which cranial nerve has longest intracranial course

by Nola Homenick 7 min read

trochlear nerve

Which nerve has the second longest intracranial course?

Dec 15, 2021 · The fourth cranial nerve (trochlear nerve) has the longest intracranial course; it is the only cranial nerve that has a dorsal exit from the brainstem (figure 1).The fourth cranial nerve ( trochlear nervetrochlear nerveInjury to the trochlear nerve cause weakness of downward eye movement with consequent vertical diplopia (double vision).

What is the 4th paired cranial nerve?

The fourth cranial nerve (trochlear nerve) has the longest intracranial course; it is the only cranial nerve that has a dorsal exit from the brainstem (figure 1). It begins in the midbrain at the level of the inferior colliculus as fascicles extending from the fourth nerve nuclei.

What is the trochlear nerve (CN IV)?

Dec 15, 2021 · The fourth cranial nerve (trochlear nerve) has the longest intracranial course; it is the only cranial nerve that has a dorsal exit from the brainstem (figure 1). Which of the following cranial nerves is the longest? The vagus nerve is the longest cranial nerve as it starts in the medulla and extends to the abdomen.

What does the cranial nerve six do?

The fourth cranial nerve (trochlear nerve) has the longest intracranial course; it is the only cranial nerve that has a dorsal exit from the brainstem (figure 1). It begins in the midbrain at the level of the inferior colliculus as fascicles extending from the fourth nerve nuclei.

Which cranial nerve has shortest intracranial course?

The trochlear nerve is the fourth cranial nerve (CN IV) and one of the ocular motor nerves that controls eye movement.Nov 14, 2021

Which cranial nerve has the longest intradural course?

The trochlear nerve (CN IV) is the only cranial nerve in which all the fibers cross to the opposite side. It is also the only cranial nerve to emerge from the dorsal side of the brainstem and, consequently, has the longest intradural (intracranial) course of any cranial nerve.

Which cranial nerve is the longest and supplies?

The vagus nerveThe vagus nerve (cranial nerve [CN] X) is the longest cranial nerve in the body, containing both motor and sensory functions in both the afferent and efferent regards.Nov 14, 2021

What is the course of abducens nerve?

Course. The abducens nerve originates from a set of neural cells that are found in the ventral aspect of the pons. It then emerges from the brainstem at the pontomedullary junction to enter the subarachnoid space, coursing upward between the pons and clivus to enter the Dorello canal.

What is 7th cranial nerve?

A nerve that runs from the brainstem, through openings in the skull, to the face and tongue. The seventh cranial nerve sends information between the brain and the muscles used in facial expression (such as smiling and frowning), some muscles in the jaw, and the muscles of a small bone in the middle ear.

What is hypoglossal nerve?

The hypoglossal nerve is one of 12 cranial nerves. It's also known as the 12th cranial nerve, cranial nerve 12 or CNXII. This nerve starts at the base of your brain. It travels down your neck and branches out, ending at the base and underside of your tongue.Jun 4, 2021

Is the vagus nerve the longest nerve in the body?

Gross Anatomy. The vagus nerve is the longest cranial nerve. It contains motor and sensory fibers and, because it passes through the neck and thorax to the abdomen, has the widest distribution in the body. It contains somatic and visceral afferent fibers, as well as general and special visceral efferent fibers.Dec 8, 2017

What is the largest of the cranial nerves and the most important sensory nerve of the face?

The largest of the cranial nerves and most important sensory nerve of the face is the trigeminal nerve (letter C).

What is the largest of the cranial nerves Milady?

The largest of the cranial nerves, also known as the trifacial or trigeminal nerve. The chief sensory nerve of the face and serves as the motor nerve of the muscles that control chewing. Supplies impulses to the skin of the forehead, upper eyelids, and interior portion of the scalp, orbit, eyeball and nasal passage.

Is abducens smallest cranial nerve?

Trochlear nerve is the smallest cranial nerve. Out of the 12 pairs of cranial nerves, the fourth paired cranial nerve, the trochlear nerve is the smallest of all by virtue of the number of axons.

Which cranial nerve is abducens?

CN VICranial nerve six (CN VI), also known as the abducens nerve, is one of the nerves responsible for the extraocular motor functions of the eye, along with the oculomotor nerve (CN III) and the trochlear nerve (CN IV).

Which cranial nerve innervates the superior oblique muscle?

The trochlear nerveThe trochlear nerve is one of 12 sets of cranial nerves. It enables movement in the eye's superior oblique muscle. This makes it possible to look down. The nerve also enables you to move your eyes toward your nose or away from it.Aug 10, 2021

Which cranial nerve has the longest intracranial course?

The trochlear nerve is the fourth paired cranial nerve. It is the smallest cranial nerve (by number of axons), yet has the longest intracranial course. It has a purely somatic motor function. In this article, the anatomical course, motor functions and clinical relevance of the nerve will be examined.

Which nerve innervates the superior oblique muscle?

The trochlear nerve innervates a single muscle – the superior oblique, which is a muscle of oculomotion. As the fibres from the trochlear nucleus cross in the midbrain before they exit, the trochlear neurones innervate the contralateral superior oblique.

Where does the trochlear nerve originate?

The trochlear nerve arises from the trochlear nucleus of the brain, emerging from the posterior aspect of the midbrain (it is the only cranial nerve to exit from the posterior midbrain).
