which of the following is not a positive nonverbal communication during a presentation? course hero

by Prof. Levi Pfannerstill V 3 min read

What are the elements of nonverbal communication?

Facial expressions. One of the key elements of nonverbal communication is your facial expressions. Here are a few points to keep in mind when presenting: Smile appropriately. Relax your face. Let your face add variety and punctuation to the message. Nod for emphasis or to show agreement or a positive attitude.

How to communicate nonverbal?

Movements and gestures#N#Nonverbal communication is made up primarily of movements and gestures. Identify the right combination of the two to amplify your message: 1 Face your audience whenever possible. Maintain open body language. 2 Move with purpose and for effect, not just for the sake of moving. Move into the group—do not “hug the wall.” 3 Make sure your posture is erect, poised, and balanced. 4 Appear relaxed. 5 Use your arms and hands to add clarity, emphasis, and energy. 6 Keep your hands empty except for a few note cards. 7 Keep your arms at about waist height, and do not lock your elbows against your ribcage. 8 Do not get too busy with your hands and arms—this may create a sense of confusion and disorganization (“frenzied”). 9 Use gestures if you are speaking from a lectern. Do not grasp the sides as if they have some sort of “magic powers.” Set the height of the lectern so that you can easily see your notes, gesture, and be seen from your midsection up to your head. 10 If you are working with a lectern, walk away from it if possible to get closer to your audience and use the attention-getting power of action. If you can’t move away from the lectern, lean forward to create a sense of closeness, gesture effectively, and use a lot of facial expressions.

What is the rule of thumb when delivering a presentation?

As you deliver your presentation, the general rule of thumb is to engage in self-monitoring. Be aware of what you are presenting, the verbal and nonverbal elements, and your gestures and body language. Business leaders must make every presentation a compelling communication.

How to be a good speaker?

Face your audience whenever possible. Maintain open body language. Move with purpose and for effect, not just for the sake of moving. Move into the group—do not “ hug the wall.”. Make sure your posture is erect, poised, and balanced. Appear relaxed. Use your arms and hands to add clarity, emphasis, and energy.

How long should you hold eye contact with a listener?

Hold eye contact for 3 to 5 seconds with a listener.

What are the positive indicators of presentation?

Positive Indicators: Limit repetitive movements. These can be distracting to your presentation. Rather than allowing gestures to unconsciously take over you while presenting, be intentional with your gestures so you can deliberately take advantage of them to communicate meaning without words.

Why is it important to be sensitive to nonverbal cues?

Because it’s a more natural, unconscious language that reveals our genuine feelings and intentions. Hence, to become a more effective presenter, you need to be sensitive not just to nonverbal cues of others but also to your own. Below are different ways you can communicate non-verbally and positive indicators for each.

How to improve presentation skills?

Be conscious of what your body is capable of. Notice patterns in the way you present. Do mock conversations in front of a mirror. And once you’ve gotten hold of your nonverbal communication during presentations, it’ll be an indispensable skill that can definitely take your presentations to the next level.

How to show trustworthiness in a speech?

Stand up straight but keep your body relaxed. Keep your arms and hands open with palms up to show trustworthiness and honest y. When directly speaking to someone in the audience, lean slightly forward towards him/her or tilt your head slightly towards their direction to convey interest. When having to move, move slowly.

Is there a positive indicator for how you should say things?

Positive Indicators: There’s not one correct positive indicator for how you should say things as it will depend on your presentation. If you’re trying to make a point, you may want to express yourself in a stronger tone of voice. However, note that paralinguistic is highly dependent on your audience’s background.

Is communication non verbal?

Whether you realize it or not, much of our communication is nonverbal. In just a single day, we both express and react to thousands of non verbal cues—from facial expressions to posture to gestures to tone of voice.

When to use citing gestures?

citing gestures are used when expressions do not have verbal referents in a particular language, while turn gestures are used even when expressions have verbal referents. e. citing gestures are universal and do not change from person to person, while turn gestures change based on the person, place, and time. b.

Is self monitoring a verbal or nonverbal communication?

Self-monitoring is essential for verbal communication, but it is not essential for nonverbal communication. T/F?