which island has a significant number of residents of south asian descent? course hero

by Helen Lowe 10 min read

Which region has a major population of South Asian descent?

Which of these world regions has a major population of South Asian descent? The Dutch Which Europeans controlled the most territory in South Asia in 1700? along the coast In which part of South Asia were European possessions and territory concentrated in 1700? the Mughal Empire Who controlled the vast majority of South Asia in 1700? Ceylon

Which five nationalities were most involved in colonizing Southeast Asia?

Which five nationalities were most involved in colonizing Southeast Asia beginning in the 1500s? Chinese, French, Dutch, Russian and Swedish Independence from colonial powers took place primarily in the 1800s Southeast Asia's population is primarily located

Which European nation controlled the most territory in South Asia in 1700?

The Dutch Which Europeans controlled the most territory in South Asia in 1700? along the coast In which part of South Asia were European possessions and territory concentrated in 1700? the Mughal Empire

What are the characteristics of Southeast Asia's population?

Southeast Asia's population can be characterized as Very homogeneous, with few distinct cultures and languages Southeast Asia is a significant world trade center largely because of its Low taxes and tariffs Southeast Asia is a major exporter of ______, which is an ingredient in more than half of the foods found in grocery stores

Why is Southeast Asia important to the world?

How many countries are there in Southeast Asia?

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Why is Southeast Asia important to the world?

Southeast Asia is a significant world trade center largely because of its

How many countries are there in Southeast Asia?

Southeast Asia comprises 11 countries located in what two landform areas?