which course to choose ff7 remake

by Camilla Turner 6 min read

FF7 Remake Choose Which Course – Luxury, Standard, Poor Man’s

  • Luxury course. The luxury course costs 3000 gil. If you choose this one, you’ll get an expensive and enjoyable massage which involves hand cream and Madam M turning into a ...
  • Standard course. The standard course costs 1000 gil. It’s a quick and effective massage. ...
  • Poor man’s course. The poor man’s course costs a mere 100 gil. ...

Full Answer

Which Madam M course should you choose in Final Fantasy 7 remake?

The Luxury Course provides Cloud with a relaxing massage complete with hand cream, the Standard one is quick and without any fuss, while the Poor Man’s Course will have Cloud screaming in pain. That’s all you need to know about which Madam M course to choose in Final Fantasy 7 Remake.

Is there a remake of Final Fantasy 7?

After a long wait since its initial announcement, Square Enix’s Final Fantasy 7 Remake is finally out in the wild and available for purchase. While this remake only centers around the Midgar story arc, it does flesh out a lot of existing story events and adds in new characters as well.

Will there be a Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth?

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth development is thought to have been ongoing since before production wrapped up on 2020's Final Fantasy Remake for PS4. Square Enix has since launched the Intermission DLC, and Final Fantasy Remake Intergrade for PS5 and PC.

What course should I pick in FF7 Remake?

Specifically, selecting Madam M's Luxury Course in FF7 Remake makes it more likely that a player will receive her two side quests, while picking Poor Man's Course makes it more likely that they will get quests from Chocobo Sam.

Which Cloud course is best FF7?

Madam M Course ResultsChoiceResultLuxury Course (3,000 Gil)Cloud gets the best massage. Cloud spaces out and acts weird after the massage. (Possibly Route B)Standard Course (1,000 Gil)Cloud gets a little rough massage. Cloud flexes after the massage. (Possibly Route B)1 more row•Nov 26, 2021

Does it matter what massage you get in FF7?

Each choice also results in a different scene and the price you pay will determine how Madam M massages Cloud. Choosing Not today. will just abort the selection and will not skip the scenario, which means you must choose one of the three courses to proceed through the story.

What is the best difficulty to play FF7 Remake?

Play On Normal Difficulty Recommended For 1st Run Although being the highest difficulty out of the levels available first, the Normal difficulty will bring you the ideal action battle experience you are meant to play.

Do I pick heads or tails ff7?

Choose Heads: Sam will win, his coin will be revealed to be a trick coin. Choose Tails: Once again, Sam will win as his coin will be rigged in his favor. Choose No Deal: Aerith will actually call Heads, and will lose due to the trick coin as well.

Should cloud drink the mystery drink?

If Cloud doesn't drink the mystery drink there are no repercussions either. Skipping on the drink does not negatively effect him and it doesn't impact the relationship with Aerith. While some had likely hoped that the mystery drink would be a buff or offer SP for weapon upgrades, but it is merely a MacGuffin.

How do I get all the Aerith dresses?

Unlocking Aerith's dresses Which dress Aerith wears depends on how many side quests you complete in Chapter 8. If you complete 0-2 side quests, you'll get a simple pink dress. If you complete 3-5 side quests, you'll get a longer pink dress. If you complete all six side quests, you'll get the intricate red dress.

What is the luxury course ff7?

The luxury course costs 3000 gil. If you choose this one, you'll get an expensive and enjoyable massage which involves hand cream and Madam M turning into a soft spoken, attentive masseuse. It's an embarassing thing to watch, but that can easily be said for most of Cloud's interactions with women in this game.

Can you change outfits in ff7 remake?

There is no point in the game where you can enter the menu and change the clothes that Barret or anybody else is wearing. However, that is not to say that there isn't a point in the game where multiple characters end up in different outfits for a little bit.

Why is FF7 Remake so difficult?

The depth of the combat system seems underutilized by the enemies themselves when they're just given more health and higher attack numbers. This is part of why making it through the brutal hard mode of FF7 Remake can turn into just optimizing HP and resistances instead of better strategies.

Does difficulty matter in Ffvii remake?

Hard mode is significantly more challenging than the other modes, and requires different playstyles. For player characters, a final damage calculation step that modifies damage received based on the current difficulty.

Does difficulty affect XP FF7 Remake?

Easy difficulty in various missions, side quest, battle challenges, etc will help you to farm XP fast in Final Fantasy 7 Remake. By switching to Easy difficulty you can defeat enemies faster in the game and complete the level faster.

What course do you choose to unlock Chocobo Sam?

Choosing the Poor Man’s Course will likely unlock Chocobo Sam’s quests for you instead, where you’ll have Cloud end up wearing the black and blue dress. Ultimately, it doesn’t really matter which course you choose as you’ll still end up in Corneo’s mansion.

Is Final Fantasy 7 remade?

After a long wait since its initial announcement, Square Enix’s Final Fantasy 7 Remake is finally out in the wild and available for purchase. While this remake only centers around the Midgar story arc, it does flesh out a lot of existing story events and adds in new characters as well.

How many quests are there in Chapter 8?

You'll earn 2 points for each quest you complete while partnered with Aerith or Tifa. Since both Chapter 3 and Chapter 8 have six quests, this would mean the choice in the Sewer at the start of Chapter 10 acts as the tiebreaker.

Is Final Fantasy VII remake an RPG?

Final Fantasy VII Remake isn’t just an RPG in that you’ll be leveling up a party of characters, earning new equipment and abilities, and defeating bosses in combat -- you’ll also have a few decisions along the way too. While the FF7 Remake choices made here won’t have any major sweeping effects on the game’s narrative, there will be a few small - but key - changes that will result from the outcomes of the choices you make as you progress through the various chapters.
