which of the following federal agencies sponsored the project match in 1989? course hero

by Bridget Swift 10 min read

Project MATCH began in 1989 in the United States and was sponsored by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA). MATCH is an initialism for Matching Alcoholism Treatments to Client Heterogeneity.

What is Project Match study?

Project MATCH was a multisite clinical trial designed to test a series of a prior hypotheses on how patient-treatment interactions relate to outcome.

What were the results of Project Match?

Overall, Project MATCH participants showed significant and sustained improvement in increased percentage of abstinent days and decreased number of drinks per drinking days, with few clinically significant outcome differences among the three treatments in either treatment arm.

How does motivational enhancement therapy work?

Motivational Enhancement Therapy (MET) is a counseling approach that helps individuals resolve their ambivalence about engaging in treatment and stopping their drug use. This approach aims to evoke rapid and internally motivated change, rather than guide the patient stepwise through the recovery process.

Why is alcohol needed?

Moderate alcohol consumption may provide some health benefits, such as: Reducing your risk of developing and dying of heart disease. Possibly reducing your risk of ischemic stroke (when the arteries to your brain become narrowed or blocked, causing severely reduced blood flow) Possibly reducing your risk of diabetes.

What is the purpose of Project Match?

The initial purpose of this series of manuals was to disseminate methodology developed by the investigators of the multisite clinical trial Project MATCH (1990–1997), an initiative funded by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA). The Institute developed these materials with the hope that they would fill a gap in the published literature and would be useful for alcohol treatment researchers and clinicians. That prediction has proven to be accurate. Since the initial publication, the manuals have been reprinted many times and requested by users both in the United States and abroad. Several of the manuals have been translated into other languages for use in other countries, including China, France, and Spain. Requests for the manuals continue even now.

How many volumes of Project Match are there?

Because of the continued interest in the Project MATCH series, NIAAA has repackaged all eight volumes and made them available online. It is our hope that having this material available in electronic form will make the information even more useful and available to a wider audience.

What is a form 90?

Volume 5: Form 90: A Structured Assessment Interview for Drinking and Related Behaviors: Test Manual —This manual was the first detailed publication on Form 90, a family of related instruments that generate both baseline and follow-up information. Form 90 is an extension of the Traditional Time Line Follow Back method, so named because it provided guidelines for assessing alcohol consumption for the previous 90 days. Among other additions, Form 90 introduced the Steady Pattern Chart to identify periods of time when the individual drank in a consistent fashion, thus obviating the need for day-by-day questioning for those periods. Electronic drink calculators, such as the Time Line Follow Back Standard Drink Unit Calculator, can now be used to convert raw data to standard drink units across a wide variety of beverage types and sizes and are useful for increasing the accuracy and consistency of data across multiple sites and users. This calculator has been used in several academic multisite clinical trials, Phase 2 NIAAA multisite clinical trials, as well as larger Phase 3 pharmaceutical trials.

What is the 12 step facilitation manual?

Volume 1: Twelve Step Facilitation Therapy Manual: A Clinical Research Guide for Therapists Treating Individuals With Alcohol Abuse and Dependence —The Twelve Step Facilitation intervention (Volume 1), which now is regarded as an evidence-based intervention, continues to be supported by numerous studies, both as a sole therapy and an adjunct treatment. This intervention has since been extended to an early recovery program for both alcoholism and addiction to other substances. Although there are a plethora of new clinical assessments and diagnostic scales, the Jellinek Assessment of Symptoms, which is included in the manual’s appendix, and the description of the phases of alcoholism that originated many years ago still deserve a place in the manual and continue to resonate with many clinicians. Brief forms of Twelve Step Facilitation and other adaptations have since been developed and are available from health care, social services staff, and specialists in diverse settings, including emergency departments and psychiatry practices. The Web sites of several treatment programs now feature Twelve Step Facilitation, and many training courses are available that offer continuing-education credits for psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, and counselors.

What is a BAA?

Develop a Broad Area Announcement (BAA) to support a consortium of researchers to examine mechanisms of change in behavior from an interdisciplinary perspective, with an emphasis on modeling behavior change across scales—neurophysiological, psychological, and immediate social network. In response, NIAAA issued a BAA in 2009 soliciting proposals to form the Mechanisms of Behavior Change Initiation Research Consortium (MIRC). That initiative allocated up to $6.0 million each year for 3 years and subsequently funded three interdisciplinary research groups.

How to order Project Match?

To order printed copies of the Project MATCH Monograph Series, fill out the Project MATCH Order Form or call the toll-free number, 1-888-MY-NIAAA. (888-696-4222).

Is Project Match still relevant?

In the years following the Project MATCH study, the field has moved forward dramatically, both conceptually and methodologically. The core principles and much of the detail presented in the Project MATCH manuals remain solid and relevant. However, readers are encouraged to consult PubMed and other databases for new developments in the alcohol treatment field. Another source for treatment research and clinical practice information is the Project MATCH Web site, which catalogs publications derived from the Project MATCH experience from 1991 through 2003 ( http://www.commed.uchc.edu/programs/health_services/match/ ).

Who promised to submit the disclosure form?

Professor Jones promised to submit the Disclosure Form by the end of the week. Professor Smith could drive to Professor Jones ' veterinarian with a Disclosure Form, have her fill it out, and provide the form to the Office of Sponsored Programs in time for the Office of Sponsored Programs to submit the proposal.

What does the federal government rely on to respond to an allegation of research misconduct?

federal funding agencies typically rely on an institution to make the initial response to an allegation of research misconduct

How long do you have to disclose travel sponsored by a publicly traded company?

30 days. According to the U.S. Public Health Service regulations, investigators are required to disclose travel sponsored or reimbursed by: A publicly traded company. An investigator received $4,000 of consulting income from a publicly traded drug company over the past 12 months.

Who must give ownership of data to the research team?

Industry sponsors must give ownership of the data to the research team. Industry sponsors of research may seek to place restrictions on the disclosure of research results. In any collaboration, data ownership is typically determined by: The type and source of funds used to support the project.

Who is required to reveal their identity?

the US government is required to reveal publicly the identity of any person who commits misconduct

Why do employees feel pressure to participate in a study?

Employees may experience pressure from management to participate in the study because the employer perceives the study to be advantageous to the organization. Unions may encourage employees to participate with the expectation that "entitlements" may follow from study results. All of the above. all of the above.

How many publications are there in Project Match?

Cutler and Fishbain, in a review of Project MATCH, stated that in out of more than 60 publications generated by Project MATCH, all have overlooked important results.

Who is the psychologist behind Project Match?

Project MATCH was poorly designed "to say the least" asserts psychologist G. Alan Marlatt of the University of Washington in Seattle, a pioneer in the development of behavioral treatments for alcoholism. Marlatt states: "Everybody can now project their own views about alcoholism onto this study.".

Who said researchers need to examine differences between alcoholics who succeed in recovering and those who fail?

George Vaillant argues researchers need to examine differences between alcoholics who succeed in recovering and those who fail, rather than limiting themselves to a search for contrasts among professionally run treatments.

What is match in alcohol treatment?

Project MATCH began in 1989 in the United States and was sponsored by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA). MATCH is an initialism for Matching Alcoholism Treatments to Client Heterogeneity.

What is the NIAAA project match?

NIAAA Reports Project MATCH Main Findings Washington, D.C. The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism today announced main findings from the largest and most statistically powerful clinical trial of psychotherapies ever undertaken. Designed to test whether different types of alcoholics respond differently to specific therapeutic approaches, the eight-year, multisite trial confirmed one hypothetical "match" and did not confirm ten others, leading researchers to conclude that patient-treatment matching does not substantially alter outcomes.

When did the NIAAA start Matching Alcoholism Treatments to Client Heterogeneity?

NIAAA initiated "Matching Alcoholism Treatments to Client Heterogeneity" (Project MATCH) in 1989 to provide a rigorous test of the most promising hypothetical matches.

Did Project Match work?

The Project MATCH patients probably did well because the treatments were of high quality and well delivered, according to Thomas F. Babor, Ph.D., Department of Psychiatry, University of Connecticut Health Center and principal investigator for the Project MATCH Coordinating Center: "The striking differences in drinking from pretreatment levels to all followup points suggest that participation in any of the MATCH treatments would be associated with marked positive change."

Is Project Match good news?

The Project MATCH findings may surprise but should not dismay those who foresaw a revolution in alcohol treatment delivery based on patient-treatment matching, said Dr. Gordis. "These findings are good news for treatment providers and for patients who can have confidence that any one of these treatments, if well-delivered, represents the state of the art in behavioral treatments."

Does Project Match show sustained improvement?

Overall, Project MATCH participants showed significant and sustained improvement in increased percentage of abstinent days and decreased number of drinks per drinking days, with few clinically significant outcome differences among the three treatments in either treatment arm. For example, there was no difference in sustained abstinence among treatments in the aftercare arm. However, outpatients who received 12-step facilitation were more likely to remain completely abstinent in the year following treatment than outpatients who received the other treatments.

When was Project Match's 20th anniversary?

In 2011, Project MATCH celebrated its 20th anniversary. To recognize this milestone, we put together a short video that captures the essence of what this program is about. To view please click on the following You Tube video link: Project Match 20th Anniversary

What is Project Match?

Project MATCH is Los Angeles Community College District's (LACCD) premier instructional development and professional learning program designed to increase quality instruction and diversity in community college teaching. The program embodies LACCD’s equity framework dedicated to the principles of equity, justice and community. LACCD and its colleges are actively working together to build our antiracist organizational capacity and resilience and move forward towards a more socially and racially-just academic community.

How many colleges have LACCD?

There are 9 colleges with the LACCD. Campus selection and mentor matching​ is at the sole discretion of the District and the Project MATCH Administrator.

When do you submit transcripts for Project Match?

If the applicant is chosen and accepts the mentorship, original transcripts must be submitted before the commencement of the first Project MATCH event or session.

When are follow up sessions held?

Follow-up sessions are held once a month on Thursday evenings from 5:00pm - 6:30pm in September, October, and November.

Can Project Match provide equivalency?

Project MATCH cannot provide equivalency to any participant .

Can you use the Mentorship Program to supplement a course?

Also, the Program cannot be used to supplement any course work or internship requirements at other educational or credential programs for any applicant who is currently enrolled in another “community college” mentorship program or “teaching certificate” program.