which of the following best describes an indulgence course hero

by Melyna Boyer 6 min read

Who said that those who are incapable of restraining their appetites and lusts are incapable of re?

According to Socrates in Plato's Gorgias, those who are incapable of restraining their appetites and lusts

What is justice in Epicurus?

Justice, according to Epicurus, is nothing more than an agreement that citizens make with one another not to harm each other or be harmed. (T/F)

Which philosopher said that not everything has a specific work or purpose?

According to Socrates in Plato's Republic (352d-354a), not everything has a specific work or purpose. (T/F)

Who said the just individual is always the wise individual?

According to Socrates in Plato's Republic (442c-444a), the just individual is always also the wise individual. (T/F) According to Socrates in Plato's Republic (442c-444a), the moderate, wise, courageous, and just individual will be the one in whom appetite and desire rule over reason and spiritedness.

Who said appetite and desire rule over reason and spiritedness?

According to Socrates in Plato's Republic (442c-444a), the moderate, wise, courageous, and just individual will be the one in whom appetite and desire rule over reason and spiritedness. (T/F)

Who said "It makes no difference in the end whether you live a long life or a short one"?

According to Marcus Aurelius in the Meditations, it makes no difference in the end whether you live a long life or a short one: either way you are going to die, so quit actin' a fool. (T/F)

Who said happiness is in the eye of the beholder?

According to St. Augustine , happiness is in the eye of the beholder. Man can create and define his own happiness entirely on his own terms. (T/F)