which is lehman college intensive wrting course

by Daisy Schiller 6 min read

All students at Lehman are required to take courses labeled as writing intensive. Individual sections of courses will be designated as writing-intensive, and students may take writing-intensive sections of courses in General Education, major, minor, and elective courses. These sections are taught with an emphasis on developing the writing...

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How many writing intensive courses are required for graduation Lehman?

four coursesStudents must complete up to four courses designated as writing-intensive, three prior to earning the 60th credit and one following.

Where are the writing intensive classes on CUNYfirst?

1. From CUNYfirst Class Search page, choose Borough of Manhattan Community CC from the Institution Drop-Down menu 2. Select the appropriate Term 3. Under Class Search, choose Writing Intensive Course from the Course Attribute Drop-Down menu 4.

What are writing intensive courses examples?

Examples of Writing-Intensive CoursesSenior or Honors Thesis: For a thesis, a student writes a significant research paper. ... Methodology Course in Major: Many disciplines require a methodology course in data collection, archival research, observation, interviews, or hands-on practicums.More items...

What are writing intensive courses QCC?

Writing Intensive classes are designed to build writing abilities: in small classes, faculty members design assignments to help students grow as writers while they learn course material. In WI classes, students will be expected to complete a series of short papers as part of the course requirements.

How do you find the intensive writing?

Under Class Search, choose Writing Intensive from the Course Attribute Drop-Down menu and choose Writing Intensive from the Course Attribute Value Drop-Down menu 4. Click the Search button at the bottom 5. You will get a complete list of all Writing Intensive courses.

What is considered a writing intensive course at BMCC?

What is a Writing Intensive (WI) course? WI is a special designation given to courses that use the writing process to help students master course material and improve their writing skills. They are taught by professors specially trained to aid student success.

What courses should I take to become a writer?

A high school degree or equivalent is the minimum educational requirement to qualify for a majority of writing jobs. Coursework in English, reading and writing are important. Future writers can also write for their yearbook or school paper to develop skills.

What does writing intensive course mean?

A writing intensive course is more than simply a course that assigns considerable writing. It is instead a course in which students are provided with explicit opportunities, though targeted instruction, to improve their writing. Requirements to Meet the Definition of a WI Course.

What are intensive classes?

Intensive courses, also known as time-compressed courses, accelerated courses, or sometimes called summer terms, are intense individual courses of study that require maximum progress of learning in minimal time.

What is writing intensive?

Any section can be writing intensive when a significant amount of the students' learning and thinking in the course is accomplished through various types of writing. (See below for suggestions on types of writing assignments.) The section's structure emphasizes student writing and is often called student centered.

Do instructors teach composition?

Some instructors are trained to do this; others are not and do not teach composition. More to the point, the instructor of a writing intensive section is not a writing instructor, but is rather a responsive reader who gives the students regular feedback on many (but not necessarily all) writing assignments.

General Education

Whatever major you pursue, you’ll be able to enjoy a flexible, stimulating general education program that allows you to meet requirements in a way that fits your individual interests and builds important skills for future work or graduate study.

Lehman College Bachleor Degree 120 College Credits

Required Core: Courses that build a strong basis in communication and quantitative skills and in the methods of scientific inquiry for successful general and specialized learning

Important: Writing Intensive Courses

In addition to that, every student has to take 4 courses that are designated as writing-intensive (W). Please note, that not all courses that require you to write a lot are recognized as writing-intensive courses - only courses that are indexed with a “W” will count as writing intensive courses for your degree.

Online Courses

Choose a course that fits your schedule. Select among fully online, hybrid and web-enhanced options that will allow you to fulfill your academic requirements.

We Offer a Range of Course Types

In-Person (P): In an In-Person class, all required class meetings occur on campus, during scheduled class meeting times. Contact includes instruction, learning activities, and interactions (both student-student and student-instructor).

Undergraduate Bulletin

Lehman College Bulletins (Catalogs) include information about admission requirements, continuation requirements, courses, degree requirements, and tuition and fees. The online Bulletins are updated periodically throughout the calendar year and provide the most current information for prospective students or for general review.

Graduate Bulletin

Lehman College Bulletins (Catalogs) include information about admission requirements, continuation requirements, courses, degree requirements, and tuition and fees. The online Bulletins are updated periodically throughout the calendar year and provide the most current information for prospective students or for general review.

What is an undergraduate degree at Lehman College?

An undergraduate degree at Lehman College provides students with a Liberal Arts Education, which is a broad knowledge of the wider world (e.g. science, culture, and society) as well as in-depth study in a specific area of interest. It helps students develop a sense of social responsibility;

How many credits do you need to graduate from Lehman College?

To graduate with a Bachelor degree from Lehman College, you must receive 120 college credits.

How many courses are required for a bachelor's degree?

It comprises a series of courses which all students must complete in order to graduate with a Bachelor's degree. The Program contains 14 courses in three categories: (1) Required Core, (2) Flexible Core, (3) College Option.

What are remedial courses?

Hours and credits are not assigned in the same way as for other courses. Remedial Courses are non-credit courses with precollege content. Developmental Courses have in part college-level and in part precollege-level (remedial) work. They carry college credits only for the portion of the course that is college-level. The Remedial and Developmental courses are graded A, B, C, R, or NC. Students who receive a second grade of R in any remedial or developmental course may be dropped from the College.

Can a course code be changed after a student has registered for the semester?

Before signing up for these courses, students should determine carefully the department or program under which they wish to register. The course code may not be changed after the student has registered for the semester.
