which of the following is not a problem with pragmatism course hero

by Elyssa Cummings 5 min read

When pragmatism becomes a philosophy, it is called: "What brings about the greatest good for the

When pragmatism becomes a philosophy it is called utilitarianism. Pragmatism is fine for everyday concerns, but when applied as a theory to social systems, utilitarianism seeks to solve problems by asking ‘what brings about the greatest good for the greatest number?”

What is pragmatic thinking?

What is pragmatism? It might be defined as the quality of being practical–of valuing usefulness and workability. A pragmatic person is interested in the practical solution of problems. They want a solution that is efficient, effective and economical.

How can a greater good come about?

However, such a good can only come about through hardship, self discipline and personal sacrifice to a greater cause. To accomplish this greater good one must actually go through difficulty—so to accomplish the greatest good for the greatest number on might–for example—have to go to war or take a pay cut or work longer hours. We are now considering the proportionality of goodness. How “good” do we want the greatest number to be? Really good—the highest good—or just sated with enough food, drink and entertainment to keep them quiet?

What is the first problem with utilitarianism?

The first problem with utilitarianism is personal opinion . We might agree that we want the greatest good for the greatest number, but who decides what is ‘good’? Personal opinions vary. Without some external and greater criteria who is to say who is good?

Why can great suffering be imposed and great crimes be committed?

Either way, great suffering can be imposed and great crimes can be committed because the powers that be have decided what brings the greatest good for the greatest number.

What is the greatest good for the greatest number?

In our democratic society the majority has ruled through the elected powers that be, that the greatest good for the greatest number means that abortion on demand is permitted. The result is millions of deaths of innocent unborn children, women’s health endangered, families broken and untold negative consequences.

What is pragmatism theory?

Pragmatism is a non foundation theory. A pragmatist like James maintains that reality and knowledge...

When a hypothesis undergoes an experimental test and is not falsified, can we claim that it has been

When a hypothesis undergoes an experimental test and is not falsified we cannot claim that it has been verified because the predicted outcome was only one instance of what the hypothesis asserts should occur every time. We say, instead, that the hypothesis has been...

Why does Peirce believe in the scientific method?

Peirce maintains that the scientific method is best for stabilizing belief. Among the reasons he prefers the scientific method over the other methods he considered (tenacity, authority, and the a priori method) is that the scientific method...

What is true knowledge?

that true knowledge is a complete and perfect expression of reality

Why do we ensure the fact that the theory is true?

ensure the fact that the theory is true because we prove it true with the logic

What is the criteria for a reasonable explanation?

One of the criteria for a reasonable explanation is relevance. If one were discussing Y (a fact, or a problem, or situation of concern), then X is a relevant explanation for Y if...

Is a theory true for pragmatists?

Sometimes it is said that for pragmatists a theory, or hypothesis, etc. is true if it is useful. This is best understood as maintaining that...
