which combination of security strategies makes the costs of aggression too high course hero

by Naomi Nolan 8 min read

Is aggression chronically higher among aggressive people than nonaggressive people?

It is NOT chronically higher among aggressive people than nonaggressive people and it CANNOT be temporarily elevated by aggressive cues. If you are a naturally aggressive person, then you ____. If you win a competitive game, then ____. a. b. d.

Do aggressive and non-aggressive models affect behavior?

Aggressive models can increase aggressive behavior and nonaggressive models can decrease it. Aggressive models do not appear to have much impact on people's behavior. However, nonaggressive models can decrease aggressive behavior.

Which factor is associated with an increase in aggression?

Drinking alcohol is associated with increased aggression. Men engage in domestic violence more frequently than women. d. Violence in the media contributes to aggression in children.

Which is a better predictor of aggression than crowding?

Density is a better predictor of aggression than crowding. b. Crowding is a better predictor of aggression than density. Density and crowding are equally good at predicting aggression. d. Density is a good predictor of aggression, while crowding predicts prosocial behavior.

Why are creative people less likely to cheat?

Creative individuals are less likely to cheat because they can imagine the consequences of being caught. People who are instructed to cheat subsequently perform more creatively, and creativity can also lead to cheating. d. Aside from the factor of intelligence, no relationship exists between cheating and creativity.

Why does Rachel push Ted?

Rachel pushes Ted so that she can rush past him to catch a glass that is about to fall off the counter.

Does frustration lead to aggression?

a. Most agree that frustration always prompts aggression, but most also agree that aggression can occur in the absence of frustration. b. Most agree that aggression always arises from frustration, but most also agree that frustration does not always lead to aggression.

Do humans have an instinct for aggression?

Humans do seem to have an instinct for aggression, and, in general, culture tends to feed that instinct and encourage even more aggression. d. Humans do seem to have an instinct for aggression, but, in general, culture tends to curb that instinct and reduce aggression. d.

Is aggressive a violent act?

All aggressive acts are violent, and all violent acts are aggressive.

Is violent media a risk factor?

Exposure to violent media is one of the most difficult risk factors to alter in terms of preventing aggression. d. Violent media seem to increase some forms of aggression among people who are already prone to aggressi on, but to have little or no impact on people who are not already prone to aggression. a.

Is the good stronger than the bad?

The good is stronger than the bad.


The price individuals pay when they behave aggressively toward others.


Although aggression can serve many different functions, or no function at all, the function for which aggression presumably evolved, and which presumably accounts for most occurrences of aggression in modern human life, is competition.