which of the following is likely to be prohibited in a group marriage arrangement? course hero

by Kailyn O'Hara 6 min read

What if arranged group marriage was the norm?

Instead, it'd be interesting to if a form of arranged group marriage, or polygamy, was the norm for us. That way, instead of people having to always split up their belongings and figure out arrangements for the kids, we could all be a large family.

Which term used to describe alimony implies that women and men experience?

Jessie Bernard's (1972) label, "his" and "her" divorce, implies that women and men experience divorce differently. which party initiated the divorce. who won the divorce settlement. the factor used in deciding child custody. that women and men experience divorce differently. Question 52 Another term used to describe alimony is palimony.

Do all three forms of marriage exist in some form?

However, it is critical to note that while all three exist in some form, those forms vary dramatically depending on region and context. 1.Comfort food varies from person to person as well as from culture to culture. 2.Marriage is practiced in some form all around the world, solving the basic problem of human relationships and procreation.

What does it mean to be of different backgrounds in marriage?

3.However, this practice means that inheritances, power, land holdings, community resources, and much more are spread thinner than if marriage partners came from the same group. 4.It also means that those being married may come from very different backgrounds with different expectations regarding their roles and beliefs.

What is the practice of marriage that requires a person to be outside of their clan?

Exogamy . Exogamy is the practice in which marriage partners must come from different groups. Depending on the cultural norms, a person's choice of marriage partners may be required to be outside of one's clan or lineage. 1.Socially, this practice links families from different communities together, creating alliances.

What is the marriage practice of having a single spouse?

monogamy. the marriage practice of having a single spouse. nuclear family. a family unit consisting of two generations, most often parents and their children. polyandry. the marriage practice of having two or more husbands at the same time. polygamy. the marriage practice of having two or more spouses.

What is the process of marriage?

The process of marriage is meant to reinforce whatever that culture sees as healthy and beneficial to their society. 2.Labor - marriage regulates the tasks that women and men are expected to perform in society. Some of these are biological, such as childbirth and nursing of infants.

What is endogamous marriage?

Endogamous marriage can be seen in societies with strong ethnic, religious, or socio-economic class divisions in which individuals tend to marry within their groups. 1.This practice supports the survival of the group into the future, since the people being married have similar identities, core values, ideologies, etc.

What is the third gender?

third gender. a gender role accepted in some societies as combining elements of male and female genders. totem. a mythological ancestor linking people together in kinship ties. two-spirit. A native American person who identifies as a third-gender occupying a role between males and females with characteristics of each.

What is the practice of parents demanding their children marry someone they have chosen?

the practice in which parents demand their child marry someone the parents have chosen. fraternal polyandry. the practice of women marrying brothers. gender identity. a person's internal experience of their identity as male, female,both, or neither, as well as the expression of the identity in social behavior.

Why do brides have dowry?

This is because she represents support and labor for a household and will likely bear children for the husband's family line . Dowry. dowry is when the bride's family essentially gives the newlyweds or the husband's family her share of their inheritance, depending on the circumstances .