which of the following is a limitation of short-term memory course hero

by Zena Rau 9 min read

What is short term memory?

Short-term memory is, in essence, the gateway to long-term information storage. When we learn new information or acquire new memories, these are first stored in our short-term memory before making their way to the long-term memory. Information that is not reinforced or not worthy of being tucked away for later use is discarded to make room ...

How long does short term memory last?

It’s limited duration. As its name implies, short-term memory keeps data for a short period of time, about 20 seconds. After that, unless we make a conscious effort to retain the information just stored there, it disappears forever. Encoding processes. Information comes to our short-term memory through our senses.

Why is it important to design eLearning courses that cater to the short term memory?

Designing eLearning courses that cater to the short-term memory can give your learners the opportunity to remember the key takeaways in their short run, so that they can put them to good use in the long run.

Why should eLearning professionals understand what happens within the short term memory?

The aim of eLearning professionals should be both to understand what exactly happens within the short-term memory in order to facilitate knowledge transfer, as well as to provide learners with the proper intrinsic incentives in order to motivate them to get more involved in the learning process.

What is the term for the end of a lesson that is stored in the short term memory?

Recency refers to the other end of the spectrum, dictating that the concepts at the end of the lesson are stored in the short-term memory because no other concepts were learned after them. There were no additional items to serve as a distraction, so your mind could easily absorb them.

What is the difference between acoustic and iconic memory?

To sum up, iconic memory is the human ability to hold visual information, like images or pictures in short-term memory , though acoustic memory is the ability to retain auditory information in short-term memory.

How many items can a short term memory store?

These are: It's limited capacity. According to Miller's Magical Number Seven (1956), the short term memory has a limited capacity, being able to store 5 to 9 items simultaneously.
