where to find course code sociology

by Federico Bartoletti 3 min read

What is sociology?

What is sociology? Sociology encompasses the study of human interactions. These interactions may involve small or large groups or people. For example, it may involve studying team dynamics or even historical relationships between growing cultures.

What can you do with a degree in sociology?

What career opportunities can arise from learning about sociology? Learning about sociology can prepare you for careers such as survey researcher, HR representative, social worker, public relations specialist, or marketing strategist.

What is the subject code for the ACC course?

Course Code Subject Description ACC Accounting APS Applied Science and Technology CCR Change, Conflict & Resolution CMP Computer Science Technology CSR Corporate Social Responsibility CTM Clinical Trials Administration ECA Expressive and Creative Arts

What are some examples of Sociology in everyday life?

For example, it may involve studying team dynamics or even historical relationships between growing cultures. Those who study the field look at aspects of society such as behavioral patterns, sources of conflict, and societal pressures. What career opportunities can arise from learning about sociology?

What's sociology as a course?

Sociology is the study of social life, social change, and the social causes and consequences of human behavior. Sociologists investigate the structure of groups, organizations, and societies, and how people interact within these contexts.

What are examples of sociology courses?

Topics covered vary from semester to semester, but may include: socialization, suburbanization and housing, culture, race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, class stratification, deviance and crime, economic and global inequality, families and intimate relationships, education, religion, and globalization.

Does sociology A level have coursework?

There are a range of forms of assessment, all exam based. These range from short answer to longer essay questions. There is no coursework.

What kind of class is sociology?

The College-Level Sociology course is designed to introduce students to the sociological study of society. Sociology focuses on the systematic understanding of social interaction, social organization, social institutions, and social change.

Is sociology easy or hard?

Sociology is one of the easiest majors in college, however if you want your education to have value for you in the long run, learn to love to read and discuss big ideas and become a seeker of truth.

What are 3 examples of sociology?

Some examples of sociology include studying racial issues, gender dynamics, phenomena and feelings around entertainment, the structure of different social institutions, and the development of different social movements.

How do you get an A * in sociology A level?

According to the AQA's 2017 A-level grade boundaries you need an average of 60 raw marks out of a total of 80 get an A* in paper 1. This means you can 'drop' 20 marks and still get into the A* category. = Total marks of 67/70, which is still COMFORTABLY into the A* category!

WHAT A levels go well with sociology?

10. Philosophy, Sociology, Psychology. These three A-Levels are part of the 'Social Sciences' group. They go well together because they're all in the same group, and they all cover similar ideas and concepts.

Is sociology a good GCSE?

GCSE Sociology helps students to gain knowledge and understanding of key social structures, processes and issues through the study of families, education, crime and deviance and social stratification.

Is sociology a useless degree?

Is a Sociology Degree Worth It? Yes, a sociology degree is worth it for many students. The Bureau of Labor Statistics projects 5% job growth in life, physical, and social science occupations for the next 10 years, faster than the average for all occupations.

Is sociology a hard major?

Sociology majors have high success rates due to less challenging coursework and fewer hours of studying. While requirements vary based on the school, you do not typically need to complete upper math and science classes to obtain a degree in sociology.

What is sociology in high school?

Course Description: An elective course centered on the behavior of people in groups. Topics included are socialization, institutions, social interaction, social change, collective behavior, and competition in society.

What is sociology?

Sociology encompasses the study of human interactions. These interactions may involve small or large groups or people. For example, it may involve...

What career opportunities can arise from learning about sociology?

Learning about sociology can prepare you for careers such as survey researcher, HR representative, social worker, public relations specialist, or m...

How can online courses on Coursera help me learn about sociology?

Online courses on Coursera can help introduce you to and expand your knowledge of sociological concepts including organizational theory. Certain co...

What are some topics in sociology?

Contemporary topics in sociology including sociological theory, crime and delinquency, advanced research methods, social and cultural change, urban sociology, medical sociology, sociology of aging, and rural sociology. May not be repeated for credit.

What is sociological theory?

Analyzes Durkheim, Marx, Weber, Mead, and others, and emphasizes social and intellectual context of their theories. May not be repeated for credit.

What is the overview of management and analysis of empirical social science data?

Overview of management and analysis of empirical social science data, including file construction, scaling and measurement, data transformation, and treatment of missing data. Emphasizes manipulation, management, and analysis of data sets using computers. Limited to three attempts.

What is criminal justice?

Focuses on causes and meaning of crime, with emphasis on adults. Patterns of criminal behavior, including property crimes, violent crimes, organized crime, white-collar crime, and victimless crime. Critical assessment of criminal justice system as a response to crime. Limited to three attempts.

What is the University Catalog?

The University Catalog is the authoritative source for information on courses. The Schedule of Classes is the authoritative source for information on classes scheduled for this semester. See the Schedule for the most up-to-date information and see Patriot web to register for classes.


In this online sociology class, you will learn how individuals both shape and are shaped by their communities. You will learn how individuals both actively impact and are shaped by their communities, and you will explore the formation and persistence of societies that consist of diverse groups of people.

Course prerequisites and requirements

To be successful in this course, we recommend English language fluency and computer literacy. We also encourage you to make sure your laptop or desktop computer meets the technical requirements.

What to expect in class

Video lectures, readings, discussions, live meetings with the instructor, quizzes. an ePortfolio, midterm and final exams.


This course appears on your transcript identically to how it appears on the transcript of an enrolled ASU student who has taken the course on one of ASU’s campuses.

Required materials

The materials required for this course are covered in your resource fees.

Need to transfer credits to another college or university?

Before you enroll in a course, check with your school of choice to make sure they will accept our transfer credits and to understand any requirements or limitations. Then you can complete your course, and request your official transcript be sent to your school. That’s it!
