which of the following is a fight against affirmative action (course hero)

by Mr. Maximus Ziemann V 5 min read

What was an argument against affirmative action quizlet?

Some argue that affirmative action programmes have failed because a programme that is based on race is unlikely to move society to a point where race no longer counts. But others argue that by promoting diversity, racial tolerance has been enhanced and old prejudices are slowly dying.

How do you argue against affirmative action?

Opponents of affirmative action contend that it is reverse discrimination and that it is simply wrong for the government ever to use race in conferring benefits such as government contracts, jobs, or admissions to schools. Both advocates and foes of affirmative action cloak their posi- tions in noble rhetoric.

What are the criticisms of affirmative action?

The criticism of affirmative action includes high program costs, hiring fewer qualified candidates, and a lack of historical progress in equal representation.

Why do people argue against affirmative action?

They say that it is unfair to use race as a consideration in admitting students to a college or university. Others argue that many of the students admitted on the basis of affirmative action are not equipped to perform in, for example, Ivy League schools. They say that the possibility for their success is low.

What is the argument for affirmative action?

Put simply, affirmative action ensures colleges and universities provide opportunity to those historically shut out of the system because of their race, ethnicity, income, or identity.Oct 1, 2019

What are the advantages and disadvantages of affirmative action?

Top 10 Affirmative Action Pros & Cons – Summary List
Affirmative Action ProsAffirmative Action Cons
Can give minorities better chances in lifeAffirmative Action may not be fair
Can improve job opportunitiesCan lead to plenty of frustration
May help to reduce the wealth gapCan contribute to stereotyping
7 more rows

What is affirmative action pros and cons?

Many companies now employ affirmative action policies as part of their business models, but there are still some pros and cons to this practice.
  • Advantage: Diverse Workplace. ...
  • Disadvantage: Creates a Stigma. ...
  • Advantage: Attracts New Customer Base. ...
  • Disadvantage: Perception of Reverse Discrimination.

How many states banned affirmative action?

Nine states
Nine states in the United States have banned race-based affirmative action: California (1996), Washington (1998), Florida (1999), Michigan (2006), Nebraska (2008), Arizona (2010), New Hampshire (2012), Oklahoma (2012), and Idaho (2020).