Pluralsight has introduced one of the best Java courses for beginners which are meant to deliver the knowledge about Java language right from basics to core level concepts. Jim Wilson who is a software engineer and has more than thirty years of experience in this field takes the class and delivers valuable knowledge to the attendees. This course covers the basics of Java, Class, Files, error handling, data types, object, and other core Java concepts. In addition to that this course offers detailed information about Java Programming language and servers. This will help the attendees to gain the most required information to get jobs and apply the server-side and client-side developments.
Java In-Depth is a new course that is framed by Udemy with the purpose to start from scratch to expert levels in Java language. The attendees get personalized teaching experience and real-life examples that guide them to gain the best of knowledge and skills for Java language to become Java engineers. The instructors are highly experienced and knowledgeable who makes it easier for the students to learn and understand Java language. Attempts are made to deliver a detailed and comprehensive study of the course. All the topics of the Java language are covered including data structure, threads, networking, collections, and methods.
Object-oriented programming in Java Specialization helps in solving complex problems through object-oriented design knowledge sharing to the attendees. In addition to that, the two Java development environments that are BlueJ and Eclipse are also introduced which will help the attendees to gain knowledge of graphical user interfaces so that they could easily design programs capable of handling large data.
Coursera has introduced the course namely "Solving problems with software" with the purpose to deliver education in learning to code in Java so that the programming and problem-solving skills can be added to the attendees. This program is ideal for the expert level and intermediate attendees who are looking for improving their skills in problem-solving in Java language. Also, this program intends to deliver knowledge on design algorithms as well as develop and debug programs accordingly.
The step by step methods is used for teaching students with detailed knowledge about Java. All the vital concepts such as Java basics, Java collections, Object-oriented programming, File handling, Exceptional handling, Functional programming network, and Multithreading is taught to the attendees. Features of the course include: ...
Java – one of the most popular main-stream programming languages globally – has been in use for almost 20 plus years now. From small mobile applications to large banking applications, all can be developed using Java. It is one of the most portable object-oriented programming languages available. There are other languages too, like C++, D, Scala, ...
It is one of the most portable object-oriented programming languages available. There are other languages too, like C++, D, Scala, Rust, etc. But the complexity of these languages makes them less beginner-friendly.
Washington State University brings this 2-year long course which is specifically designed to meet the industry needs. Also, the course has been created after discussions with representatives from reputed companies like Microsoft, Boeing, Amazon, Ivycorp and EMC Isilon.
The courses available online are up-to-date and industry-relevant to help aspirants acquire in-demand Java programming skills. You can pick up any Java course that suits your requirements and start your learning journey. Since Java is one such programming language with applications in almost all sectors, be it mobile applications or building graphic games – you will have plenty to look forward to as a professional Java developer.
Pluralsight is another video-based platform. This is ideal for visual learners.
Getting Started with Programming in Java is another course on the video-based platform Pluralsight.
Java for Programmers is a Skill Path on It’s similar to Coursera’s Specializations.
As the name suggests, Introduction to Java as a Second Language is for students already familiar with another programming language.
Here are things you will learn in this free Java course: 1 Data Types, Methods, and Classes in Java 2 Object-Oriented Programming in Java 3 Java Collections Frameworks 4 How to use Regular Expression in Java 5 How to use Java API for File IO and Networking. 6 How to use JUnit to test your Java code 7 How to use Maven to build your Java Projects
This is probably the most popular free Java course on Udemy, one of the best and my favorite online learning platform. Many people don’t know that Udemy also has free courses, which are legally free. I mean made free by their instructor and creator for education and marketing purposes.
There is a high demand for Java developers who can write robust and concurrent code. They also get paid very high salaries. If you truly want to excel in the Java world, multi-threading and concurrency is the one area you need to conquer, then this course will help you to do that at free of the cost.
By then way, if you find Coursera courses useful, which they are because they are created by reputed companies and universities around the world, I suggest you join the Coursera Plus, a subscription plan from Coursera which gives you unlimited access to their most popular courses, specialization, professional certificate, and guided projects.
There is no doubt that IntelliJIDEA has won the war against Eclipse to replace it as the most popular Java IDEs, but it still a very good IDE to start with. It’s FREE and you don’t need to pay a license fee, which is required for the full edition of IntelliJIDEA.
Docker is becoming an increasingly important tools in the world of cloud-based applications. It allows you to deploy your Java Microservice easily on Cloud and it also makes it easy to scale your application and deploy multiple instances with few clicks using Kubernetes.
Oracle Certified Master Java Enterprise Architect (OCMJEA) The Java platform is one of the most widely used software development platforms in the IT industry. It is beloved equally by individuals and organizations to transform their innovative ideas into working software solutions.
The Java platform is one of the most widely used software development platforms in the IT industry. It is beloved equally by individuals and organizations to transform their innovative ideas into working software solutions. Oracle Corporation is responsible for the further development of the Java platform. Thus, they are the ones ...
Oracle Certified Professional Java Programmer or OCPJP is a professional-level certification. It validates the candidate’s knowledge and expertise of Java code development in Java SE 8. This certification is best for those having professional experience with Java.
Java is employed for developing a wide array of applications, ranging from server-side applications to standalone mobile apps. Being object-oriented and platform-independent are two significant contributors to the success enjoyed by the Java platform so far.
Full-scale organizations have several critical applications and systems to take care of. As such, they require professionals with proven skills. Such firms hire only well-trained and highly experienced specialists to architect the systems, define requirements, and supervise execution.
This nanodegree program is geared toward novices and will teach you how to design, create, test, and deploy cutting-edge Java applications. It will benefit both beginners and intermediates in their pursuit of a successful Java developer career. This curriculum will teach you how to create a web application in a professional environment. You’ll also learn about variables, loops, conditionals, arrays, and methods, among other programming topics. During the sessions, you will study Java principles, advanced Java programming methodologies, and Java application deployment, among other skills. It will help you improve your Java skills. You can use the link below to enroll in this free course!
Tim Buchalka is a champion when it comes to online teaching , and he and Goran Lochert have collaborated to develop this masterpiece of a course that is an absolute masterclass in online Java learning. With over 200,000 students from all around the world already enrolled, this is an excellent alternative for everyone, from beginners to expert learners. In just 30 days, the pair will show you how to master Java 8 and Java 9 core development and help you write your first sophisticated program! This is without a doubt the best Java tutorial you will find on the internet. Let’s look at some of this program’s advantages.
Indu has been educator since last 10 years. She can find all kind of scholarship opportunities in the USA and beyond. She also teach college courses online to help students become better. She is one of the very rare scholarship administrator and her work is amazing.