where to take the hunter safety course

by Dr. Keith Connelly Sr. 3 min read

How long is the CA hunter safety course online?

about 12 hours
What is the advantage of taking the Online Hunter Safety Course? A. The traditional California Hunter Education Course is about 12 hours in length and is usually given over a number of weeknights and/or weekends. With the online hunter safety course, you can do the bulk of the course work from home.

How long does the Texas hunters safety course take?

The Online + Field Course has two parts: 1) FREE ONLINE COURSE (TPWD or NRA) completed beforehand, and 2) Field Course - 4 hours minimum. There is also an Online-only Course that is restricted to persons that are 17 years of age or older.

Is hunters education required in Texas?

Every hunter (including out-of-state hunters) born on or after Sept. 2, 1971, must successfully complete a Hunter Education Course.

Can you hunt without hunter safety in Michigan?

Hunter Safety Certificate (Hunter Education)

All first-time hunters born on or after Jan. 1, 1960 are required to take and pass a hunter safety course. You will not be able to purchase a base license (other than an apprentice license) unless you can prove successful completion of a hunter safety course.

Do you need a hunting license to hunt on your own land in Texas?

A hunting license is still required on public land and allowing others to hunt on your private property for financial consideration requires a hunting lease license.Aug 29, 2019

How much does a hunting license cost in Texas?

Resident Hunting Licenses
Resident Hunting LicenseTexas resident$25
Senior Resident Hunting LicenseTexas resident 65 years and older$7

How long does it take to get a hunting license in Texas?

It typically takes about 4-6 hours to get your Texas Hunter Education Certificate online. Once you've completed the online course and official test, you can print a temporary certificate.

Who is exempt from hunters education Texas?

There are some exemptions from the hunter education requirements in Texas. The exceptions are as follows: Those born before September 2, 1971. Hunters from the age of 9-16, who are accompanied by a properly certified adult of at least 17 who is licensed to hunt in Texas or is exempt.

How late can you hunt in Texas?

Legal Shooting Hours for All Game Animals and Nonmigratory Game Birds. The period from one-half hour before sunrise to one-half hour after sunset.

What age do you need hunters safety in Michigan?

10 years of age and older
Completion of a hunter safety course is mandatory for hunters who are 10 years of age and older who were born on or after January 1st, 1960.

Is hunters ed required in Michigan?

To purchase a hunting license in Michigan, an individual born on or after January 1, 1960, is required to successfully complete an approved hunter education course.

Can a 14 year old hunt alone in Michigan?

But state officials reminded them that the law requires youth to be 17 to hunt alone. “Until they are 17, they have to be in direct contact with an adult,” said Mary Dettloff, spokesperson for the Michigan Department of Natural Resources. “They have to be in normal speaking and hearing distance.Nov 14, 2011

How much does the Pennsylvania Hunter Ed Course cost?

The Pennsylvania Hunter Ed Course fee is $34.95.

Do you need Pennsylvania Hunting education?

You need education before you can purchase a PA hunting or trapping license if you are a first-time hunter or trapper, regardless of age.

What is the minimum age to take this online course?

You must be at least 11 years old to take this online course.

Do I have to be a resident to take the Pennsylvania Hunter Ed Course?

You must be a resident of Pennsylvania to take the online course.

Is the Pennsylvania Hunter Ed Course approved by the Pennsylvania Game Commission?

The Pennsylvania Hunter Ed Course is approved and accepted by the Pennsylvania Game Commission.

Is my Pennsylvania Hunter Education Certificate accepted elsewhere?

All U.S. states, provinces, and other countries that have mandatory hunter education requirements will accept the Pennsylvania Hunter Education Cer...

I failed a unit quiz. Have I failed the course?

If you fail a unit quiz, you must restudy the unit and take the quiz again until you pass. You must score at least 80% on the unit quizzes to pass.

Do I have to take an online exam?

The Certification Exam is the exam you take at the end of the online course. You must score at least 80% on the exam to pass. You have unlimited at...

What is the proof of online Pennsylvania Hunter Ed Course completion?

Once you pass and pay for the online course, you will be able to immediately print out the Temporary Hunter Education Certificate. This is your pro...

How much does the Arizona Hunter Ed Course cost?

The Arizona Hunter Ed Course fee is $19.95.

Do you need Arizona Hunting education?

You need education if you are 10 to 13 years old and you will be hunting big game in Arizona.

What is the minimum age to take this online course?

You must be at least 9 years old to take this online course.

Do I have to be a resident to take the Arizona Hunter Ed Course?

You do not have to be a resident of Arizona to take this online course.

Is the Arizona Hunter Ed Course approved by the Arizona Game and Fish Department?

The Arizona Hunter Ed Course is approved and accepted by the Arizona Game and Fish Department.

Is my Arizona Hunter Education Certificate accepted elsewhere?

All U.S. states, provinces, and other countries that have mandatory hunter education requirements will accept the Arizona Hunter Education Certific...

I failed a unit quiz. Have I failed the course?

If you fail a unit quiz, you can take it again until you pass. You must score at least 80% on the unit quizzes to pass.

Do I have to take an online exam?

The Field Day Qualification Exam is the exam you take at the end of the online course. You must score at least 80% on the Field Day Qualification E...

What is the proof of online Arizona Hunter Ed Course completion?

Once you pass and pay for the online course, you will be able to immediately print out the Field Day Qualification Exam Certificate. This is your p...

How to get a hunter's license?

Get hunter certified in 3 steps. 1 Study and pass the $34.95 online course. 2 Print your online course completion document. 3 Get ready to go hunting!

What is Hunter Ed?

Hunter Ed is the only safety course provider that develops print materials on behalf of government agencies responsible for Hunting laws and regulations.

OPTION 1. Under Age 17

Classroom course - Instructor-led CLASSROOM course; no preparation required; $15 paid directly to instructor at course.

OPTION 2. Under Age 17

Online + field course - Instructor-led FIELD course; preparation is either one of two free online courses available below. (Do NOT go to 'pay-for' online courses accessed thru search engines.).

How to get a hunter's license?

Get hunter certified in 3 steps. 1 Study and pass the $19.95 online course. 2 Finish any other requirements. 3 Get ready to go hunting!

What is Hunter Ed?

Hunter Ed is the only safety course provider that develops print materials on behalf of government agencies responsible for Hunting laws and regulations.

How long does it take to become a hunting instructor?

Instructors must have three years of hunting experience, the ability to work with youngsters and the desire to provide quality training to hunters. Prospective educators must complete an application, pass a background investigation and attend an instructor training program.

How long is Maryland Hunter Education?

The Maryland Hunter Education Course takes 12 to 14 hours to complete. Students must attend all sessions of the class to pass. Most courses require that youngsters under the age of 14 be accompanied by a participating adult. The course covers: hunter responsibility, firearms and ammunition, firearm handling and safety, ...

How old do you have to be to hunt in Maryland?

Satisfactory completion of a short, online hunter safety course is required prior to purchasing the license and the apprentice hunter is required to hunt with a resident at least 18 years old who possesses a valid Maryland hunting license. For more information...

When did Maryland make hunting mandatory?

In 1977 , the Maryland legislature made it mandatory for all first-time hunters to complete a hunter education course. NEW – An Apprentice Hunting License is now available for first-time hunters. The Apprentice Hunting License is a one-time license available to both residents and nonresidents who have never hunted before.

Do you need California Hunting education?

You need education if you are a first-time hunter who will be buying a hunting license in California or you do not have a hunting license from another state or province issued within the last two years.

What to Expect From Hunter Ed

Our course videos feature a combination of professional educators (who double as professional actors), entertaining storylines, and up‐to‐date scenarios that give you one of the most effective ways to learn safe hunting practices.

California Approved

This California hunter safety course is proudly made to serve students, agencies, and organizations in the state of California and worldwide.

Hunt More Strategically

The HuntWise app combines pinpoint mapping features with accurate weather forecasting to provide hunters with the ideal tool to determine the best times and places to hunt all major North American game species. Complete your Hunter's Ed certification and you can get 50% off everything HuntWise PRO has to offer.

Do you need Michigan Hunting education?

You need education if you were born on or after Jan. 1, 1960, and will buy a hunting license in Michigan.

After This Course

After passing the online course, you are required to attend the Field Day to complete your hunting safety certification.

What to Expect From Hunter Ed

Our course videos feature a combination of professional educators (who double as professional actors), entertaining storylines, and up‐to‐date scenarios that give you one of the most effective ways to learn safe hunting practices.

Michigan Approved

This Michigan hunter safety course is proudly made to serve students, agencies, and organizations in the state of Michigan and worldwide.

Hunt More Strategically

The HuntWise app combines pinpoint mapping features with accurate weather forecasting to provide hunters with the ideal tool to determine the best times and places to hunt all major North American game species. Complete your Hunter's Ed certification and you can get 50% off everything HuntWise PRO has to offer.
