which muscle does the subclavian artery course through

by Lilla Block 10 min read

middle scalene muscles

Where are the subclavian arteries located?

In human anatomy, the subclavian arteries are paired major arteries of the upper thorax, below the clavicle. They receive blood from the aortic arch.

What is the subclavius muscle?

The subclavius muscle is a short, triangular muscle of the thoracic wall that lies underneath the clavicle. It originates from the first rib and courses laterally to insert on the undersurface of the middle third of the clavicle.

Does the brachial plexus pass through the subclavian artery?

The brachial plexus and both the subclavian artery and vein pass under the subclavius muscle. Due to its location and relatively small size the muscle is hardly palpable. The innervation is carried by the subclavian nerve (C5-6), a branch of the brachial plexus.

Where does the subclavian artery pass through?

Course. The subclavian artery exits the thorax via the superior thoracic aperture between the anterior and middle scalene muscles before passing between the first rib and clavicle. At the lateral border of the first rib it continues as the axillary artery.

What muscles does the subclavian artery supply?

The third (postscalene) part of the subclavian artery also usually has only one branch, the dorsal scapular artery. This artery provides arterial supply for muscles of the upper back and shoulder including the trapezius muscle, levator scapulae muscle and rhomboid muscles.

What muscle runs between the subclavian artery and the subclavian vein?

After passing over the first rib, the brachial plexus nerves, subclavian artery, and subclavian vein all pass together underneath the clavicle. In doing so, they cross underneath a small muscle that runs along the back of the clavicle, called the subclavius muscle.

What is the Subclavius muscle?

The Subclavius muscle is a small, triangular muscle that is located between the first rib and the clavicle. Along with the pectoralis minor and the pectoralis major, the subclavius helps to make up the anterior wall in the axilla.

What muscles does the axillary artery supply?

It follows the lateral margin of the muscle to the thoracic wall and supplies the serratus anterior and pectoral muscles, axillary lymph nodes, and subscapularis. It anastomoses with the internal thoracic, subscapular, and intercostal arteries and the pectoral branch of the thoracoacromial artery.

What is Scalenus anterior muscle?

The anterior scalene, AKA scalenus anterior (scalenus anticus; Latin: musculus scalenus anterior) muscle is one of the lateral muscles of the neck, belonging to the scalene group. It is deeply placed, lying behind the Sternocleidomastoid. It is located between the subclavian vein and the subclavian artery.

Where does the middle scalene muscle pass through?

Middle scalene It descends along the side of the vertebral column to insert by a broad attachment into the upper surface of the first rib, posterior to the subclavian groove. The brachial plexus and the subclavian artery pass anterior to it.

What divides the subclavian artery into 3 parts?

the anterior scalene muscleThe subclavian artery is divided into three parts by the anterior scalene muscle. The branches from the first part SCA are vertebral, thyrocervical trunk, and internal mammary (thoracic) arteries.

What is the function of the subclavian artery?

Function. The primary function of the subclavian artery is to provide oxygen-rich blood to certain areas of the upper body. There are two subclavian arteries, which supply oxygen-rich blood to each side of the body. The subclavian arteries also provide oxygenated blood to the back of the cerebrum (the largest part of the brain), ...

Where does the right subclavian artery come from?

The Right Subclavian Artery. Arises from the brachiocephalic trunk (the second branch to arise from the aorta) Travels posteriorly (behind) the sternoclavicular joint (the area where the clavicle [collarbone] and the sternum [breastbone] come together). Becomes the axillary artery once it passes the first rib.

What happens if you have a subclavian artery blockage?

When a person has subclavian artery disease, it increases the risk of having a buildup of plaques in other arteries in the body. 6 Depending on where the blockage occurs, this can lead to serious complications such as a heart attack, chronic (long-term) chest pain or a stroke.

What is abnormal fetal development of the subclavian artery?

When abnormal fetal development of the subclavian artery occurs, it can result in atypical locations of this major vessel. Most commonly, aberrant right subclavian artery occurs, which results in the artery being displaced to an area between the trachea (windpipe) and esophagus (the tube through which food passes, after swallowing). 5  This can cause symptoms such as trouble breathing or swallowing. Discrepancies of the normal branching pattern of the subclavian can also occur as a result of malformation during fetal development.

Why are elastic arteries more easily able to stretch?

The reason elastic arteries must be more easily able to stretch is because they must be able to manage a relatively constant pressure (inside the vessels) despite the pressure caused by the heart’s continuous pumping action. 3 . Elastic arteries include: The aorta. Pulmonary artery.

Which artery supplies blood to the axillary region of the body?

The axillary artery supplies blood to the axillary region of the body; it extends down the arm to become the ulnar and radial arteries (supplying oxygenated blood to the arm).

Which artery receives oxygenated blood from the aortic arch?

The left subclavian artery receives oxygenated blood from the aortic arch (the top portion of the largest artery in the body that carries blood away from the heart). The right subclavian artery receives blood from the brachiocephalic branch.

Which muscle passes through the subclavian vein?

The brachial plexus, suprascapular artery, subclavian artery and subclavian vein pass deep to the subclavius muscle.

What is the subclavius muscle?

The subclavius muscle is a short, triangular muscle of the thoracic wall that lies underneath the clavicle. It originates from the first rib and courses laterally to insert on the undersurface of the middle third of the clavicle. The main function of the subclavius is to stabilize the clavicle during movements of the shoulder girdle.

Where is the subclavius muscle entrapped?

The vessels and nerves running behind the subclavius muscle can sometimes become entrapped between the clavicle and the first rib, inside the costoclavicular space. This is referred to as costoclavicular syndrome and marks one of the three types of thoracic outlet syndromes (TOS).

Where does the subclavius originate?

The subclavius muscle originates by a strong tendon from the sternal end of the 1st rib, near its articulation with the costal cartilage. The tendon spreads superolaterally into a muscle belly that inserts into the lower surface of the middle third of the body of clavicle (groove for subclavius muscle).

Why is the subclavius important?

Additionally, the subclavius is important to prevent injury of the adjacent subclavian blood vessels and the superior trunk of the brachial plexus in case of a fractured clavicle. Learning the attachments, innervation and function of over 650 muscles of the human body can be a daunting task, especially from large scary textbooks.

Which muscle is the left subclavian artery?

Paths of the Left & Right Subclavian Arteries. From their respective sites of origin, each subclavian artery progresses towards the anterior scalene muscle, which is a muscle belonging to the group of scalene muscles found on either side of the neck. Each artery then moves through the gap between the anterior and medial scalene muscles.

What is the subclavian artery?

The subclavian arteries (the right subclavian artery and the left subclavian artery) are a pair of major arteries that supply blood to the head, neck, chest, shoulders, and upper extremities. Subclavian means ‘under the clavicle,’, describing where these vessels are found. The subclavian arteries are sometimes associated ...

What causes subclavian artery thrombosis?

Subclavian artery thrombosis occurs when blood flow in the subclavian artery is obstructed by a blockage. It is normally a result of prior damage to the vessel such as through trauma or atherosclerosis. However, it can also be caused by congenital deformities and some auto-immune diseases.

What is the thyrocervical trunk?

The thyrocervical trunk arises between the origin of the subclavian arteries and the anterior scalene muscles (the first portion of the vessel). The thyrocervical trunk supplies blood to the thyroid, muscles of the upper back, shoulders, and neck. The costocervical trunk is a smaller branch of the subclavian artery that supplies the muscles ...

Why are subclavian arteries so rare?

Injury to the subclavian arteries is relatively rare, owing to their protection by the clavicles, surrounding muscle, and connective tissue. The subclavian arteries are damaged in less than 5% of trauma cases. If they are damaged by injury, the trauma is usually caused by a penetrative injury, such as gunshot wounds or knife injuries.

What is the ICD-10 code for aberrant subclavian artery?

However, symptoms can appear over time, and in later life, it can cause problems swallowing and chest pains. The ICD-10 code for aberrant subclavian artery is Q278.

Where is the second part of the scalene muscle?

The second part is found behind the anterior scalene muscle . The third and final part (before the subclavian artery becomes the axillary artery) is located between the lateral border of the anterior scalene muscle and the outer part of the first rib.

Where does the subclavian artery originate?

Variation. The subclavian arteries vary in their origin, their course, and the height to which they rise in the neck. The origin of the right subclavian from the innominate takes place, in some cases, above the sternoclavicular articulation, and occasionally, but less frequently, below that joint.

What is the left subclavian artery?

The left subclavian artery is the fifth branch of the aorta and the third branch from the arch of the aorta. The right subclavian artery arises from the brachiocephalic artery and its branches. (Right subclavian is at upper left, and left subclavian is at upper right.) In human anatomy, the subclavian arteries are paired major arteries ...

What muscle is behind the artery?

Behind the artery are the pleura and the scalenus medius muscle. Above the artery is the brachial plexus. Below the artery is the pleura. The subclavian vein lies below and anterior to the artery, separated from it by the scalenus anterior muscle.

Which artery is more deeply placed than the right artery?

The left subclavian is occasionally joined at its origin with the left common carotid artery, forming a left brachiocephalic trunk. The left subclavian artery is more deeply placed than the right in the first part of its course, and, as a rule, does not reach quite as high a level in the neck.

Which artery forms the aortic arch on the left?

right 4th aortic arch. right dorsal aorta. right 7th intersegmental artery. Essentially, the 4th aortic arch and dorsal aorta form the aortic arch on the left, but since the right dorsal aorta regresses distal to the right 7th intersegmental artery, on the left they form the proximal portion of the subclavian artery.

Where is the third part of the subclavian artery located?

The third portion of the subclavian artery runs downward and lateralward from the lateral margin of the scalenus anterior muscle to the outer border of the first rib, where it becomes the axillary artery. This is the most superficial portion of the vessel, and is contained in the subclavian triangle.

Which artery is the axillary artery?

As the subclavian artery crosses the lateral border of the first rib, it becomes the axillary artery. On the right side the subclavian artery arises from the brachiocephalic (innominate) artery behind the right sternoclavicular articulation; on the left side it springs from the arch of the aorta.

What is the first part of the subclavian artery?

First part – origin of the subclavian artery to the medial border of the anterior scalene. Second part – posterior to the anterior scalene. Third part – lateral border of anterior scalene to the lateral border of the first rib.

Where does the subclavian artery originate?

Subclavian Artery. The arterial supply to the upper limb begins as the subclavian artery. On the right, the subclavian artery arises from the brachiocephalic trunk. On the left, it branches directly from the arch of aorta.

What is the condition of the brachial plexus?

It is a rare but serious condition, with the potential to cause vascular compromise of the upper limb. The dilated portion of the axillary artery can compress the brachial plexus, producing neurological symptoms such as paraesthesia and muscle weakness.

What is the deep palmar arch?

Deep palmar arch – located deep to the flexor tendons of the hand. It contributes to the blood supply to the digits and to the wrist joint. By TeachMeSeries Ltd (2021) Fig 6 – Arterial supply to the hand, via the superficial and deep palmar arches.

Which artery supplies the triceps brachii?

It is the main supply of blood for the arm. Immediately distal to the teres major, the brachial artery gives rise to the profunda brachii (deep artery), which travels with the radial nerve in the radial groove of the humerus and supplies structures in the posterior aspect of the upper arm (e.g. triceps brachii).

Which arteries are renamed the brachial artery?

At the lower border of the teres major muscle, the axillary artery is renamed the brachial artery.

Which artery supplies a branch to the thumb, the index finger and to the superficial palmar arch?

The radial artery supplies a branch to the thumb, the index finger and to the superficial palmar arch – it then continues as the deep palmar arch. As a result, two arterial arches are formed: Superficial palmar arch – located anteriorly to the flexor tendons in the hand and deep to the palmar aponeurosis.

Why do subclavian arteries block blood flow?

The subclavian arteries are pipes that carry blood rich in oxygen from your heart to your arms and the back of your brain. Subclavian artery disease develops when blood flow is decreased because a section of one of these arteries has become narrow or is blocked. This blockage is often caused by the buildup of plaque—fat, cholesterol and other substances—also called atherosclerosis.

What happens if you have subclavian artery disease?

If you have subclavian artery disease, you have a higher chance of developing this buildup in other arteries throughout your body, which can lead to a heart attack, chest pain, stroke or cramping (claudication) in the legs.

What causes a blockage in the arteries?

In some cases, the blockage can be caused by birth defects, radiation exposure, or pressure on the artery from outside sources . Subclavian artery disease is a form of peripheral arterial disease (PAD), which involves blockages in arteries outside of your heart. However, the blood vessels of the upper body are affected less often.

Does subclavian artery disease cause symptoms?

Often, subclavian artery disease does not cause any symptoms because the disease progresses slowly or the body creates blood vessels around the blockage to maintain flow—or both. The symptoms that do occur are tied to the area that is blocked.
