which branch of v3 follows the course of the superficial temporal artery

by Kelli Pouros DDS 6 min read

While the superficial temporal artery crosses the posterior zygoma and continues posteriorly, the temporal branch of the facial nerve crosses the zygoma in the middle third and courses anteriorly to innervate the frontalis muscle.

Full Answer

What is the superficial temporal artery and its branches?

Anatomy of the superficial temporal artery and its branches: its importance for surgery The temporoparietal, parieto-occipital flaps or the forehead flaps that are used in reconstructive surgery are prepared on the superficial temporal artery (STA) and its branches.

Where does the temporal artery cross the zygoma?

While the superficial temporal artery crosses the posterior zygoma and continues posteriorly, the temporal branch of the facial nerve crosses the zygoma in the middle third and courses anteriorly to innervate the frontalis muscle.

What is temporal arteritis?

Temporal arteritis (Horton's arteritis) is a form of systemic inflammation of the blood vessels (vasculitis). It is generally a rare medical condition, but one of the most common vascular disorders. Because of its pathological features, it is also referred to as giant-cell arteritis.

Where can you feel the pulse in the temporal artery?

Its pulse can be felt above the zygomatic arch, above and in front of the tragus of the ear . The superficial temporal artery is the smaller of two end branches that split superiorly from the external carotid.

What are the branches of the superficial temporal artery?

The superficial temporal artery is a terminal branch of the external carotid artery (see Figure 11-9). Branches of the superficial temporal artery that supply areas near the orbit are the anterior temporal, zygomatic, and transverse facial arteries.

Which of the following is a branch of superficial temporal artery in the face?

Branches of the superficial temporal artery include the transverse facial, zygoaticoorbital and middle temporal arteries. Additionally it provides parotid, anterior auricular, occipital frontal and parietal branches.

What is the V3 nerve?

Mandibular Nerve (V3) The sensory portion is responsible for pain and temperature information from the mandibular teeth, buccal mucosa, temporomandibular joint, the anterior two-thirds of the tongue, and the face below the territory of the maxillary nerve.

Which nerve has superficial temporal branches run with the superficial temporal arteries?

the facial nerveThe superficial temporal artery runs within the superficial temporal fascia, also known as the temporoparietal fascia. This is also the fascia within which the temporal branch of the facial nerve traverses.

What are the branches of facial artery?

The facial artery has a cervical branch that gives rise to four other vessels before continuing its course into the face. The vessels of the cervical branches are the ascending palatine artery, tonsillar branch, submental artery, and glandular branches.

What are the 4 branches of the external carotid artery?

branches:superior thyroid artery.ascending pharyngeal artery.lingual artery.facial artery.occipital artery.posterior auricular artery.

Where does V3 enter the skull?

foramen ovaleCN V1 and CN V2 enters the cavernous sinus, while CN V3 (along with the motor division) leave the skull through foramen ovale . CN V1 enters the skull through the superior orbital fissure, while CN V2 enters the skull through foramen rotundum.

Where does V3 come out of?

The mandibular nerve (V3) is the largest of the three divisions of the trigeminal nerve, the fifth cranial nerve (CN V). Unlike the other divisions of the trigeminal nerve (ophthalmic nerve, maxillary nerve) which contain only afferent fibers, the mandibular nerve contains both afferent and efferent fibers.

What are the 3 branches of the trigeminal nerve?

Ophthalmic: This branch sends nerve impulses from the upper part of your face and scalp to your brain. Ophthalmic refers to the eye. The ophthalmic nerve relates to your eyes, upper eyelids and forehead. Maxillary: This nerve branch is responsible for sensations in the middle part of your face.

Where does the auriculotemporal nerve branch?

The auriculotemporal nerve is a branch of the mandibular nerve (CN V3) that runs with the superficial temporal artery and vein, and provides sensory innervation to various regions on the side of the head.

What is the superficial temporal vein?

The superficial temporal vein is a vein of the side of the head. It begins on the side and vertex of the skull in a network of veins which communicates with the frontal vein and supraorbital vein, with the corresponding vein of the opposite side, and with the posterior auricular vein and occipital vein.

Where is the superficial temporal vein located?

The superficial temporal veins are located on either side of the head. These veins start on the sides of the skull at a plexus. A venous plexus is the congregation of multiple veins in one location.

What is the superficial temporal artery?

Anatomical terminology. In human anatomy, the superficial temporal artery is a major artery of the head. It arises from the external carotid artery when it splits into the superficial temporal artery and maxillary artery . Its pulse can be felt above the zygomatic arch, above and in front of the tragus of the ear .

Which branch of the temporal artery runs tortuously upward and forward to the forehead?

The frontal branch of superficial temporal artery ( anterior temporal) runs tortuously upward and forward to the forehead, supplying the muscles, skin, and pericranium in this region, and anastomosing with the supraorbital and frontal arteries. An estimate of the path of the nerve in the soft tissue of the temporal frontal branch using landmarks by ...

Which artery is the smaller of the two end branches that split superiorly from the external carotid?

The superficial temporal artery is the smaller of two end branches that split superiorly from the external carotid. Based on its direction, the superficial temporal artery appears to be a continuation of the external carotid.

Which artery is the parietal branch?

Branches. The parietal branch of superficial temporal artery ( posterior temporal) is a small artery in the head. It is larger than the frontal branch and curves upward and backward on the side of the head, lying superficial to the temporal fascia, and joins with its fellow of the opposite side, and with the posterior auricular ...

Where does the parotid gland begin?

It begins within the parotid gland, behind the neck of the mandible, and passes superficially over the posterior root of the zygomatic process of the temporal bone; about 5 cm above this process it divides into two branches, a. frontal and a. parietal .


The temporoparietal, parieto-occipital flaps or the forehead flaps that are used in reconstructive surgery are prepared on the superficial temporal artery (STA) and its branches. For a successful surgery and a suitable flap design, adequate anatomical knowledge is needed.


The superficial temporal artery (STA) is one of the terminal branches of the external carotid artery. It begins in the parotid gland behind the mandible and crosses the posterior root of the zygomatic process of the temporal bone [ 1, 4, 9, 12, 16 ].

Materials and methods

A total of 14 adult cadavers (13 men and 1 woman) that had been fixed in a 10% formalin solution, with 27 superficial temporal arteries were dissected at the Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine, Ege University. The age range of the cadavers was 43–75 years.


The diameters of the STA at the level of the zygomatic arch and the diameters of the terminal branches at the point 1 cm from bifurcation were measured. The mean diameter of the STA at the zygomatic arch was determined as 2.73±0.51 mm. It was determined as 2.14±0.54 mm for the frontal branch, and as 1.81±0.45 mm for the parietal branch.


Microsurgical procedures in the treatment of lateral forehead region disorders demand detailed description of all pericranial structures [ 1, 4, 7, 14, 17, 21 ]. Many authors have published anatomical studies of the STA and its distribution area [ 1, 4, 9, 12, 15, 19 ].

What are the branches of the spinal cord?

Along its course, the vertebral artery gives rise to the following branches: 1 Anterior spinal artery from its intradural segment. This artery originates from two smaller vessels from each vertebral artery which unite around the intradural segment. The anterior spinal artery then passes through the foramen magnum and descends along the anterior aspect of the spinal cord, supplying its anterior portion. 2 May give off the posterior spinal artery; although this vessel usually arises from the posterior inferior cerebellar artery. 3 Posterior inferior cerebellar artery originates from each vertebral arteries’ intracranial segment and supplies the cerebellum. 4 Meningeal branches from its intracranial part near the foramen magnum, for supplying the meninges. 5 Medullary arteries from its intracranial part that supply the medulla oblongata.

What is the purpose of vertebral arteries?

Paired vertebral arteries provide blood supply for the upper part of the spinal cord, brainstem, cerebellum, and posterior part of the brain. Each artery originates from the first part of the subclavian artery, it then courses superiorly along the sides of the neck, merging with its companion at the pons level to form the single, ...

How many segments are there in the vertebral artery?

Segments. There are four segments of the vertebral artery, following its way through the neck; preforaminal, foraminal, extradural (atlantic), and intradural (intracranial) parts.

Where does the posterior inferior cerebellar artery originate?

Posterior inferior cerebellar artery originates from each vertebral arteries’ intracranial segment and supplies the cerebellum. Meningeal branches from its intracranial part near the foramen magnum, for supplying the meninges.

Which branch of the vertebral artery supplies the meninges?

Meningeal branches from its intracranial part near the foramen magnum, for supplying the meninges. Medullary arteries from its intracranial part that supply the medulla oblongata. The terminating branch of the vertebral artery is the basilar artery. The basilar artery contributes to the circle of Willis.

Where does the anterior spinal artery originate?

Anterior spinal artery from its intradural segment. This artery originates from two smaller vessels from each vertebral artery which unite around the intradural segment. The anterior spinal artery then passes through the foramen magnum and descends along the anterior aspect of the spinal cord, supplying its anterior portion.

Which part of the medulla oblongata is the intradural part?

Intradural (intracranial) part. After entering the vertebral canal, the vertebral artery pierces the dura mater and courses superiorly over the anterior surface of the medulla oblongata. At the lower border of the pons, it merges with the opposite vertebral artery and forms the basilar artery.

Why is it safe to dissect the temporoparietal fascia?

Safe dissection within the substance of the temporoparietal fascia is permitted because of the divergent course of the vessel from the facial nerve. While the superficial temporal artery crosses the posterior zygoma and continues posteriorly, the temporal branch of the facial nerve crosses the zygoma in the middle third ...

Which artery is ligated by the auriculotemporal nerve?

Throughout its course, the artery is accompanied by the auriculotemporal nerve, which lies immediately posterior to it, as well as the superficial temporal vein, which lies anterior to the artery. The superficial temporal artery may be safely ligated because of anastomoses with the supraorbital artery of the internal carotid artery, among others.

Where is the superficial temporal artery?

It begins behind the mandibular ramus in the substance of the parotid gland and courses superiorly over the posterior aspect of the zygoma. It can be consistently palpated in this region just anterior to the tragus.

Which branch of the facial nerve traverses the fascia?

This is also the fascia within which the temporal branch of the facial nerve traverses. As the vessel travels superiorly, it is crossed at the level of the lobule by the temporal and zygomatic branches of the facial nerve, which are traveling medially.

What is the only flap similar to the nose?

Here, the chondrocutaneous flap from the ear is the only flap, including chondral and dermal components similar to the nose. The form of the ear helix is also very similar to this region of the nose. 77,80. Advantages. The advantages of the superficial temporal artery composite ear flap are: •.

What is the STA in revascularization?

The superficial temporal artery (STA) to middle cerebral artery (MCA) bypass is considered the workhorse of cerebral revascularization . Indeed, the STA is an in situ native donor that has good flow-carrying capacity and can frequently be sufficient for flow replacement as well as flow augmentation.2,11 Consequently, harvesting the STA is a technique that should be honed by cerebrovascular neurosurgeons.

What is the ear helix flap?

The microvascular superficial temporal artery flap from the ear helix is a compound flap consisting of a chondral skeleton and an inner and outer skin part that is very similar to the lateral nose in form and tissue quality.

What is the temporal artery?

TEMPORAL ARTERITIS (or giant cell arteritis) is an inflammatory condition that can affect large arteries but is found primarily in the arteries in the temporal or occipital region. The disease often is accompanied by swelling, redness, and tenderness in the temporal area. Ocular symptoms, including vision loss, may occur. Biopsy of the superficial temporal artery often is necessary to confirm the diagnosis before treatment begins. 29 The biopsy is taken from the artery as it crosses the zygomatic process and travels superiorly anterior to the ear. 28

Which artery anastomoses with the supraorbital artery?

The superficial temporal artery, a branch of the external carotid, anastomoses with the supraorbital artery, a branch of the internal carotid. Here, once again, is an example of the entanglement of these arteries. Moreover, the orbital branch of the superficial temporal artery anastomoses with a branch of the internal carotid artery.

How big is the STA?

At the level of the zygoma, the diameter of the STA is approximately 3 mm. 12 The anterior and posterior branches are often similar in size, with a diameter measuring approximately 1.5 to 2 mm, although one branch can be dominant.

What are the branches of the superficial temporal artery?

The principal branches of the superficial temporal artery are: an anterior articular branch supplying the temporomandibular joint. an orbital branch supplying muscles of the eyelids and anastomosing with the superior palpebral artery, arising from the ophthalmic artery (a branch of the internal carotid).
