where to find course information michigan state university

by Ozella Cremin 3 min read

Students can access class schedules and enrollment by logging into the Student Information System at student.msu.edu. MSU Faculty and Staff as well as Guests can view the schedules for Fall 2021 and forward using the Class Search.

How do I access MSU's student information system?

To access the Student Information System, you need an MSU Two-Factor Authentication account. Visit the MSU Two-Factor Authentication website for more information about what this is and how to set up an account. Welcome to MSU's Student Information System! This is your gateway to academic records, resources and tools at Michigan State University.

How do I pay my Michigan State University credit card?

Credit card payments are only accepted online thru STUINFO (subject to a convenience fee). Make checks payable to Michigan State University and include your PID and your name on the check or money order. Please do not pay mulitple registration bills with one check or money order.

How do I pay my Michigan State University PID?

Make checks payable to Michigan State University and include your PID and your name on the check or money order. Please do not pay mulitple registration bills with one check or money order.

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How do I find my PID MSU?

PID is the student's personal identification number. PAN is the student's access number. A student's personal identification number is located in the student's StuInfo account under account detail. If need your MSU Net ID and password, please go to netid.msu.edu.

How do I check my major at MSU?

Students may check their progress toward a degree by using the online advising tool by visiting the Academic Progress tile, available at student.msu.edu. Students should contact their advisor to experiment with different scenarios to learn how their past and current course work might apply to many other majors.

What is MSU D2L?

D2L is MSU's learning management system that allows instructors to utilize online and blended classroom learning in their curriculum.

How do I add classes to my cart MSU?

In the new SIS, students will be able to add courses to a Shopping Cart using the Classes tile on the Student home page. When you click the Classes tile, the Manage Classes page opens with a list of menu items on the left.

Is a 1.0 passing at MSU?

Grades at MSU are numerical and range from 4.0 to 0.0. You must maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or above to remain in good standing; a GPA under 2.0 will land you on probation. A 1.0 is the minimum grade to receive credit for a course.

How do I find my major GPA MSU?

To calculate GPA, use the following steps:List each course you took or plan on taking and how many credits it is worth.For each course, list the earned or expected grade.Multiply the number of credits by the grade to get the “Grade Points” for each course.More items...

Does D2L screen record?

The My Media feature of Desire2Learn BrightSpace(D2L)allows instructors to create and embed a screen recording of a presentation including the instructor's voice in any of D2L's HTML editors.

Does MSU use Blackboard?

Ally was developed for use on multiple Learning Management Systems (D2L, Blackboard, Canvas, and Moodle) and is now integrated into the MSU D2L environment. This product is licensed through Blackboard Inc.

What LMS does Michigan State University use?

D2L. D2L (through Brightspace) is MSU's main supported online learning management system.

How do I add a class to MSU?

ADD AND DROP PERIOD. Students may add courses using the enrollment system through the first 1/14th of the term of instruction (the 5th day of classes in the fall and spring semesters). Students may drop courses using the enrollment system through the middle of the term of instruction.

How do I enroll in classes at MSU?

Enrollment for students is available at student.msu.edu. Each April, enrollment begins for the following fall classes. Each October, enrollment begins for the following spring and summer classes. Visit the SIS website sis.msu.edu for information about training, resources and help using the Student Information System.

What day does MSU start classes fall 2021?

Classes begin for Fall semester 2021. Students should follow their Monday class schedule on Wednesday, September 1, 2021. Thursday, September 2 and Friday, September 3, 2021 classes will meet as normally scheduled.

Welcome to MSU's Student Information System!

This is your gateway to academic records, resources and tools at Michigan State University. The Student Information System (SIS) supports students throughout their academic journey at MSU as well as the staff who assist them.


From Friday, December 24th through Monday, January 3rd, our business offices will not be hosting in-person meetings, or responding to phone calls and emails. We will return to normal business operations on Tuesday, January 4th.


Prospective undergraduate students can sign up to stay connected with MSU.


Prospective graduate students must directly contact the grad department/program of their interest for more information.


High school counselors and other advisers of prospective students can sign up for updates on MSU admissions and invites to counselor-specific events.

Does MSU discriminate against students with disabilities?

MSU does not discriminate against qualified individuals with disabilities in admissions or in access to programs.

Does MSU discriminate against disabled people?

MSU does not discriminate against qualified individuals with disabilities in admissions or in access to programs. If you need help or have questions about enrollment, call the Registrar's Office during business hours 9:00 a.m. to 4:45 p.m., Monday - Friday: 517-355-3300.

Can you access enrollment on Stuinfo?

You can not access the enrollment system until your assigned day/time or after. You can check your appointment access on STUINFO.
