which of the following is a difference between supplies and business services? course hero

by Prof. Trystan Funk DVM 10 min read

What is the difference between supplies and business services?

Supplies are more expensive compared to other business goods, whereas business services are economical. c. Supplies are part of a final product, whereas business services do not become part of a final product.

What is the difference between equipment and supplies?

In accounting, equipment or property is a number of goods as a place to support the company’s performance, in carrying out all company activities. Generally, this kind of item has a longer lifespan than supplies. A small example that is included in the property section is Furniture and fixtures which are usually found in the administrative office.

What are the characteristics of supplies as company needs?

The following are the characteristics of supplies as company needs are: The purchases record is in the financial statements, not in current assets. That’s a brief discussion about property. There is a difference between equipment and supplies.

Does equipment include in the cost category?

The property basically has no particular material value. This indicates that there is no material value in all the items. Therefore, equipment includes in the cost category. To make it easier to analyze whether an item can include in the company’s equipment or not, you can find out from the function of the item.

How many customers can account for a huge volume of purchases?

Is accessory equipment depreciated?

Do components become part of final product?

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How many customers can account for a huge volume of purchases?

One customer can account for a huge volume of purchases.

Is accessory equipment depreciated?

Major equipment is depreciated over time, whereas accessory equipment is charge as an expense in the year it is purchases.

Do components become part of final product?

Component part become part of a final product, wheras supplies do not.

What is the difference between a wholesaler and a retail?

Wholesalers use purchased goods to incorporate into other products, while retailers seek to achieve goals other than the standard business goals of profit. b. Wholesalers account for the greatest volume of purchases of any customer category, while retailers buy business products and resell them to business customers.

Can a business marketer be a business marketer?

a. It can also be a business marketer.

Understanding Equipment

In accounting, equipment is a number of goods as a place to support the company’s performance, in carrying out all company activities. Generally, this kind of item has a longer lifespan than supplies.


The following is an explanation of the characteristics and the difference with supplies:


That’s a brief discussion about equipment. There is a difference between equipments and supplies. If the equipments is a non-consumable item and have depreciation, then the equipments is a consumable item without depreciation costs.

How many customers can account for a huge volume of purchases?

One customer can account for a huge volume of purchases.

Is accessory equipment depreciated?

Major equipment is depreciated over time, whereas accessory equipment is charge as an expense in the year it is purchases.

Do components become part of final product?

Component part become part of a final product, wheras supplies do not.
