which of the following ideas to glaukon and nietzsche share? course hero

by Ms. Mayra Stamm PhD 5 min read

What are some key ideas in Nietzsche's philosophy?

The following are examples of key ideas in Nietzsche's philosophy. God is dead! God remains dead! And we have killed him. How shall we comfort ourselves, the murderers of all murderers? Nietzsche is very concerned with the decline of religious belief and what will replace it.

What are the principles of higher man according to Nietzsche?

The principle you may be referencing (exaggeration) is that for Nietzsche "higher men" are begotten by an excess of power, and live according to values they dictate for themselves. Nietzsche is an incredibly insifghtful culture critic. The 'God is Dead!' parable means that there is no longer a source of moral authority in western culture.

What are the best Nietzsche books to read?

Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm. The gay science: With a prelude in German rhymes and an appendix of songs. Vintage, 1974. Nietzsche, Friedrich. The twilight of the idols. Jovian Press, 2018. Nietzsche, Friedrich. Thus spoke Zarathustra: A book for everyone and nobody. Oxford University Press, 2008. Nietzsche, Friedrich, Maudemarie Clark.

What are the two types of individuals according to Nietzsche?

To answer this question Nietzsche’s categorization of individuals into two distinct types: the higher human beings, and those who belong to the herd, must be examined. Within the category of the higher human beings, there are two main types.

What are Nietzsche's two categories?

To answer this question Nietzsche’s categorization of individuals into two distinct types: the higher human beings, and those who belong to the herd, must be examined. Within the category of the higher human beings, there are two main types.

What was Nietzsche's morality?

Nietzsche foresaw this morality as reigning over the Western world for the foreseeable future, and was to him “the danger of dangers” – a morality in which all individuals , even those with the potential to rise above the mediocre mass, are pressured into becoming .

Why did Nietzsche write about revaluation of values?

In the attempt to prevent future generations from succumbing to this all engulfing levelling effect , Nietzsche spent much time in his writings performing a “revaluation of values”, hoping to lessen the effect of herd morality on the development of higher men.

What motivates the slave to take vengeance on the higher humans?

This envy motivates the slave to take vengeance on the higher humans. Banding together to obtain a “communal feeling of power” – the only type of power available to the slave – and under the pretext of calls for equality, the slave attempts to bring down to a more mediocre level all those higher than him through the construction of a slave, ...

What was Nietzsche's fear of the world?

Nietzsche’s fears of such a world were expounded in a passage from On the Genealogy of Morality: “We can see nothing today that wants to grow greater, we suspect that things will continue to go down, down, to become thinner, more good-natured, more prudent , more comfortable, more mediocre, more indifferent….

Is the individual who is strong and independent a herd morality?

The individual who is strong and independent – who attains feelings of power spontaneously through their creative endeavors andgreat health” – is deemed by herd morality to be “evil”. On the other hand, all those who belong to the herd: the mediocre last men, and the weak and impotent slaves – the “vengeful disguised as judges” (OGM) ...

Is Nietzsche's morality good or evil?

Most people do not question why things are considered morally good or evil, rather uncritically, and largely unconsciously, they adopt the “value judgments of good and evil” dominant within their society. For the past 2000 years, the dominant morality in the West, according to Nietzsche, has been an “anti-natural” morality, which, in his words, ...

What is Friedrich Nietzsche's influence on philosophy?

Friedrich Nietzsche was a 19th century philosopher who exerted a massive influence on the path of academic thought that arguably shaped the late-modern and postmodern eras. Nietzsche is unique in that he doesn't align to any philosophical tradition. His ideas are so foundational that it is common for his philosophy to be used as a basis ...

What are the two types of morality Nietzsche argues?

Nietzsche argues that their are two types of morality: master and slave. Master morality values pride and power. This evaluates actions based on whether they are good or evil. Nietzsche views this as the morality of the strong-willed. In other words, he views this in a positive light.

What is Nihilism in philosophy?

the great nausea, the will to nothingness, nihilism ... ~ Friedrich Nietzsche, On the Genealogy of Morality, 1887. Nihilism is the philosophy that life is meaningless. Nietzsche views this as a threat to humankind which he equates to a "will to nothingness" and compares with an animal-like state of being.

What is Nietzsche's idea of power?

In the absence of religion, Nietzsche searches for a meaning to life and comes up with the idea of a will to power. In modern parlance, this could be described as the drive to achieve self-fulfillment. Nietzsche leaves this somewhat open-ended but also tends to portray this as a warrior-hero pursuit of what is good.

Why did Nietzsche's sister edit his work?

It escalated with his death with the misrepresentation of his work by his opportunistic sister Elisabeth Forster-Nietzsche who edited his works to support her German nationalist views. To be clear, Nietzsche was critical of nationalism. In fact, he was critical of the very idea of governments in general.

Who said that every will must consider every other will its equal?

~ Friedrich Nietzsche , On the Genealogy of Morality, 1887.

Who said no one can construct for you the bridge upon which precisely you must cross the stream of life?

No one can construct for you the bridge upon which precisely you must cross the stream of life, no one but you yourself alone. ~ Friedrich Nietzsche, Untimely Meditations, 1876. Nietzsche put forward a concept known as perspectivism that suggests that morals and knowledge always originate with a point of view.

What does Nietzsche believe?

Here's a brief summary of what Nietzsche believes in: 1 Nietzsche believes that we shouldn't believe in anything we cannot know about. God, for instance. We cannot know about the existence of God, therefore we should get rid of the very idea. 2 He believes that the weak use religion as an excuse to gain power. 3 He believes that art does a far better job at explaining reality than religion. 4 He believes that one should affirm life. What Nietzsche doesn't believe in is denying life. Many people misunderstand him. Nietzsche, in any way, is not a nihilist. 5 Nietzsche thinks that people who believe in other wo

What does Friedrich Nietzsche believe?

Briefly said, Friedrich believes in the supreme, in humanity, in power, strength, boldness, true joyfulness, true suffering, improvement and in the future. Nietzsche believes that we shouldn't believe in anything we cannot know about. God, for instance.

What is the test against nihilism?

One who creates new values is called ubermensch (overman / superman) A test against nihilism is ubermensch's understanding and acceptance of "the eternal return" - that even if life is the same, he conducts life joyously. Meaning self-similar life is preferable over non-existence. The last man is the opposite of.

Why does the Overman use his weakness?

They use their weakness as a weapon to chain the strong and brave ones. The world needs new values and the overman's purpose is to be the creator of such values. Furthermore, he loves this life and this world. He is against the idea that this world is less important because it's transitory.

What does Friedrich believe about the Overman?

The contempora. Friedrich believes in the Overman. He thinks humanity is wonderful the way it is as it is a rope between the beast and the overman, i.e. a transitory stage which should be appreciated. However, man should strive to become an overman.

Is Nietzsche a nihilist?

Nietz sche, in any way, is not a nihilist. Nietzsche thinks that people who believe in other worldliness do not appreciate this life and they use the idea of other world's, heaven, for instance, as an excuse to escape this world. Unlike the Platonists, Nietzsche believes that this life is enough to satisfy our desires.

Is nihilism different from other beliefs?

One realises that nihilism itself is no different than other beliefs. The definition gave nihilists a flavour and purpose to their life. “Life is meaningless” is itself a principle by which they lived their lives and continue to. You made the philosophy of nihilism your life's purpose / mission.
