which group benefited from the postwar economic boom course hero

by Harley Thiel 10 min read

Who were the people left out of the postwar boom?

Ethnic minorities were left out of the postwar boom due to growing racial tensions that caused them to be excluded from everyone else.

What factors contributed to the American postwar economic boom?

Driven by growing consumer demand, as well as the continuing expansion of the military-industrial complex as the Cold War ramped up, the United States reached new heights of prosperity in the years after World War II.

What factors contributed to the American postwar economic boom quizlet?

What factors contributed to the American postwar economic boom? Demand for supply, postwar economy house, and industries.

What was the impact of the post WWII boom on Detroit?

After the war, Detroit “grew geographically to 77.9 square miles.”2 The city developed culturally with the opening of the Detroit Institute of Arts, the Masonic temple, the Fox Theater and many other movie houses. Detroiters witnessed two major riots in the 20th century, one in 1943 and one in 1967.

What caused the economic boom of the 1950s?

Eisenhower's combination of low taxes, balanced budgets, and public spending allowed the economy to prosper. The economy overall grew by 37% during the 1950s and unemployment remained low, about 4.5%. At the end of the decade, the median American family had 30% more purchasing power than at the beginning.

How did the economic boom of the 1950s change the United States?

The economic boom of the 1950s raised the standard of living-a measure of people's over- all wealth and quality of life-of millions of Americans. Between 1945 and 1960, personal income the average income, earned or unearned, of every individual in the nation— increased from $1,223 to $2,219.

What caused the post World War II economic boom quizlet?

The postwar economic boom was fueled by military spending and cheap energy. Labor unions continued to grow rapidly in the industrial factories throughout the 1940s and 1950s.

What effects did the war have on post-war economy quizlet?

Military spending and military services came to an abrupt halt. Veterans came home to shortages in food and consumer goods. As the war ended the economic boom from industries making war supplies ended. Even with the efforts made by people to save food was not enough.

What concerns did Americans have about the postwar economy?

Inflation and labor unrest. The country's main economic concern in the immediate postwar years was inflation. The president worried that a sudden end to price and wage controls would result in a dramatic rise in prices.

What was the post war consumer boom?

The post–World War II economic expansion, also known as the postwar economic boom or the Golden Age of Capitalism, was a broad period of worldwide economic expansion beginning after World War II and ending with the 1973–1975 recession.

What was true about the economic boom after WW2?

The post-Second World War economic boom was an era of considerable prosperity that followed the recovery period and ended with the 1973-1975 Recession. These years are also referred to as the "Golden Age of Capitalism" in the West, although Eastern Europe and parts of Asia also saw significant growth in these years.

What was the economic impact of World War 2?

America's response to World War II was the most extraordinary mobilization of an idle economy in the history of the world. During the war 17 million new civilian jobs were created, industrial productivity increased by 96 percent, and corporate profits after taxes doubled.

Why was there an economic boom between 1945 and 1960?

As the Cold War unfolded in the decade and a half after World War II, the United States experienced phenomenal economic growth. The war brought the return of prosperity, and in the postwar period the United States consolidated its position as the world's richest country.

What was one factor that caused the baby boom between the late 1940s and the early 1960s?

The baby-boom generation was the product of the sudden increase in U.S. births occurring between 1946 and 1964. The increase was largely the result of the renewed confidence and security that followed the economic hardships and uncertainties of the Great Depression and World War II.

Was there an economic boom after WW2?

The post-Second World War economic boom was an era of considerable prosperity that followed the recovery period and ended with the 1973-1975 Recession. These years are also referred to as the "Golden Age of Capitalism" in the West, although Eastern Europe and parts of Asia also saw significant growth in these years.

What effects did the baby boom have on the economy between 1940 and 1955?

What effects did the baby boom have on the economy between 1940 and 1955? The baby boom created a larger demand for food, goods, and services. Industries looked for ways t increase production to meet the demands for a growing population and prices of limited resources rose.

Why were early marriage and high birthrate encouraged?

Early marriage and high birthrate were encouraged because they would help the United States

Why were James Dean and Marlon Brando so popular?

James Dean and Marlon Brando were popular with young people during the 1950s because they represented

What was American conservatism in the 1960s?

American conservatism during the 1960s could be characterized as libertarian and

Why was Eisenhower's style of Republicanism called "modern"?

Eisenhower's style of Republicanism was called "modern" because his administration

What did Dr. Spock give to the popular view?

Dr.Spock gave a sense of scientific validity to the popular view that

When did the Spanish population grow?

During the 1960s, the size of the Spanish-speaking population had grown from

Did black students have access to the same educational resources as whites?

Black students had access to the same educational resources as whites.

What did the Truman administration harbor?

A. geopolitical: the Truman administration harbored suspicions about Soviet designs on its neighbors

What did Eisenhower propose to do in the 1950s?

By the 1950s, "the middle" meant all EXCEPT. A. promoting New Deal-style government responsibility for managing the economy and providing social programs.

What ended in an armistice?

A military deadlock and pro tracted negotiations finally ended in an armistice that maintained a divided Korea. D. With the fighting stalemated, the United Nations interposed its own peacekeeping force. A military deadlock and protracted negotiations finally ended in an armistice that maintained a divided Korea.

What was the first step in U.S. involvement in the Middle East quagmire?

D. Sending military advisers to Greece was the first step in U.S. involvement in the Middle East quagmire

What is a D analysis?

D. an analysis calling for sharp increases in defense spending to deter Communist aggression

What was the purpose of the B. committed Americans?

B. committed Americans were to confronting the growing Soviet threat.

Which doctrine committed the U.S. to a peacetime military alliance?

A. The Truman Doctrine for the first time committed the U.S. to a peacetime military alliance.

How many Californians served in the war?

Millions of returning GIs were processed through California depots and de-embarkation centers. Of the over 800,000 Californians who served during the war, 26,019 would give their lives in it. Tens of thousands of wounded servicemen faced the long road to recovery in California military hospitals and rehabilitation centers.

What was the unemployment rate in California in 1946?

In 1946, California had an unemployment rate of 8.8% compared to a national average of 3.9%. In 1947 – after most GIs had returned home – over 400,000 Californians remained unemployed, and 767,000 claimed unemployment benefits, the second highest in the nation.

Why did veterans stay in the Golden State?

Most veterans hoped for a speedy return to a civilian life, some of them deciding to stay on in the Golden State after the war in order to find new opportunities. Returning veterans also expected to find employment or retraining opportunities as they reentered an uncertain economy. Many were aided by the famous GI Bill and various state programs.

What was California's role after the Second World War?

A massive series of changes were ushered in for the Golden State by the Second World War. California's role after the war would be as crucial as it had been during the war itself. In the spring of 1945, as war weary Californians looked forward to a new era of peace, the first meeting of the newly created United Nations took place at ...

What was the boom in California?

Urban Growth Boom. California experienced unprecedented military, technological, and industrial growth before, during, and after the war, which in turn led to massive increases in migration, population, jobs, and the development of sprawling industrial, urban, and suburban areas.

What was the post war economy like?

Post-War Economy. The wartime economy reversed itself with the end of the war, and the country experienced a small depression with high unemployment. Employment in California had grown from 2.2 million in 1940 to a high of 3.3 million in 1943. It then declined to a little over 3 million by 1947.

Did California prosper during the Cold War?

It took time for it to fully readjust to the new realities of the post-war economy and the Cold War environment, but in the end California would continue to prosper. As its post-war economy and population boomed, the Golden State's government, ...

Why did people move to the suburbs during the postwar period?

They believed that here they would find peace and avoid urban problems such as crime and social tensions. In fact, they frequently traded one set of problems for another. In the suburbs they often found as much congestion as they had hoped to leave behind. In addition, people often went deep into debt for new homes and cars, and they found the long commute to work a burden they had not anticipated.

What was the Truman administration's plan for the government?

Meanwhile, the Truman administration (1945 – 53) proposed major government spending programs including an increased minimum wage, price supports for farmers, and support for small businesses. There was also a proposal for a very controversial measure called the Full Employment Bill, which called for the government to guarantee jobs to all workers whenever unemployment rose above a certain level.

How did the Kennedy program affect the economy?

economy and society. First, Johnson moved to promote rapid economic growth. He precipitated an economic boom by reducing taxes through the Tax Act of 1964 and increasing federal spending (mostly on the war in Vietnam ). Between 1960 and 1964 the gross national product (GNP) increased 24 percent and corporate profits rose by 37 percent. In 1965 the GNP climbed another seven percent; profits increased 20 percent; and unemployment fell to four percent. These "boom" conditions lasted until near the end of the decade of the Sixties. The GNP increased at a rate of around five percent per year; unemployment never exceeded four percent; and the median family income rose from $8,543 to $10,768.

What was the economic impact of World War II?

The economic acceleration sparked by the war production of World War II (1939 – 45) ended the Great Depression (1929 – 1939) and brought prosperity to the United States. But the war's end brought fear of economic stagnation. Many people remembered the downturn following World War I (1914 – 18) and they were concerned that it might happen again.

Why did Lyndon Johnson leave office?

Lyndon Johnson was forced from office because of the public outcry against his failed policy in Vietnam. His successor, Richard M. Nixon (1969 – 1974), then had to deal with the major financial and economic difficulties that had been generated by Johnson's policies. He did so by curtailing the money supply. He hoped this would induce high interest rates and consequently business cutbacks.

What was the Fair Deal?

Truman proposed a more sweeping program, which came to be known as the "Fair Deal." This included farm supports and other government measures to strengthen growth as well as expansion of Social Security, public housing, national medical insurance, aid to education, and civil rights legislation for blacks. Some of these proposals became law even though there was considerable opposition.

Why did the price of petroleum increase?

There was a mistaken widespread belief that the price increase in petroleum and petroleum products was caused by the embargo. Price increases were fueled by increased demand that had been developing for several years. In any case, Americans now found themselves paying more — a lot more — to drive their cars, heat their homes, and buy the goods produced by farms and industries that were driven by high – priced oil. The nation had entered a new era.