which is these is not an american author? course hero

by Eldora Murazik 10 min read

Perspective and Narrator

The American is told by a third-person, omniscient narrator who readily reveals insights into characters' secrets, weaknesses, and insecurities.

About the Title

The main character of the novel is Christopher Newman, an American living in Paris. Newman struggles between his desire to relinquish his American identity and the inherent American characteristics that cause him conflict in Paris.


This study guide and infographic for Henry James's The American offer summary and analysis on themes, symbols, and other literary devices found in the text. Explore Course Hero's library of literature materials, including documents and Q&A pairs.


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Early Career

  • Henry Graham Greene was born in Berkhamsted, Hertfordshire, England, on October 2, 1904. Greene attended the Berkhamsted School, at which his father was headmaster and where the author proved to be a rebellious student. After attempting suicide by playing Russian roulette and running away from school, he was sent to London. There, he lived in the home of the psychoanal…
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International Travel and Intrigue

  • During World War II (1939–45), through his sister, Greene was recruited as an agent with the Secret Intelligence Service (MI6), which reports to the Foreign Office, and sent to Sierra Leone in Africa to spy on the activities of the Vichy government there. The Vichy government was ruling France under German occupation at the time. After the war, Greene traveled the world as a freel…
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Major Works and Catholicism

  • Brighton Rock, published in 1938, was one of the first of Greene's novels to explore Catholic themes. Following the life of an adolescent criminal raised as a Catholic, the book addresses questions about guilt, faith, and responsibility. Greene delved more deeply into these themes with his next novel, which many consider his finest: The Power and t...
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Death and Legacy

  • Greene died of leukemia in Switzerland on April 3, 1991. His career spanned more than 60 years, and his work included short stories, plays, poetry, essays, and screenplays. Although shortlisted for the Nobel Prize in Literature, he never won; many find this oversight highly questionable, for Greene's work had great popular appeal and at the same time explored deep and abiding religiou…
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