which muscle has a course parallel to that of the buccinator?

by Thalia Bergnaum 6 min read

Attachments: The risorius is sometimes regarded as an extension of the platysma. The fibers have their origin at the fascia of the masseter near the ramus of the mandible. The fibers run horizontally, parallel and superficial to the buccinator, inserting in the modiolus, some continuing on to the upper and lower lips.

What muscles interlace with the buccinator?

At the angle of the mouth, the buccinator fibers interlace with other muscles that attach at the same site, including orbicularis oris, risorius, depressor anguli oris and zygomaticus major. These muscles blend and form a dense fibromuscular mass called the modiolus.

Where does the posterior part of the buccinator originate?

The posterior part of the buccinator originates from the anterior margin of pterygomandibular raphe, a tendinous band behind the third molar spanning from the pterygoid hamulus to the posterior end of the mylohyoid line.

Does the buccinator play a part in facial movements?

Yes, the buccinator is involved in certain movements of the mouth, and so, plays a part in some facial movements. This includes movements related to the actions of chewing and blowing air (e.g., playing a trumpet.)

What are the three parts of the buccinator?

Origin and insertion Buccinator muscle can be divided into three parts based on its origin points; superior and inferior parts that oppose each other, and the deeply located posterior part. Its superior part arises from the outer surface of the alveolar process of maxilla opposite to the three maxillary molar teeth.

What is the name of the mass that connects the buccinator to the risorius?

Which part of the buccinator divides into two?

What muscle is used to expel air from the vestibule?

Which muscle is the superior part of?

What is the buccinator?

What is the function of a buccinator?

What muscle is used to play wind instruments?

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Which muscle helps tightly occlude the lips?

Orbicularis oris muscleOrbicularis orisNervecranial nerve VII, buccal branchActionsIt is sometimes known as the kissing muscle because it is used to pucker the lips.IdentifiersLatinmusculus orbicularis oris9 more rows

Which muscle depresses the dorsum of the tongue?

The pair of styloglossus muscles work together on each side to retract the tongue. The styloglossus muscle is innervated by the hypoglossal nerve (CN XII). The hyoglossus muscle depresses and retracts the tongue and is innervated by the hypoglossal nerve (CN XII).

Which of these muscles depresses the corner of the mouth?

The depressor anguli oris muscle (triangularis muscle) is a facial muscle. It originates from the mandible and inserts into the angle of the mouth. It is associated with frowning, as it depresses the corner of the mouth.

Which of these muscles dilates the eustachian tube?

The eustachian tube opens upon swallowing or yawning by contraction of the tensor veli palatini muscle.

Where is the Buccinator muscle?

cheekThe buccinator muscle is the major facial muscle underlying the cheek. It holds the cheek to the teeth and assists with chewing.

What is masseter muscle?

The masseter is one of the muscles of mastication. It is a powerful superficial quadrangular muscle originating from the zygomatic arch and inserts along the angle and lateral surface of the mandibular ramus. The masseter is primarily responsible for the elevation of the mandible and some protraction of the mandible.

What muscle moves lower lip downward?

depressor labii inferiorisThe depressor labii inferioris is a facial muscle that allows you to pull your lower lip down or to the side.

What is orbicularis oris muscle?

Orbicularis oris muscle, also known as musculus orbicularis oris is a complex, multi-layered muscle which attaches through a thin, superficial musculoaponeurotic system to the dermis of the upper lip and lower lip and serves as an attachment site for many other facial muscles around the oral region.

Which muscle draws the lower lip and angle of the mouth downward and may also help open the mouth widely?

With contraction of the lateral fibers that attach on the modiolus, the platysma can contribute to lowering the corners of the mouth and lower lip, while its medial attachment on the mandible can assist in depressing the mandible and opening the mouth.

What is the tensor tympani muscle?

Tensor tympani is a tiny, but long paired muscle of the middle ear. Together with the stapedius, it belongs to the group of intratympanic muscles. Tensor tympani occupies a bony canal found superior to the osseous part of the auditory tube (pharyngotympanic tube; Eustachian tube).

Where does the Eustachian tube start and end?

It starts at the carotid (anterior) wall of the tympanic cavity, narrows and ends at the connection of the squamous and petrous portions of the temporal bone. The uneven margin this creates enables the attachment of the cartilaginous section of the Eustachian tube.

Which muscle relaxes the velum and closes the Eustachian tube during deglutition?

The levator veli palatini and tensor veli palatini muscles insert to some extent on the eustachian tube. Both probably are responsible for competence of the tube in preventing reflux from the nasopharynx into the eustachian tube as well as for opening the tube to equalize pressure in the middle ear.

What does the buccinator muscle do?

The buccinator muscle is primarily involved in chewing or mastication. It tightens the cheek and holds it close to the teeth, which pushes food tow...

Is the Buccinator a muscle of facial expression?

Yes, the buccinator is involved in certain movements of the mouth, and so, plays a part in some facial movements. This includes movements related t...

What is buccinator mechanism?

The buccinator muscle contracts when the mouth closes, and relaxes when it opens. This helps hold the cheek close to the teeth, assisting in chewin...

What is the origin of buccinator?

The three parts of the buccinator (superior, inferior, and posterior) originate from different locations. The superior part originates from the max...

Buccinator Muscle

Is your buccinator muscle working properly? Don't worry if you have no idea what the buccinator muscle is or where it is located. (Hint: It's the facial muscle in your cheeks.) To find out if your buccinator muscle is working, try these simple and easy steps:


The buccinator muscle is a thin, four-sided facial muscle that is located in each of the cheeks.

Buccinator Muscle

What is the buccinator muscle? The buccinator muscle is a muscle found in the cheeks of the human face. It is a thin muscle with a quadrilateral shape. The buccinator belongs to a group of facial muscles known as the buccolabial group. The eleven buccolabial muscles are:

Buccinator Muscle Function

What does the buccinator muscle do? As previously mentioned, the major role of this muscle is in the process of mastication or chewing. During chewing, the buccinator functions to maintain the cheeks' tightness by compressing it inwards and holding the cheek close to the teeth.

Buccinator Muscle Origin and Insertion

This section will discuss the buccinator origin and insertions. As previously mentioned, the buccinator muscle's location is in the cheeks of the human face. The three parts of the buccinator muscle - i.e., the superior, inferior, and posterior parts - each originate from different parts of the skull bones.

What is the name of the mass that connects the buccinator to the risorius?

These muscles blend and form a dense fibromuscular mass called the modiolus.

Which part of the buccinator divides into two?

The uppermost and lowermost fibers of the buccinator diverge and enter the superior and inferior lips, respectively. The central fibers of the buccinator split into two and decussate so that the inferior half enters the superior lip, and the superior half enters the inferior lip.

What muscle is used to expel air from the vestibule?

The buccinator muscle has another interesting function, and that is expelling the air from the inflated vestibule while playing a wind instrument such as the trumpet. This is why the buccinator muscle is also called the "trumpet muscle".

Which muscle is the superior part of?

Superior and inferior parts of the muscle lie deep to the zygomaticus major, risorius, levator and depressor anguli oris muscles. This surface is also crossed by the facial artery and vein and the branches of facial (CN VII) and buccal nerves.

What is the buccinator?

The buccinator is the main component of the cheeks along with a considerable amount of subcutaneous fat. The buccal fat pad (of Bichat) covers the outer surface of the deep part of buccinator, separating it from the ramus of mandible, masseter and temporalis muscles .

What is the function of a buccinator?

Buccinator maintains the tightness of the cheeks and presses them against the teeth during chewing. It also assists the tongue to keep the bolus of food central in the oral cavity. This function is important to prevent it from escaping into the oral vestibule, as well as pushing any food that entered the vestibule back into the oral cavity. Buccinator also prevents cheeks from inverting in between the occlusal surfaces of the teeth and being bitten.

What muscle is used to play wind instruments?

In addition, the buccinator is the main muscle involved in playing wind instruments, as it expels air from the distended cheeks. Key facts about the buccinator muscle. Origin. (External lateral surface of) Alveolar process of maxilla, buccinator ridge of mandible, pterygomandibular raphe. Insertion.