which of the following is most directly related to successful mentoring?course hero

by Ebba Considine 8 min read

What is the most appropriate course of action for a mentor?

Question 4 Question Which of the following is most directly related to successful mentoring? Your Answer Someone who is committed to the professional development of the trainee. Comment A mentor-trainee relationship will normally last for an extended period of time and permit the sharing of insights and ideas that will nurture the professional development of the …

What is a mentor who recruits trainees?

May 28, 2020 · Mentoring (RCR-Basic) University of South Florida - Biomedical Responsible Conduct of Research You correctly answered 5 of 5 quiz questions. Question Which of the following is most directly related to successful mentoring?

Which employees are most likely to seek a mentor?

Which of the following is most directly related to successful mentoring? Your answer : A working relationship in which the mentor harshly criticizes the trainee’s work. Correct Answer : Someone who is committed to the professional development of the trainee. Comment :

What makes a good mentoring relationship work?

Which of the following is included in the day-to-day work of the management team? a. decision making b. planning c. controlling d. all of the given choices. 27. For internal uses, managers are more concerned with receiving information that is: a. completely objective and verifiable. c. completely accurate and precise. b. relevant, flexible, and ...

Which of the following is most directly related to successful mentoring?

Which of the following is most directly related to successful mentoring? Someone who is committed to the professional development of the trainee. The defining characteristic of a mentor is someone who: Takes a sincere interest in the growth and development of a trainee.

Which of the following most accurately describes good mentoring practices?

Which of the following most accurately describes good mentoring practice? Encouraging trainees to receive mentoring from a collection of individuals. What is the most appropriate course of action for a trainee who has a problem with a mentor?

Which of the following are characteristics of successful mentors?

Characteristics of Excellent MentorsGood listener/sounding board.Flexible.Value diversity of perspectives.Knowledgeable.Nonjudgmental.Able to give constructive feedback.Honest and candid.Able to network and find resources.More items...

What does successful mentoring look like?

A successful mentor should have good communication skills. In order to ascertain this, mentees should observe potential mentors in as many interactive situations as possible. For example, go to social functions and observe potential mentors interacting with others.

Which of the following most accurately describes the process that must occur when working with research animals covered by US federal regulations quizlet?

Which of the following most accurately describes the process that must occur when working with research animals covered by U.S. federal regulations? The research team must obtain IACUC approval for the proposed research procedures prior to starting the work.

Which of the following most accurately describes the main purpose of the OMB circulars?

Which of the following most accurately describes the main purpose of the OMB Circulars? They outline the rules for the financial management of sponsored projects.

How do mentors benefit from mentoring?

With mentors often helping mentees achieve their career goals, job satisfaction naturally increases. Similarly, those who mentor consider their job more meaningful and therefore experience higher job satisfaction and fulfilment than those who don't.Nov 23, 2019

Which of the following is a benefit of mentoring?

The specific benefits of being mentored include: being encouraged and empowered in personal development. being helped to identify and achieve career goals. being helped to identify and correct gaps in generic skills and knowledge.

What characteristics should a good mentor have?

Good mentors are enthusiastic people, enjoying the role they play in helping others achieve their goals. There are many qualities of a good mentor. While considering a mentor, look for someone who is enthusiastic, a good fit, respectful of others and a respected expert in their field.Nov 20, 2019

What makes a mentor successful and effective?

A good mentor possesses the following qualities: Willingness to share skills, knowledge, and expertise. A good mentor is willing to teach what he/she knows and accept the mentee where they currently are in their professional development. Good mentors can remember what it was like just starting out in the field.

What is effective mentoring?

An effective mentor is someone who can challenge and support a mentee and not judge them. If they're from a different department or function, they can be more objective.Mar 15, 2019

How effective is mentoring in the workplace?

But the benefits aren't limited to mentees — mentors surveyed in that same study experienced a 69 percent retention rate. Employees who serve as mentors also report greater job satisfaction and greater career success.Mar 22, 2020

What is the most likely representation of common knowledge?

An idea is most likely to represent "common knowledge" if: It can be safely assumed that the readers and the author are both thoroughly familiar with the idea and its source. Authors who reuse portions of text that have appeared in one of their earlier published papers run the risk of being accused of: Self-plagiarism.

How to determine if an idea is common knowledge?

The primary way to determine whether an idea constitutes "common knowledge" is: Whether there is an expectation that the readers and the author would be very familiar with the material. When authors summarize the work of others, they typically should: Provide a condensed (shorter) version of the original material.

What is ethical writing?

Ethical writing and scholarship is based on an implicit contract between the author and readers, whereby readers assume that what they read is accurate, has been written by the author, and has: Not been disseminated before unless noted otherwise. Upgrade to remove ads. Only $3.99/month.

Why are researchers not engaged in research?

Correct Answer : No, they are not engaged because they are only informing the subjects and not consenting or performing any research procedures, or receiving or sharing any private, identifiable information.

What is equity interest?

Equity interest may be in form of stocks, stock options, or other ownership interest, as determined through reference to public prices or other reasonable measures of fair market value. An important distinction is made in the 2011 final rule with respect to non-publicly traded entities.

What is significant financial interest?

The PHS defines “significant financial interests” in terms of a monetary threshold (remuneration or equity interest of $5000) received from an entity within the last twelve months preceding the disclosure.

How is local review determined?

The need for local review will be determined by policies and regulations rather than by U.S. law. When U.S. researchers collaborate with researchers at foreign institutions, determining the appropriate review type and method depends on whether the collaborating institution is engaged in the research.

What is witness signature line?

The witness signature line is an issue in documentation of informed consent; ensuring that consent process does not slow down recruitment is an issue in study design and not a non-U.S. setting specific issue, and maintaining confidentiality is a privacy/confidentiality issue. Points Earned : 1. Question 2. Question :

When did the FDA require disclosure of equity in a publicly held company?

In 1998, the FDA issued its final rule requiring disclosure of: Any equity interest in a publicly held company that exceeds $50,000 in value. These must be disclosed only for covered clinical studies that are ongoing on or after February 2, 1999.

Do federal regulations require review at the foreign site where it will be conducted?

Correct Answer : If a proposed study qualifies for exemption, federal regulations do not require review at the foreign site where it will be conducted. Comment : A great deal of research in the social and behavioral sciences may qualify for exemption, depending upon institutional policy.

How does successful mentoring work?

The truth is that effective mentoring takes effort, and creating successful mentoring relationships requires specific skills, sensibilities, and structure from both the mentor and the mentee. Success happens when both parties take responsibility for making it work.

What makes a good mentor?

A good mentor needs to be more than just a successful individual. A good mentor must have the disposition and desire to develop other people . It requires a willingness to reflect on and share one’s own experiences, including one’s failures. Great mentors must be able to both “talk the talk” and “walk the walk.”.

How to be a mentor?

Mentees need to be: 1 Committed to expanding their capabilities and focused on achieving professional results. 2 Clear about their career goals, needs, and wants. Mentoring isn’t therapy where one just rambles aimlessly. mentees are responsible for creating the mentoring agenda, so they must be clear about what they hope to get from mentoring. 3 Willing to ask for help, show vulnerability, and explore different paths and perspectives. Mentees must be open and receptive to learning and trying new ideas. No mentor wants to advise someone who isn’t open to learning! 4 Able to seek and accept feedback—even the “constructive” kind—and act upon it. 5 Be personally responsible and accountable. Mentors want to see movement and growth. If you say you are going to do something, then do it! Sitting on the sidelines in a mentoring relationship is not going to work. 6 Ready, willing, and able to meet on a regular basis. Relationships take time to develop, so mentees must also be committed to upholding their end of the bargain.

Why is mentoring important?

It is one of the most important things a person can do to enhance their career and professional life. It takes time and commitment, but it is well worth the effort.

How does mentoring work?

A mentoring relationship is like any other relationship—it takes time to develop. And like other relationships, it will grow faster and stronger if both parties take the time to get to know each other as people. Resist the temptation to dive head first into career problem solving and advising.

What is a mentoring relationship?

The Mentoring Relationship. A mentoring relationship must be managed and nurtured. It is a joint venture that requires both parties to actively attend to its care and feeding. The chances of creating and sustaining a successful mentoring relationship are enhanced by adopting a few simple best practices:

What are the benefits of mentoring?

The benefits of mentoring are myriad. For individuals, studies show that good mentoring can lead to greater career success, including promotions, raises, and increased opportunities. Organizations that embrace mentoring are rewarded with higher levels of employee engagement, retention, and knowledge sharing.