where to promote your canvas course

by Dr. Gay Kiehn 5 min read

How do I record a class discussion in canvas?

You can also record yourself using either Canvas’ native recording tool or Panopto Video and embed the recording in a discussion prompt or comment, making it possible for you and your students to have a video or audio discussion thread. In a large class, holding a meaningful online discussion can be an unwieldy exercise.

What are the best ways to promote your online courses?

Coupons are great tools to use when you put on your discount prices. With these, you can attract new clients or encourage old ones into buying new online courses through upselling. They also work incredibly well with pre-launches.

How to make your online courses stand out from the competition?

As an online instructor, you need to keep asking yourself what you can do to make your courses better, improve the quality of your teaching and increase the chances of standing out from the competition. An obvious way to do this is increasing the price of your courses.

What are the challenges of using canvas discussion boards?

When discussion moves to an online arena such as a Canvas discussion board, many of the same challenges can crop up, along with new ones unique to the digital medium. For example, an instructor may not be sure when and how he or she should intervene in order to guide the discussion in a productive direction.

How do I get people to join my Canvas course?

navigate to your course in Canvas and click "Settings" scroll down to the bottom and click "More Settings" just under Description. check the box next to "Let students self-enroll by sharing with them a secret URL" click "Update Course Details"

How do I share a Canvas course with the public?

Go to Course Settings,Scroll all the way to the bottom,Click on "More Options",Click the checkbox for "Let students self-enroll by sharing with them a secret URL". ... Click "Update Course Details" button,When the page refreshes after saving, you will see the URL.

How do I publish my Canvas course?

To publish a Canvas course site, click on Home in the course navigation menu.Under Course Status, click Publish. When you publish the couse site, you will need to select a Home Page for the course.Select a Home Page, then click Choose and Publish.

Can a Canvas course be public?

Canvas has the capability to create an “open” course. An “open” course is available for anyone online to view (just like a website).

Can you send link to Canvas?

Go to Canvas and select the class you wish to share the course with. Click Assignments from the left-hand menu. Click the + Assignment button in the top right. Click the Link to URL button above the description box.

How do you use Canvas Commons?

To share a resource from your Canvas course, click the Share to Commons link. The link or button may vary depending on what type of resource you are sharing. If this is an update to an existing resource, select the Is this an update to a previously shared resource toggle.

Where can I publish my course?

The 11 best platforms to create and sell online coursesUdemy for launching your first course.Skillshare for teaching creative skills.Teachable for creating an online school with advanced marketing.Podia for selling digital products and memberships.Thinkific for building a course from scratch.More items...•

Who can see a published canvas course?

When first created, Canvas courses are not published, meaning that they are unavailable for students to view. Instructors can utilize the time when a course is initially not published to set up their course for the semester.

What does publish do in canvas?

A common feature in Canvas is the gray/green icon that indicates whether or not an item is published and thereby visible to students. Most items an instructor creates in their Canvas course (files, assignments, pages, modules, etc.)

What is the public course index in Canvas?

The Public Course Index is ideal for instructors who would like to make their course syllabus visible prior to the start of the semester or during the add/drop period. In addition, programs and departments may offer self-enrollable student resources courses for their academic program.

How do I make my Canvas course not visible?

To change the visibility, click the Visibility menu and select the visibility option you prefer [1]. If the Visibility option cannot be changed, you do not have permission to manage visibility settings [2]. Please contact your Canvas administrator or Canvas Support for assistance.

How do I turn off assignments in Canvas?

In the left menu bar click Settings, click the Navigation tab, to the right of Files choose Disable, and then click Save (see attached diagram). The Files item will be grayed, indicating that is it disabled and not visible to your students.

Make Room For Visual Reflection

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Why is offering a free course important?

Offering a free course can work for your benefit as it can generate leads for expensive courses or a way to showcase your expertise. Don’t forget, it is the first point of contact to create rapport. We all love good communication, creating relationships and this sense of familiarity is what will help you sell more courses.

Why do people invest in online courses?

Investing in education and lifelong learning is an emerging trend among both old and young, and online courses come to fill the gaps of knowledge. People tend to prefer the comfort and flexibility of their own homes, avoiding the complexities of commuting to physical classes.

What is needed to create a sales page?

A sales page requires two things, the copy and the design . To write the perfect copy, you will need to understand your audience, what they are looking for and how to convince them. We will be going through that below.

What does a good title mean for a course?

Ultimately, the title of your course reflects the name of your brand, your work or training, and can potentially describe you as the best-selling trainer in your field.

How much will the elearning market be in 2025?

The elearning market is expected to exceed $325Billion by 2025 (see above), with a yearly growth of 5% (Global Market Insights)! Becoming an online instructor means you could be earning from a few hundred dollars per year to a six-figure income.

Create beautiful online course images using Canva

I am a Graphics Designer @ Learnyst.com and part of my job is to make online teaching portals created on Learnyst look beautiful. The most common question we get is

What is Canva.com?

Canva makes it easy for you to create your own professional course images, even if you’ve never created any graphics design earlier. Canva provides drag-and-drop functionality and lot of free templates. You can create images quickly which will wow your students without the price tag that comes with hiring a professional graphic designer.

How to create course images on Canva?

Research is the first step in creating an effective image. From your research gather the follow requirements

What is creative classroom?

Creative classrooms focused on developing creativity in students builds long term success for life in the areas of expression, problem solving, innovation, as well as faster and more effective learning.

How can I encourage creativity in the classroom?

How can you encourage creativity in the classroom? As the guide to your students learning, it’s up to you as the teacher to inject some creativity into your classroom environment. Here are 19 ways you can work on developing creativity with your students. Understand and foster the creative environment.

How to celebrate a student's victory?

Rather than simply use report cards or certificates to celebrate their wins, allow students to plan a victory ceremony when they plan their goals.

Why is it important to reward achievement visually?

Rewarding achievement visually in your classroom gives students an incentive to continue doing great work as well as gaining a sense of pride. It also helps them to know that creativity and experimentation is a good thing separate from right or wrong answers. Create specialized certificates that reflect the specific creative achievements of your students to drive their efforts.

Make choosing an online course platform easier

One of the most important things to know about choosing the best online course platform is that most course software out there is not designed to sell online courses. They are made to deliver internal corporate training or to support academic programs.

Standalone Online Course Platforms

These are hosted course platforms geared toward solo edupreneurs or small businesses that want a turnkey way to create their own branded site to sell online courses. (Also, unlike Udemy, which is discussed below in a different category, they allow you full control over your user data.)

All-In-One Course Platforms

This category of online course software provides everything you need not just to create and sell online courses, but also to manage your full web presence and sell other digital products. They combine elements of a web content management system (CMS) with marketing and customer relationship management tools (CRM).

WordPress for Selling Courses Online

If you are wondering how to create an online course with WordPress – and, of course, sell it – there are plenty of WordPress plug-ins and themes available to help you out.

Marketplace Online Course Platforms

These are online course platforms that, in addition to providing ways to author/assemble courses, also provide an existing marketplace in which to sell courses online. I’ve only included what I consider to be the top contenders here. For more extensive list of options in this category, see Looking for an Alternative to Udemy?

Video Course Platforms

Uscreen provides a complete solution for hosting and monetizing your videos – including OTT distribution options.

Small Business – Extended Enterprise Platforms

Most of the online course platforms listed on this page are geared towards solopreneurs or small, start-up businesses. While they can work for larger businesses, I’ve found over time that more established training and education companies may want to jump up to a different level if they:


Many instructors are familiar with the challenges of facilitating effective in-class discussion. When discussion moves to an online arena such as a Canvas discussion board, many of the same challenges can crop up, along with new ones unique to the digital medium.

Craft Effective Discussion Prompts

A good discussion prompt is vital for sparking meaningful discussion. By providing a well-crafted prompt, you can excite students’ capacity for creative thinking and help them see the topic at hand in new and exciting ways.

Use Discussion Groups and Roles

In a large class, holding a meaningful online discussion can be an unwieldy exercise. As the number of comments grows and grows, both you and your students may find yourselves suffering from fatigue as you attempt to keep up.

Elicit Substantive Comments

As noted above, in an online forum it can be particularly difficult to elicit substantive comments from your students. Students may sometimes say little more than “I agree with X” in an attempt to participate in the discussion without expending too much effort.

Conclusion: Connect to the Classroom

However you choose to set up and moderate your online discussion, it is vital that you find ways to tie the discussion back to activities in the classroom. For example, you might pick a comment or two from the previous night’s discussion that you found especially salient and use it as a jumping-off point for your lecture.
