show your original work, otherwise using Chegg for homework should not cause you any trouble.

Do professors Check Course Hero?

The answer they all come up with is, of course, No. Most of the websites have safeguards against what they consider cheating. There are courses of action professor can take if they find their copyrighted information online.

Is Course Hero or chegg better?

Overall, Chegg is the better bet, with many notes of caution. While both Course Hero and Chegg offer some innovative resources for study materials, they both are not without their concerns. Chegg's piecemeal approach means that monthly fees can quickly add up, especially if you're considering multiple resources.

How much do Course Hero tutors make?

Tutors earn an average of $3 for each question they answer on Course Hero. Earning between $12-$20 per hour, Course Hero tutors earn an average of $300/week. It's very flexible because you can answer questions whenever you please.

What are study Docs Course Hero?

Course Hero provides a variety of learning resources to help students study more effectively and succeed in their courses. Resources include: More than 30 million study documents from more than 11,000 schools—including notes, test prep, Q&As, Textbook Solutions and Explanations, and more.

Can I add subjects in Course Hero tutor?

To add a course to your study dashboard, simply log in to your account and click the Add a Course button (located in the center of your study dashboard). From there, you'll be prompted to follow a series of steps to add the courses you're currently enrolled in.

Is Course Hero still active?

Course Hero is an American education technology website company based in Redwood City, California, which operates an online learning platform for students to access course-specific study resources (homework, essays and tests)....Course Hero.Type of siteE-Learning Social Learning NetworkCurrent statusActive11 more rows

Can professors see if you use Course Hero?

Professors cannot see if you use Course Hero. This platform does not send word to your institution or professor that you have accessed and applied its learning materials. It is nearly impossible to track who uses the platform and who doesn't.

Can my teacher find out if I use Course Hero?

You also can't track who is using Course Hero. Often, notes are posted anonymously, so the individual who posted them cannot be tracked down. This means that it's harder to punish those who are blatantly cheating or difficult to tell if the resources available can really be trusted.

How do I unlock Course Hero answers for free?

The first easy step to get Coursehero unlocks free is through give and take system. Coursehero provides its users with the facility to earn Coursehero unlock document for free. This can be done by uploading your useful and quality documents on Coursehero.

Does Course Hero give out IP address?

Students sign up for Course Hero with a name and email address, and the subpoena will allow the website to link the documents in question to a unique IP address, according to information from the company.