which of the following is an example of alternative social movement course hero

by Dr. Hettie Christiansen III 3 min read

What is an example of an alternative social movement?

Since D.A.R.E. seeks to influence adolescents (a small group) about their attitudes towards drugs and alcohol (a select change), it is an example of an alternative social movement. Now that she understands how this classification system works, Aline is able to recognize two other examples from groups she's seen on the university campus.

What are the 4 types of social movements?

This classification system centers around two criteria: how many people are affected by the change and how great a change is being sought. This classification system leads to four different types of social movements: alternative, reformative, redemptive, and revolutionary.

What alternative social movement does Aline see in the pamphlet?

Aline looks at the pamphlet her brother hit her head with and sees an example of an alternative social movement -- D.A.R.E. Since D.A.R.E. seeks to influence adolescents (a small group) about their attitudes towards drugs and alcohol (a select change), it is an example of an alternative social movement.

What is a social movement in sociology?

Social movements are groups of people who share the same ideas about what they believe is important, campaigning for change by protesting, advocating, or making speeches. Often these changes happen in society (e.g., civil rights), politics (e.g., workers' rights), or the economy (e.g., anti-austerity).

What is an example of an alternative social movement?

Alternative movements are typically focused on self-improvement and limited, specific changes to individual beliefs and behavior. These include things like Alcoholics Anonymous, Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD), and Planned Parenthood.

What are the 4 types of social movements?

The major types of social movements are reform movements, revolutionary movements, reactionary movements, self-help movements, and religious movements.

What are social movements class 12?

A social movement has a general orientation or way of approaching to bring about (or to prevent) change. These defining features are not constant. They may change over the course of a social movement's life. Social movements cannot change society easily.

What is a social movement quizlet?

Social Movement. :a large group of people who are organized to promote or resist some social change.

What does alternative social movement mean?

In sociology, an alternative movement or alterative movement refers to a social movement that seeks limited societal change. They target a small group of people and a specific behavior, and attempt to change the behavior of individual people in relation to that issue.

Which of the following statements best describes alternative social movements?

Which of the following statements best describes alternative social movements? They focus on changing some people's attitudes or behavior in a specific way. They bring change in society through the use of violence and intimidation.

What are the social movements in India?

Some powerful Social Movements that shook IndiaSwadeshi Movement, 1905. ... Satyagraha. ... Chipko Movement, 1973. ... Namantaran Andolan, 1978. ... Narmada Bachao Andolan, 1985. ... Anti- Mandal Agitation, 1990. ... Anti- Reservation Protest, 2006. ... Jan Lokpal Bill – Anti Corruption Movement by Anna Hazare, 2011.More items...•

What is the social movement?

social movement, a loosely organized but sustained campaign in support of a social goal, typically either the implementation or the prevention of a change in society's structure or values. Although social movements differ in size, they are all essentially collective.

Which of the following is a feature of a social movement?

A social movement has the following features : 1. The social movement involves collective action. This collective action can take the form of a movement only when it is sustained for a longer period.

What was the goal of the social movement quizlet?

Social movements that try to protect from change what they see as society's prevailing values. Social movements that try to improve or revise some part of society through social change. A type of social movement, the goal of which is a total and radical change of the existing social structure.

What makes a social movement successful quizlet?

When are social movements most successful? When their goals are consistent with the central values of society, have wide popular support, and fit the needs of political leaders.

What is an example of a reformative social movement quizlet?

What is an example of a reformative social movement? A movement that promotes a switch from standard incandescent light bulbs to energy-saving compact florescent bulbs in all American households.

What is meant by social movement?

A social movement is a collective action by a large group of people, either through protest or activism. It is usually achieved through coordinated...

What are social movements and why are they important?

Social movements are an important aspect of the modern age. These movements are social in that they encompass all aspects of society, political, ec...

What are the various types of social movements?

In addition to being a general term for a type of activity, the word "social movement" is also used specifically to describe a collective group of...

Characteristics of Social Movements

Social movements are a tool of resistance that can bring about social change and often a form of nonviolent protest that challenges the status quo and creates a better society. Researcher Douglass McAdam has identified three primary characteristics of social movements, which include:

Social Protest Definition

Social protests are public demonstrations of discontent and can be defined as demonstrations and public gatherings to draw attention to social injustice. Some social movements can be defined as a series of organized and sustained social actions that include demonstrations, strikes, boycotts, and other forms of activism.

Social Movements Examples

There have been many social movements throughout history. Some of the most famous ones include the following:

Alternative Social Movement

The terms alternative social movement and "new social movement" were used to describe a type of collective political action that was not based on a shared ideology but rather a common goal or set of values that seeks limited societal change. They are often considered an alternative to the traditional hierarchical organization in political parties.

What are the different types of social movements?

This classification system leads to four different types of social movements: alternative, reformative, redemptive, and revolutionary. Alternative social movements are those that seek to make relatively small changes to a select group of individuals.

What are social movements classified based on?

She also knows from class that social movements can be classified based on just about anything, such as: the use of violence. the type of institutions used to enact change (political and religious institutions tend to be the most common) the type of change being advocated.

What is Aline's class?

Social Movement Classification. Aline is an accelerated high school student who is taking classes at a nearby university. This semester she's taking a sociology class and learning about the many different ways to classify social movements. She's been assigned to write a short paper on one particular classification: the alternative social movement.

What is social movement?

From her notes in class, Aline knows that social movements are defined as a loosely organized group of people who are either trying to implement a positive change in society's structure or values, or are trying to prevent a change that they believe will negatively affect society.

When did Aberle come up with the classification system?

Aberle came up with a system of classifying social movements in the 1960s that is still widely used today. Dr. Aberle's system asks the following questions about a social movement:

Who proposed the classification system for social movements?

There are many ways to classify social movements. The most commonly used system was proposed by anthropologist Dr. David Aberle in the 1960s. This classification system centers around two criteria: how many people are affected by the change and how great a change is being sought.

What is Aline required to do in class?

In class Aline is also required to come up with some examples of alternative social movements. She starts thinking about the kinds of groups that advocate for relatively small changes affecting a select group. She can't think of any at first, but when she gets home it smacks her in the head - literally.

What are the causes of social change?

451). There are four main causes of social change: cultural change, conflicts, changes in ideas, and demographic changes (Macionis, 2006). Four primary stages of a social change are “emergence, coalescence, bureaucratization, and decline” (Macionis, 2006). Social movements have shaped the United States and social movements will continue to shape the face of the United States. In fact, many of these movements are taking place at this very moment. Additionally, social movements can generally be placed into one of four social movements categories; these categories are alternative social …show more content…

What does a liberal feminist believe?

A liberal feminist will argue that if a man has the opportunity to continue with education and obtain a good job, a woman should also have the same opportunity. Women need to feel and be empowered to create change in our society. Women need to expand their opportunities. A liberal feminist approach to ending poverty is to promote policies and laws that help empower women, like the Girls Count Act and Equal Pay Act. A liberal feminist looks to society to make changes for the gender inequality.…

What is the one thing that doesn't abide by majority rule?

“The one thing that doesn 't abide by majority rule is a person 's conscience.” (Lee, 1960), Social movements are a large part of how our society shifts to new norms. Social movements are causing a cultural change in our society based on a social ill that has been deemed necessary to be fixed. The types of social movements can go from one end of the spectrum to another, One could have riots and violence, and the other could have speeches and a passive nature. They are all capable of being able to go through the four stages of a social movement, emergence, coalescence, bureaucratization, and decline. One of the main four types of the social movements is alternative social movements.…
