which course can i study without chemistry

by Hannah Gottlieb PhD 9 min read

These are the list of science courses you can study without Chemistry

  • Building Technology – Under Engineering
  • Computer Science – Under Engineering
  • Home Economics and Education
  • Home Economics and Education
  • Industrial Mathematics
  • Mathematics
  • Physics
  • Project Management Technology
  • Technical Education
  • Vocational and Technical Education

20 Science Courses to Study Without Chemistry
  • Geography and Environmental Science.
  • Geography.
  • Building/Building Technology.
  • Architecture.
  • Geography and Meteorology.
  • Quantity Surveying.
  • Surveying and Geoinformatics.
  • Land Surveying.

Full Answer

Can I study without chemistry?

Below is a list of our well researched courses you can study without Chemistry and schools you can apply:

What are some science majors without chemistry?

Architecture is another science majors without chemistry that you can study in the University. Some schools require at least a credit pass (C6). However, the schools listed below do not require chemistry to study the course provided you have a credit pass in other subject required.

Which science courses can you do without physics?

The three credit pass subjects should be either Physics, Statistics, Economics, Biology, Chemistry, Further Mathematics, and Agricultural Science. Another university I should mention on this list of science courses without physics is Ebonyi State University.

Is there any medical course without chemistry in Nigeria?

It is very rare to see medical courses without chemistry in Nigerian Universities. Building technology is the first science majors without chemistry. The reason this course comes first is because major of universities in Nigeria do not require chemistry to study this particular course.

Which engineering course has no chemistry?

Mechanical,Computer Sciences,Electronics and Communication,Electrical Engineering all have almost zero chemistry involved.

Can I do medicine without chemistry?

If you don't take A-Level Biology, around 19 Med Schools say they will consider you with Chemistry plus Physics or Maths as a second subject. For around 16 Med Schools, A-Level Chemistry isn't an absolutely essential requirement and they will consider you with Biology plus another science subject or Maths.

What is the easiest course in science?

Psychology is commonly thought of as the easiest of the science majors thanks to its relative lack of complex math, although psych majors can still expect to do a fair amount of statistical analysis on their way to a degree.

What course can I study without chemistry in Waec?

List Of Science Courses Without Chemistry In WAECComputer science.Surveying and geoinformatics.Optometry.midwifery.Forensics.Architecture.Building.Computer Science.More items...•

Do you need chemistry for dentistry?

Advances in chemistry have helped us develop effective pain relief, design more robust materials for fillings, and find better ways to repair and replace teeth. Because so much of dental science derives from chemistry, it is now a prerequisite for dentistry courses at university.

Can I become a doctor without physics and chemistry?

chemistry, biology and either maths or physics (or both) will keep all the medical schools open to you. if you don't take maths or physics but do take chemistry and biology, it will keep open the vast majority.

What courses has a high salary?

The list is based on average monthly wage rates of time-rated workers on full-time basis:Aircraft Operations, Aviation, Aeronautical Engineering – ₱116,714. ... Commerce, Economics – ₱89,831. ... Civil Engineering – ₱68,957. ... Actuarial Science – ₱60,477. ... Computer Programming- ₱52,331. ... Computer Science – ₱51,069.More items...•

Which is the toughest course in the world?

Toughest Courses in the World ExplainedEngineering. Considered one of the toughest courses in the world, engineering students are required to have tactical skills, analytical skills, critical thinking, and problem-solving abilities. ... Chartered Accountancy. ... Medicine. ... Pharmacy. ... Architecture. ... Law. ... Psychology. ... Aeronautics.More items...•

Is Bio easier than chem?

A'level Chemistry is definitely more difficult than A'Level Biology.

Can you be a biologist without chemistry?

Entry requirements A levels – To get on to a biology-related degree, you will usually require at least two A levels, including biology and preferably chemistry.

Can I do civil engineering without chemistry?

In the Indian system, chemistry is required for the entrance exams for most branches of engineering. You will not need much chemistry after that in the civil engg course.

Do we need chemistry for engineering?

As of now, physics, chemistry and mathematics in class 12 are mandatory for studying engineering. Admission to engineering colleges across the country is based on their Joint Entrance Exam (JEE) scores and their marks in class 12 board exams in these three subjects.

Science Course Can you can study Without Chemistry

It cannot be over emphasized how important and compulsory Chemistry have been made compulsory in Secondary education level for Science students. Many of the students have been asking if there is a course they could study in the Nigerian tertiary institution without a credit in the subject.

Science Course Can you can study Without Physics

Physics is also a key subject to students in Science class. It is a compulsory subject in the secondary school level. However, students seeking to further their educational pursuit have been asking if they can gain admission into a tertiary institution in Nigeria without a good grade in the subject.

Schools You Can Apply To Without Chemistry Or Physics

You can apply to this courses at most of the Federal Universities, State Universities, Private Universities, Federal Polytechnics, State Polytechnics, Private Polytechnics, Federal Monotechnic, State Monotechnic, Private Monotechnic and college of Educations in the country.

What majors do not require chemistry?

Architecture. Architecture is another science majors without chemistry that you can study in the University. Some schools require at least a credit pass (C6). However, the schools listed below do not require chemistry to study the course provided you have a credit pass in other subject required.

What is the first science major without chemistry?

Building/Building technology. Building technology is the first science majors without chemistry. The reason this course comes first is because major of universities in Nigeria do not require chemistry to study this particular course. Below are some of the universities that can accept either D7 or E8 in chemistry.

What are the requirements for medical school without chemistry?

The major requirement for admission for science students is five credit passes in SSCE which include: Mathematics, English, Physics, Biology, Chemistry, and some other subjects like Geography and Agric. Science. However, some Universities do accept either D7, E8 in chemistry or Physics for some certain courses.

What is the major requirement for admission to a science major?

The major requirement for admission for science students is five credit passes in SSCE which include: Mathematics, English, Physics, Biology, Chemistry, and some other subjects like Geography and Agric.

What majors do you need to study in Unizik?

UNIZIK only requires Geography and any two from Mathematics, Economics, Physics, Fine Arts, Agricultural Science, Biology and Chemistry. This implies chemistry is not compulsory if you have other subjects. Architecture is another science majors without chemistry that you can study in the University.

What degree does not involve chemistry?

Engineering degrees not involving that much chemistry includes : Electrical and Electronic Engineering. But you need to know a bit of chemistry for subjects such as Physical Electronics. And you need to understand the shell structure of the atom to grasp how X-ray generators work.

Is engineering school smart?

Engineering school is about having a good foundation for whatever may come and to avoid chemistry entirely would not be smart since you might change your direction and need it in the end. Additionally, if you plan to go for your PE license, then you will need to know some. Continue Reading. Yes and No.

Do you need chemistry for mechanical engineering?

You can have a mechanical engineering career and never need chemistry per se. However, every engineering program I am familiar with requires 1–2 semesters of chemistry and at least one semester of chemistry lab. They do this so you have a basic understanding of the topic as it may turn out to be useful down the road.

Is mechanical engineering a chemistry degree?

A level Chemistry. Continue Reading. Yes. Engineering degrees not involving that much chemistry includes : Electrical and Electronic Engineering. But you need to know a bit of chemistry for subjects such as Physical Electronics.

How long does it take to become a phlebotomist?

Not only does it require no math, but it also requires little training. In fact, most phlebotomy programs can be completed in less than a year. Many phlebotomist trainees can become fully certified (a requirement for four states currently), and can still conclude their training in just 4-6 months.

Do you need a medical degree to work in a hospital?

In fact, there are some hospital jobs don’t require a medical degree of any kind. You could, for example, have a qualification in IT or business. This guide will focus on different healthcare careers that are expected to see continued growth.

Do medical careers require math?

Medical Careers that Don’t Require Math or Chemistry. Written by Louise Carter on May 12, 2017. If you’ve ever considered starting a career in medicine, it’s the right time to take the idea seriously. The healthcare industry is projected to experience continued growth over the next ten years. With such growth, new job opportunities have opened up.

Is math a requirement for medical?

Due to advancements in technology and the variety of positions needed to make the healthcare system work efficiently, there are many openings where chemistry and math skills aren’t a specific requirement. Associating mathematics and chemistry with medicine is an understandable conclusion. And, yes, many medical careers put math at the heart ...

What are the requirements to study food science?

English Language. Mathematics. Chemistry, Any two of Biology, Physics, Agricultural Science, Geography or Economics, Food, and Nutrition. If you choose to consider physics then a pass in Physics (d7, E8) is required.

What are the classes you need to take to become a plant scientist?

Plant Science is just like any other science courses which you can study without Physics. You are required to have a five credit pass in English Language, Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, and any one or two of Physics, Geography, and Agric Science.

What are the five subjects required to study environmental science?

Basically, the five credit pass subjects require to study environmental science are Mathematics, English, Chemistry, Geography or Physics, and either Biology or Agricultural Science. 12. Toxicology.

How many credits do you need to study botany?

To study botany, you are required to have obtained a five or six ‘O’ level credits passes at one or two sittings. Your subject’s credit pass should include English Language, Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry and any one or two of Physics, Geography, and Agric Science.

What is required to study geology?

To study Geology, you are required to have at least D7 or E8 in Physics. This means having pass (d7 or E8) in physics is acceptable by the Federal University of Technology Minna. Besides, other universities also accept Chemistry or Agricultural science instead of Physics.

What are the courses you can take without physics?

10. Soil Science. Soil science is just like any other science courses which you can study without Physics. However, You are required to have a five credit pass in English Language, Biology, Agricultural Science, Chemistry and any one or two of Physics, Geography, and Mathematics. 11. Environmental Science.

How many credits do you need to take Agricultural Science without physics?

For you to be admitted into this science course without physics. You are required to have obtained a five credit pass in mathematics, English, Agricultural Science, Chemistry and Biology. However, you can choose to replace Agricultural Science with either Geography, Technical drawing or Physics. 4.
