which nutrients contribute most of the energy needed for physical activity? course

by Miss Myrtie Wolf 4 min read

The majority of energy (i.e., calories) contained in food (i.e., carbohydrates, proteins, fats) is absorbed into the body during digestion. The caloric value of 1 gram carbohydrate, protein, fat, and alcohol are listed, below. Minerals and vitamins do not provide a measurable source of energy for the body (Williams, 1999).

Full Answer

What nutrients do you need to support physical activity?

Whether you are a long-distance runner or a mall walker, your body relies on the same six nutrients to support physical activity: Carbohydrates Proteins Fats Vitamins Minerals Water

Are proteins a source of energy during physical activity?

Proteins. Proteins also provide your body with calories, but your body would prefer to save proteins for other jobs. Therefore, proteins are not a major source of energy during physical activity, but they are important for the repair of muscles after physical activity.

What is the main energy source during exercise of low to moderate?

The main energy source during exercise of low to moderate intensity is fat. THIS SET IS OFTEN IN FOLDERS WITH... Nutrition Ch 1 Quiz 25 terms jlkopp96 HN Quiz 2

How important is nutrition in developing a physical fitness program?

In developing a physical fitness program, it is very important to ensure that the activities are enjoyable. True For people who consume enough vitamins and minerals in their diet, taking more than the RDA will not result in improved performance during exercise. True Which nutrients contribute most of the energy needed for physical activity?

Which of the following pairs of nutrients contribute most of the energy needed for physical activity quizlet?

Which of the following pairs of nutrients contribute most of the energy needed for physical activity? fat.

What nutrients are used during exercise?

Proteins, fats and carbohydrates are all possible sources of fuel for exercise and muscle contraction. During moderate-intensity exercise, roughly half of the energy is derived from glycogen, while the other half comes from glucose in the blood and fatty acids.

Which two nutrients provide the majority of energy for exercise quizlet?

Lipids supply the majority of energy for high intensity exercise. The caloric energy equivalent that corresponds to a food that contains 4 g of carbohydrate, 9 g of fat, and 13 g of protein is _______ kCal.

Which nutrients does your body prefer to use for energy during physical activity quizlet?

-The body prefers to use carbohydrate and fat as its main energy sources during exercise. -Small amounts of protein are used only when calorie intake and carbohydrate stores are insufficient.

What nutrients are used for energy?

The body uses three main nutrients to function— carbohydrate, protein, and fat. These nutrients are digested into simpler compounds. Carbohydrates are used for energy (glucose). Fats are used for energy after they are broken into fatty acids.

What is the most important nutrient during exercise?

WATER AND OTHER FLUIDS Water is the most important, yet overlooked, nutrient for athletes. Water and fluids are essential to keep the body hydrated and at the right temperature. Your body can lose several liters of sweat in an hour of vigorous exercise.

Which of the following nutrients contains the most energy?

Fat is a nutrient that is the most concentrated source of energy for the body.

Which of the following would provide the most energy?

Fat provides the most energy of all the macronutrients, at a whopping 9 calories per gram.

What is the main source of energy during high-intensity exercise?

Carbohydrates in the form of glucose -- a simple sugar -- contribute about 70 percent of the energy used in skeletal muscles during high-intensity exercise, according to Exercise and Nutrition Studies at San Diego State University.

What is the source of most of the energy used in prolonged exercise quizlet?

During prolonged exercise, fatty acids provide almost 80% of the energy requirements. The amount depends upon nutritional status and the intensity of exercise training or competition. This applies particularly to branched-chain amino acids that oxidize within skeletal muscle rather than within the liver.

What carbohydrate source does exercising muscle prefer to use quizlet?

Assuming that both muscle glycogen and blood glucose concentrations are adequate, exercising muscle cells prefer to use blood glucose rather than muscle glycogen.

What is the main source of energy for low and moderate intensity physical activity?

Fat is your body's preferred source of energy for low-intensity exercise. While at rest and during low-intensity exercise, free fatty acids are the predominant energy sources. The process by which fatty acids and other sources are converted to energy during low-intensity exercise is described as aerobic.

Why are carbs the best energy source?

Carbohydrates are one of the three energy-yielding nutrients because they provide your body with calories, which can be converted to energy. You also get calories from proteins and fats, making them the other two energy-yielding nutrients, but when you are physically active, carbs will be your best energy source.

What is the primary source of energy for endurance?

Fatty acids, which are the building blocks of fats, are the primary source of energy for endurance activities. Proteins are not a major source of energy during physical activity, but are important for the repair of muscle after physical activity.

What is the energy of carbohydrates?

Carbohydrates are digested into glucose, which is a simple sugar that is easily converted to energy, so you can think of carbohydrates as energy for physical activity. Fats provide a long-term source of energy. So, you might want to think of fats for sustained energy for physical activity.

Why are vitamins and minerals important?

Vitamins and minerals are also needed to support your body during physical activity. These nutrients do not contain calories, so they are not directly responsible for supplying your body with energy. But, they are indirectly involved. This is because certain vitamins, such as the B vitamins, are needed for processes that convert food molecules into the form of energy your body can use.

Why is dehydration important for athletes?

Dehydration is a significant barrier to your performance because water is needed during physical activity. Water helps because it cools the body. It also provides a medium that transports nutrients to muscles and removes waste products from the muscles.

What is physical activity?

Physical activity is defined as any movement of your muscles that requires energy. When you are physically active, your body uses nutrients to help you perform at your best and repair tissues damaged or broken down during activity.

Why do we need water?

You have a greater need for water during activity because it is lost in sweat and lost due to evaporation from increased respiration.